Dear Conservatives: We Just Won The Great Battle of the Culture War
Overturning Roe v Wade means we can take back America from the Left
Last night, the left-wing media outlet Politico did something that no media outlet has ever done: it published a draft of an upcoming Supreme Court decision before the Supreme Court could finish and announce it.
The opinion itself is monumental: five conservative justices are seemingly in agreement that it’s time to strike down the 1973 ruling Roe vs. Wade — which made abortion legal across the country.
The publication of such a document has never happened in the history of the Supreme Court, and almost certainly is an attempt by the liberal wing of the Court to stop Roe vs Wade from being struck down by initiating a protest campaign by the abortion lobby ahead of the official ruling.
Politico deserves universal condemnation for attempting to interfere in the proceedings of the nation’s highest court by publishing the draft. A leak of this magnitude will do profound damage to the court’s internal deliberations — but who are we kidding at this point — liberals don’t care. Politico is not interested in protecting the Supreme Court, or any other institution in America, if it strays from the central tenets of the neoliberal religion.
For neoliberals, the Supreme Court is a legitimate institution so long as it enforces neoliberalism. The moment it doesn’t, the Supreme Court loses its right to exist — and must be dissolved, or bullied into submission by the media, or packed with more neoliberals to regain its former position. In other words, there is no settled law for neoliberals, and there are no institutions which exist independent of neoliberalism: the schools and the courts and the universities and the government are merely tools for advancing and enforcing their faith.
To the postmodern Left, our republic is simply a fiction.

Neoliberals didn’t have the votes to legalize abortion in every state in 1973 so, instead, they relied on unrestrained judicial activism. (The same is true of gay marriage in the blatantly unconstitutional Obergefell v. Hodges decision in 2015.) A tiny minority of leftists dictated their preferences by using our courts — and that tactic worked well for the last fifty years. The problem for neoliberalism is that their tactics were so successful they forced conservatives to adopt them too.
Overturning Roe vs Wade is the greatest legal victory for conservatives that can possibly be imagined. We marched. We fundraised. We ended the political careers of GOP moderates who didn’t care about abortion. We did this for decades. Christians never gave up on ending the pagan practice of killing unwanted babies in America — even when the cause seemed hopeless — and that’s what will make this victory the sweetest of all.
It didn’t matter that neoliberals considered it “settled” law. It didn’t matter that Planned Parenthood and Code Pink and the rest of the abortion lobby spent millions of dollars every year to protect the practice of abortion.
They lost — and we won.
We remade the Supreme Court in our own image.
The lesson here is that conservatives can do what neoliberals do: we can play to win. We packed the Supreme Court for decades with one purpose in mind: ending abortion. We made doing so a litmus test for picking federal judges, and then we made it a litmus test for picking Republican politicians. We exercised raw political power to advance our social causes in American society — and we didn’t care how much neoliberals complained about it.
We would not be appeased, or placated, or dismissed, or sidetracked about ending abortion. We practiced total intolerance for the other side’s “core beliefs” and we finally won.
Isn’t it wonderful?
This is the crowning victory of America’s culture war. This is the ultimate proof that conservatives can beat the Left at its own game — using lawfare to do so. Let’s play by their rules for a change. These lunatics want to groom your kids in public schools, and have drag queens read books to them in public libraries. They want to cheat in every public election to stay in power, and force you to apologize for being a racist to keep your job — there’s no living in peace with these people. Stop pretending that you can negotiate with the cultural terrorists.
Seriously: who cares if the Left threatens to pack the Supreme Court now? We already packed the Supreme Court.
Yes, neoliberalism is entrenched in every other institution in America — but we just learned that it doesn’t matter if you’re ready to fight and the cause is righteous. Now we must take over the local school boards and the colleges and the government agencies and the media outlets and the Hollywood film sets too. Let’s take all of it back from the Left.
You don’t negotiate with neoliberalism — you strike it down using the courts and the ballot box until it dies away like every other heresy.
After all, we have the numbers.
I Need Your Support!
Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption every day like me?
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.
The corporate media is completely corrupt. Just go down the list of their fake stories: Russiagate, the stolen 2020 election, the harmful COVID vaccines. The corporate media is actively trying to hide the truth from the American people on a daily basis.
If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back.
Do you have mine?
Can’t celebrate. The great intimidation has begun and Kavanaugh was spooked by his hearing so can’t rely that he won’t be strong
The outcome is not lost on me, and while I seldom disagree with you Emerald, we have not "packed" the Court. This does not adequately or properly frame where we stand judicially in America right now. As to your comment about taking back everything - let's go. I definitely agree with that. Thank you for being a fighter.