Smartmatic vs Newsmax: The Trial Begins
Get ready for lawyers with poor memories to argue before judges who don't recall the First Amendment!
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There was a pre-trial hearing yesterday in the “defamation” case started by Venezuelan voting machine company Smartmatic against American media outlet Newsmax.
I can hear my dear readers thinking: “Since when do notorious companies from third-world countries have rights in American courts over American media companies protected by the First Amendment?”
That’s a great question.
Smartmatic’s attorney, Erik Connolly, brought up the allegation that Newsmax had “no proof” of “election fraud” on multiple occasions at the hearing.
That’s strange because the founder and president of Smartmatic was just indicted for bribery and money-laundering in Florida last week! How can you win a “defamation” case when your top executive is going to be tried by a grand jury for felony crimes?