In case you missed it, here’s my interview with RT’s Steve Malzberg to talk about my confrontations with Jen Psaki and the self-inflicted wounds of the White House Press Corps.
Quote from the interview: “"There was little love lost towards me from Jen Psaki. In fact, she was very pleased to see that I would be leaving the briefing room. As you can you tell if you watch a press briefing, there is a very controlled narrative. There is set of questions that is asked by corporate media and they’re afraid that they will be frozen out. And that is what we so often see in the media — the self-censorship so that they won’t face repercussions for asking questions that make this Biden administration uncomfortable, and that started during the campaign. I would try to ask the questions that I know many Americans, probably the majority of Americans want to know, that aren’t being asked in that room. I would also get laughed at by my colleagues."
GATEWAY PUNDIT was kind enough to do a story about it here.
And don’t forget to catch my first ever appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic (Episode 1,576) on the 1st anniversary of the Biden regime being installed.
Emerald - wishing you the best in your new show on Frank. You're an American treasure and so many of us are praying for you and looking forward to hearing more from you.
MOST EXCELLENT. Going to listen now