Mike Pence Comes Out As A Never Trumper
Why is Pence aide Marc Short cooperating with Democrats & their January 6th committee?
As many of you know, my piece “The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained” was published on Substack on February 1, and it went viral (300,000 page views and counting) far and wide. A friend called to tell me that the piece got picked up by many of the conservative newsletters and aggregators. If you wondered whether Team Pence would have to respond, the answer came when Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short suddenly climbed into the guest chair on Meet The Press on February 6th.
Now ask yourself: since when do Trump officials appear out of the blue to be interviewed deferentially by Chuck Todd on NBC? The answer to that question is: never. Not unless they’re really part of the anti-Trump brigade.
Sure enough, Short was there to explain the unexplainable: why was Mike Pence cooperating “significantly” with the Democrats’ January 6th witch-hunt? Well, because Mike Pence and the GOP establishment are just as anxious to prevent President Trump from running in the 2024 race as the Democrats are. Pence cannot be seen to be too cozy with Democrats, of course, so he must send Short to do his bidding.
And, trust me, Marc Short is cooperating with Democrats.

It doesn’t take a political genius to understand that if Marc Short is cooperating with Democrats, then Mike Pence is cooperating with Democrats. The rift between the two is growing wider by the day. Former Trump officials already feel comfortable going on the record with reporter John Solomon to explain that a Trump/Pence 2024 ticket will never happen — and that the pair don’t like each other.
Here’s Steve Bannon interviewing constitutional law professor John Eastman and telling you exactly how Mike Pence evaded his responsibility by deliberately misinterpreting his role in a contested election process.

And here’s Steve Bannon giving his verdict on Mike Pence’s character and political career a year later: “You’re gonna carry this thing to the grave. It is a mark of shame and you are a stone cold coward.”

What was President Trump and his constitutional lawyers asking VP Pence to do about the contested election back in January 2021, you ask? Here’s the basic legal strategy of how the 2020 stolen election could have been handled by VP Mike Pence in a memo supposedly authored by attorney John Eastman.
This is exactly the sort of thing that Democrats would have tried if the roles were reversed — and that’s why Mike Pence would never have tried it: the GOP establishment lacks brains and courage. No Democrat politician would have even hesitated to try to throw the entire thing in their favor this way. Defunding the police, expanding the Supreme Court, collapsing the Southern border — you think the same people who did those things would get squeamish about a little maneuver like the one described in Eastman’s memo?
Don’t be ridiculous.
Disgraced Pence Aide Gets “Havana Syndrome”
In case you’re still wondering about the caliber of people that Pence staffed himself with during the Trump Administration, here is Pence’s “COVID Advisor” turned Democrat activist Olivia Troye appearing on 60 Minutes to claim that a laser beam from outer space made her dizzy — I’m paraphrasing of course.

Clearly, this woman is psychologically unstable. She is also the national security official most responsible for America’s disastrous and unconstitutional COVID policies — and she has a framed picture of Dr. Fauci in her house to prove it. That’s right: the woman who pushed COVID lockdowns and experimental vaccines is now happy to push “Havana Syndrome.” The problem is that — according to some of our national security agencies — “Havana Syndrome” is probably an example of mass delusion.
So we have fake COVID experts like Olivia Troye pushing fake medical conditions now. It’s a great way to stir up trouble with Russia too— because Russia is usually blamed as the responsible party attacking our people with these “directed energy” weapons. (Here’s Glenn Greenwald discussing the improbabilities of Havana Syndrome.) The other idiot who’s trying to play this game alongside Oliva Troye right now is Miles Taylor — that’s the infamous DHS staffer who tried to undermine the Trump Administration while working inside the Trump Administration.
You have, in other words, the two most disgraced and untrustworthy officials in the United States whining simultaneously about “Havana Syndrome” on 60 Minutes. Let me be clear: I have no idea if “Havana syndrome” is plausible or not — but I do know that Miles Taylor and Olivia Troye are not involved with anything plausible.
They discredit everything they touch.
Let’s hope, for the good of the country, that their security clearances are revoked immediately. They might be dangerously unwell from “Havana Syndrome” at the moment but there’s always the chance that the pair of them could recover and become dangerously well again. These are the kind of dangerous idiots that Pence and the GOP establishment installed everywhere in the Trump Administration — and it’s time for Pence to get the credit he deserves for picking these people in the first place.
Emerald, thank you for this gem! There is a special place reserved in hell for this snake in the grass Pence and his band of misfits. You have outdone yourself. Kudos!
DC politics is like WWE. There's your answer in a short and simple answer. "Scripted" to be an adversary but really a team mate in a tag-team wrestling duo.