Goldberg is a total fake. He was never really conservative at all.

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But nice to know that his mother reads Emerald 😀

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Excellent! I'd give you 10 "likes" if I could!!

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Thank you for your work Emerald, You're one of the best out there. Keep it up please.

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Another clever and insightful "revelation" of what is truly going on. You are a brilliant truth teller Emerald and why I just became a paid subscriber. Everyone reading this should do the same!

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I just became a paid subscriber too 💥

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How much farther can they fall. Joining CNN is like helicoptering to the titanic, after it hit the ice!!

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🤣 What a great way to start the day! Honestly, Emerald, you could do stand-up in a nightclub.

But then the sobering reality of our burgeoning authoritarian regime is spotlighted.

Your columns are a roller coaster of theatre 🎭.

Thanks, doll!

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Exactly! She could do her own nightly comedy act!

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Spot on! Kudos, Emerald! Keep the articles coming. Life is too short for Never Trumpers. I'll spend my precious time reading your truth!

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Emerald, you are killin' it! Love it! Keep up the incredible work. Mom says Hi.

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Through 2015, I listened to those guys.

Thank goodness they have exposed themselves like a pervert in a raincoat.

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You need to do an article on Ann Coulter, she is trying hard to be relevant.

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Emerald, why give these clowns any mention at all. I had to Google Jonah Goldberg to see who is and then it hit me! Him and his BFF Mr. Hayes, were so APALLED by Tucker's truth bombs they made the courageous stand to leave Fox News that gained MORE viewers after their temper tantrum fit departure. They have such high standards they jumped ship to sinking ships in the cable news world where they will be chewed up and spit out within 6 months. Trump broke them even while being out of office!

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Emerald - again thanks for the wonderful article. My only problem is there aren't enough of them. I love to read your articles and frankly, I like to watch and listen to you more. You're very talented and our current leftist led world requires sound thinking and wise journalism. The current leaders everywhere are "fools" and their cheerleaders are these people you point out and many others.

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You always hit the proverbial nail on the head... and with a twist of humor!

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PT Barnum made a good living on the basis that there's a sucker born every minute. The problem is less that Goldberg and the others take advantage of their naive followers, but that so many of them fall for it. That's the most important thing to fix.

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Emerald, I am so thankful to have found you !

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Goldberg and friends are what they always were, establishment nihil-cons who only care about keeping the cash trains running. They were always just the other wing of the bird.

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