Classic Takes: The U.S. Government & Third-Party Vendor Are One
A lawsuit in Colorado alleges that a private company currently trying to chill free speech in America is actually the government itself
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It’s 2024, and the campaign to stop corrupt election officials and politicians from using electronic voting machines in America’s elections is still being fought. Today, Patrick Colbeck is filing a criminal complaint in Michigan that alleges 15 counts of perjury by Dominion CEO John Poulos during his December 15, 2020 testimony before the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee under oath. Three years ago, another lawsuit was filed against Dominion in Colorado by eight poll watchers. Here’s the original story about that first lawsuit — which provides a vital reminder that state governments have illegally delegated their public functions to third-party “private” companies.
In late 2021, a rather extraordinary lawsuit was filed in Colorado on behalf of eight Michigan poll watchers against the most infamous third-party vendor in the world: Dominion Voting Systems. The details contained in that lawsuit are striking for a number of reasons, and not the least of them is the “Lawfare” strategy that Dominion employed to silence any criticism of the company.
The entire lawsuit can be found here.