Devin Nunes and the Intelligence Advisory Board
Some advice for Mr. Nunes about the state of America's Intelligence Community
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Note: The following email is Information Report #16 from the desk of the national security experts at Project Sentinel.
Out of everyone in President Trump’s orbit, Devin Nunes is probably best suited for his recent appointment as the chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB).
Nunes’ work is cut out for him because the Intelligence Community (IC) has been increasingly compromised and subverted since Obama was first elected.
Perhaps the most critical compromised functions of the IC are counterintelligence (CI), Threat Assessment, and well-grounded policy advice based upon accurate Foreign Intelligence (FI).
Compromised counterintelligence means we cannot detect when our enemies penetrate our interagencies and institutions. That stems from a broken threat assessment capability, which means we struggle to even differentiate between allies and enemies.
Inaccurate Foreign Intelligence means that national policy is based upon fiction.