Fulton County Sues Dominion Voting Systems!
Was someone in Canada running Fulton County's elections?
On September 20th, Fulton County (PA) filed a lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems for breach of contract and breach of warrant.
Need I tell you, dear reader, that America’s corrupt corporate media ignored this landmark lawsuit?
Here’s page 13 of Fulton County’s 29-page lawsuit (read it here) and it’s a killer for electronic voting machines in America.
It’s a very simple and very effective argument: if the Halderman Declaration is accurate (and neither the federal government’s cybersecurity agency nor Dominion Voting Systems have claimed otherwise) then Dominion Voting Systems could not have delivered properly certified machines according to the contract.
The Federal government’s own cybersecurity agency CISA has already conceded that the Halderman Declaration is accurate because it has issued a warning bulletin to county election officials who use Dominion Voting machines about nine major vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
Fulton County hired another company called Wake TSI to review the Dominion machines, and Wake TSI delivered a report in February 2021 that showed five key issues:
There were errors in the ballot scanning.
There was a failure of Dominion Voting to meet Commonwealth
Certification requirements.There were non-certified database tools installed on the Dominion
Voting System.There were changes made to EMS three weeks before the 2020
election.There was a lack of commonwealth L&A inspections of the
Dominion Voting Systems.
A few months later in 2021, the the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
decertified the Dominion Voting System machines in Fulton County, “purportedly because Fulton County had used ‘a third-party consultant’ to inspect its electronic voting devices as part of Fulton County’s inquiry into the integrity of the system’s performance during the 2020 election.”
So Fulton County sued the Secretary of the Commonwealth and challenged the decertification of Dominion voting machines in August, 2021 — that’s Case No. 277 MD 2021 if you’re interested.
That particular lawsuit maintains that the Secretary unlawfully decertified Fulton County’s two electronic voting machines; that the Pennsylvania Election Code authorized the County to inspect its electronic voting devices as part of its statutory duty to ensure the safe and honest conduct of elections; that the Secretary tried to prohibit all county boards of elections from inspecting their electronic voting devices with the assistance of a third-party consultant and that such a prohibition violates Section 302 of the Election Code, 25 P.S. §2642; and that the Secretary unlawfully withheld funding from the County that it needs to acquire replacement electronic voting devices.
In January of 2022, Fulton County stopped using Dominion Voting Systems and contracted with another provider. How did Dominion Voting Systems respond? Dominion sought to “intervene” by claiming that it was intervening “for the limited purpose of securing a protective order to enforce the terms of its contract” with Fulton County.
In other words, Dominion wanted to force Fulton County to use its machines even while Fulton County was suing them for breach of contract!
Does that sound like the behavior of a third-party vendor and a private company — or more like the behavior of a much more powerful entity pretending to be a third-party vendor and a private company?
Fulton County chose to hire another independent company called Speckin Forensics to analyze six hard drives from the Dominion machines, and those findings are contained in a September 2022 Report that is devastating for Dominion Voting Systems.
That unauthorized “python script” was installed after the certification date of the system — and “[t]his python script can exploit and create any number of vulnerabilities including, external access to the system, data export of the tabulations, or introduction of other metrics not part of or allowed by the certification process.”
The September Report also found an “external IP address that is associated with Canada” in the workstation which shows “that at least one of the network devices has
connected to an external device on an external network.”
Here’s the smoking gun: “This was the same device that the post-certification python script was found on.”
There’s also a high probability that someone in Canada was running Fulton County’s elections remotely. “The log files for the Adjudication device showed an IP address of, which derives from a location in Quebec, Canada and that this
revealed a serious issue to be connected remotely to a Canadian system.”
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Rigged elections. Weaponized security state. Journalism co-opted by the Govt. Welcome to the totalitarian states of America. How does this end, with a whimper or a bang??