Feminist Career Karens Are Aborting American Society
In this exclusive excerpt from her new book, Peachy Keenan explains how "the pantsuited girlboss petty tyrants" are sterilizing our country
It’s time to order your copy of Peachy Keenan’s upcoming book, Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War.
Peachy Keenan is a contributing editor and regular essayist for The American Mind, a publication of The Claremont Institute. She also writes at peachykeenan.substack.com, and you can always find her on Twitter — at least until she is canceled.
American families have been strip-mined, plundered, and debrided of healthy tissue, that essential primordial ooze from which happy parents and children spring. Americans have been forced to soak in sterilizing solvent—liberal feminism, K–12 school indoctrination, toxic social media, and four years at woke finishing schools formerly known as “college.” How could anyone escape with their morals, identity, and mind intact? Many don’t.
Some manage to make it through the gauntlet intact, but their children aren’t so lucky; their budding hopes and dreams are blown apart or mangled by landmines buried in the ground. These landmines include infinite-horizon dating, the abortion industry complex, the failure to marry or stay married, unwanted childlessness, careerism, opioid addiction, pornography, “finding yourself,” and the temptation to sell your eggs, your sexuality, your identity, and your soul to the highest bidder—among many others.
All that’s left is a cohort of young people unable to form meaningful relationships, raise children, and otherwise perpetuate the species into the future. Loneliness, depression, drug abuse, infertility, and generalized despair have taken hold.
As of this writing, abortion is banned to various degrees in twenty-six states. But even if it was banned nationwide, this wouldn’t magically transform young men and women into capable parents prepared to embrace the sacrificial love parenthood requires. For that to happen, we need more people to commit to a lifestyle that is not always the easiest choice: a lifestyle that will bear the most fruit only after you are dead. A lifestyle that may bring you little social media glory—and will make you a social pariah in certain zip codes.
The hour grows late. We are facing an extinction-level event as a species. The Wall Street Journal reported that “the total fertility rate—a snapshot of the average number of babies a woman would have over her lifetime—has fallen to 1.64. That is the lowest rate on record since the government began tracking it in the 1930s.”
Civilization, our greatest human achievement, has led us directly to sterilization. Our supply chain of newborns is caught in a tremendous bottleneck. Demand has dried up. We can no longer produce enough raw material to keep the cribs full. Alarms are going off on the ship. The loudspeaker is intoning, “T minus thirty seconds until self-destruction.”
We have no time to lose!
It’s easy to blame everything on our favorite supervillains, the ones we all love to loathe: child-hating feminists, spittle-flecked progressive politicians, and twisted college professors who invented “studies” departments (Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, Transgender Indigenous Disabled Asexual Vegan Studies, and so forth).
But what if . . . they’re simply the useful idiots who greased the skids for this all-out assault on our identities, our families, the American dream, our traditions, and our children? Who else could be scheming to seduce young women and mothers into choices that do not lead to happiness, and only create more dysfunction and misery in the world? I have a few ideas.
When I say “they,” I am referring to the , as Beyoncé promised they would. That’s what the modern female careerists are carefully groomed to do: run the world—and hire servants to run their households. They, along with their mentally castrated male enablers, are running it right into ruin. (Some of these petty tyrants are former men, but I digress.)
Certain factions on the right call this oppressive institutional ethos “the Longhouse,” after the neolithic thatch dwellings in early human settlements that were controlled by overbearing matriarchs who crushed the men’s warrior spirit and kept an iron grip on young women. But the enemies arrayed against us are not restricted to feminist career girls. We should be so lucky. We are up against a short bus full of scary clowns hell-bent on shredding what’s left of the delicate fabric of our society. Whatever demonic forces may be at work, we are now left to contend with a truly toxic witch’s brew of human foes that goes far beyond the wildest dreams of the early feminists.
They pretend their plan to destroy the family is a right-wing conspiracy theory, only they have been saying it—out loud—in academic circles for years. In the last two decades, this “fringe” Marxist idea to quash the nuclear family, erase the middle class, and take control of children to form them into pure revolutionaries has been hijacked and swallowed whole by even more powerful, largely invisible villains.
These are the New World Order globalists, the “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” sociopaths who control everything from the World Economic Forum to most Western governments, Big Tech, Big Media, the wine aunt hive mind, teachers’ unions, Hollywood, celebrity culture, think tanks, institutes, climate change radicals, NGOs, Planned Parenthood, the woke velvet mafia in charge of the Catholic Church, the global monetary system, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Gender (that is, the all-powerful LGBTQ+ lobby), D.C., and the entire American educational system from pre-K to grad school.
[Emerald’s note: here’s my favorite Peachy Kennan tweet.]
I haven’t even gotten to our politicians. The forests would run out of trees if I tried to list on paper all the nasty women (and men) who hold public office.
What does this vibrant and diverse group want?
They want you, my dear. Alone, defenseless, huddled in the dark, unable to phone a friend or ask the audience for a lifeline, awaiting the salvation only they, with their infinite powers, can grant you.
Warning: if you are a mother, any children you managed to produce are their favorite delicacy. Children are their prey and their prize. But to get to them, first they had to bulldoze through a wall of masculine protectors, dismantle your God-given maternal authority, and strip you of your agency. Mission accomplished!
All that’s left is a consumer data point to be mined and monetized, converted into votes when required, silenced at will, and euthanized when no longer of value.
Sayonara, suckers!