Georgia's Election Board to Fulton County: Your 2022 Election Results Were False!
Georgia's election officials now admit in writing that 2022 results should never have been certified
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Investigative Journalist Kevin Moncla just sent me another letter from Georgia’s State Election Board.
You must recall that Moncla (and Joe Rossi) filed a complaint in 2022 about Fulton County’s 2022 election primary — which is called SEB Case No. 2022-109. The State Election Board sat on that complaint until their January 16th meeting in 2024. Then it sent the following letter to the Fulton County Board of Elections which is dated February 22nd, 2024.
You should sit down before reading this letter: the contents are extraordinary.
The first thing you should understand: election fraud in Georgia is now a fact.
Georgia’s State Election Board has been forced to admit in writing that Fulton County “failed to upload and tabulate election results in their entirety” in 2022.
That’s illegal. That’s election fraud.
That means that Georgia’s 2022 election results were false, and should never have been certified in the first place.
What’s Georgia’s State Election Board going to do about these criminal violations of the law conducted by Fulton County officials?
Will there be a criminal referral?
Will Georgia state police be called to conduct pre-dawn raids on the homes of these (alleged) criminals that have now been caught?
Of course not! Those unpleasant morning arrests televised by CNN only happen to Trump supporters.
Georgia’s State Election Board merely states that this letter shall also serve as a reprimand to Fulton County for its criminal violations.
Reprimand? Where’s the reprimand?
Remember: the corrupt GOP in Georgia (including Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger) have no intention of allowing President Trump to win Georgia in the upcoming 2024 election either.
You know it’s true.
That’s why Gabriel Sterling — the COO for the Georgia Secretary of State — just climbed onto CNN with the hilarious claim that Georgia is “leading the nation” in citizenship verification!
These people are liars and frauds — and they’re going to throw the 2024 election to Joe Biden again in seven months.
That’s why May 7th is going to be so important at the Georgia State Capitol.
Room 341.
9 o’clock in the morning.
To learn more about how you can stop the election cheating, join Cause of America to watch experts like Kevin Moncla and Joe Rossi at weekly “lunch and learn” sessions.
Follow Kevin Moncla on Twitter/X.
Correction: the original article stated that this letter referred to the 2020 election results when it actually referred to the 2022 primary election results. Same cheating, different year.
Emerald. In time we are going to have many admissions, just as with the Trump Collusion con job
,we are going to hear of all the election fraud, the Nordsream 2 destruction by the USA, the covid fake pandemic and the bio weapon jab killing so many people . We will eventually hear it all. But a weary and disgusted public just trying to survive each day with high inflation and gas prices will be indifferent They will have little to no reaction. Nobody is ever held accountable. What happened to Biden impeachment hearings? Myorkas? Hunter the joke. Its a dirty corrupt cabal that somehow got in, and were going to need divine intervention to get them out.
The question is, Emerald—are you communicating this to Liz Harrington and Trump’s team? Are they doing anything proactive about it? I dig Trump, but his reluctance to investigate HRC right out of the gate in 2016 and subsequent downward spiral from there, is exactly why we’re in this horrific predicament.