Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)
Why did Democrats introduce a bill to abolish the Electoral College two days ago?
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Note: The following email is Information Report #14 from the desk of the national security experts at Project Sentinel.
President Trump is transitioning to his second administration as if his opponents are corrupt politicians practicing criminal cronyism. That is a recipe for destruction. President Trump is facing traitors by the thousands, in every legal and Constitutional definition, working at the direction of hostile foreign nuclear powers. There have already been two attempts on President Trump’s life.
Our assessment is simple: they are not done trying.
Our Constitution and society have been under attack for over a century — before even the Bolshevik Revolution — by the likes of Progressives and Fabian socialists (and their predecessors) in the Wilson administration, the Great Foundations, and other enemies, foreign and domestic. The creation of the Communist International (COMINTERN) in 1919 — followed that same year by the creation of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) — geometrically compounded the threats, especially domestically. As did the rise of the Global Islamic Movement later in the 20th century.
This Diabolic Axis of Enemies targeting America is working in coordination. Analysis that fails to account for this reality is false.
At some level, it is deliberately evasive.