I Need to take an off ramp, bear with me. Trump changed the world in my opinion. Again, in my opinion, he actually cared about the country, its constitution and its sovereignty . He decided things as best he could for the country, a protected border, energy independence, no wars, and lowered prescription drug prices just to name a few. I never heard of "fake news" until he arrived.

So the old guard and I mean both parties saw their game coming to an end, the M I"Conplex" and Pharma as well. He had to go! And no matter what you cite as the mechanism for it, be it covid, mules both cyber and paper, he was eliminated. We all know it was fixed.

So today, we are all exhausted, and under siege with the most unimaginable media war confusing and dividing us all like smoked bees.

I know good honest American people deleting all info now I send them

People don't believe anything and are shutting down. God help us all


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Good points

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Now is not the time to fold our tents, Doug. Stay strong and keep on passing the ammunition.

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so true richard!! darkest before the dawn

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

The GOP doesn't have the stones to call for cutting the FBI's funding--let alone to vote for it. The Uniparty is perfectly fine with criminalizing politics--the difference is that they no longer feel the need to even conceal their fascist leanings. Shorter AG Garland: "You gonna believe me, or your lyin' eyes?"

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

uniparty is right.. the satanic bankster party

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FBI/CIA/NSA all have to go. Corrupt beyond redemption.

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The entire federal bureaucracy, especially HHS and the Dept of Education.

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since day 0

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Well beyond time to abolish the FBI; it’s nothing more than the “Dirty Tricks Division” of the DNC.

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We have been a banana republic dating at least since 2008 when Obama promised a fundamental transformation of America. It’s obvious that there is a double standard of justice in this country. One for Democrats and one for Republicans. Until the deep state controlled by the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is destroyed there will be no justice. The likelihood of that eventuality is remote. And even if the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is kicked out of power in 2022 with the craven, venal current Congressional Republican leadership they will just ignore the evil doers.

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I would take it much further. Defund and close down the entire Commie infested DOJ. Also the SCOTUS. Another useless and corrupt group. Let States do their job.

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But that is one reason why Article 3 of the Constitution was written, to arbitrate disputes between the States.

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SCOTUS is super politized and corrupt. Same with the entire DOJ. I know nothing will happen but I would burn them all down.

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Nicely put outrageous situation. It's "The Lives of Others" come to America. There's plenty more we never find out about. Only those caught up in their treachery know.

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Excellent metaphor. Everyone should watch that film. And think - Angela Merkel described her life growing up in East Germany as "almost comfortable." How many of our "democrat" leaders pine for that kind of society?

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Great movie!!

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What the FBI is doing makes my blood boil as an American citizen! The Republicans better take this seriously, or there will be chaos in the future...

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We definitely need to "defund the FBI" before we "defund the police." The FBI has been complicit in the assassinations of Fred Hampton, MLK Jr and most recently directly killed Ibragim Todashev, who was allegedly shot six times while being interviewed, then allegedly dispatched with a shot to the back of his head. Florida declined to prosecute the agent involved.

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You are so correct, Emerald. This Country will not survive if We The People allow rogue representatives in DC to utilize a private police force they've created.

Stalin, Mao, Castro, Tito, Honecker, Milosovic, Brezhnev and an entire cadre of other dictators come to mind.

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All non-elected traitors need to be locked up with HRC and The Kenyan.

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I love Emerald. However, she is making the mistake the vast majority of Republicans are making. The FBI didnt just become the arm of the Democrat party. It has been that way for a very long time. During the time Democrats controlled America through the violence of their Jim Crow regimes, they ensured that almost ALL administrative executive branch agencies are loyal to them. The agencies are way too powerful now to totally eliminate. However, the Democrat party itself is vulnerable. Democrats are feverishly calling for the cancellation of all things Confederacy and all things Jim Crow. However, the Democrat party created the Confederacy and Jim Crow. As a result, Republicans should then agree with them and call for the abolition of the Democrat party.

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Need a convention of the states to add an amendment to the constitution. All presidential voting shall be in person and require presentation at the point of voting of an ID proving US citizenship. Voting machines are strictly prohibited. Members of the US military currently serving outside of the US are the sole exception.

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Paper ballots , hand counted under the watchful gaze of duly deputized police volunteers, with powers of arrest and removal from premises. Election to be a National Holiday with pay. No use of or talley by electronic means. Mail ballots only for certified sick or handicapped person by licensed practicing physicians. Etc.,etc.

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Wow, Jim Jordan wrote a letter, which any of us peasants can do. Hard to believe there's not something far more serious he can do, even in the minority, like hold up funding for the DOJ approps bill until Garland comes clean, admits what he did and fires every agent involved. He'd only need a tiny handful of Dems to join him. If Nancy Pelosi were the majority leader, don't you think she'd find a way to stop a Republican DOJ from harassing left-wing protesters?

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I heard on the news that mask mandates were no longer in force (at least in California) and I stopped wearing them three weeks ago. What's up with that? As for the school issues, I live near two public and I've noticed that there are fewer cars dropping off or picking up kids. Nor are there many kids being dropped off and picked up from school buses. The buses look nearly empty. I read online that public school enrollments are down across the country.

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Sounds like a great idea. Defend the FBI!!

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Lol...I assume you mean defund...

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Oops, definitely DEFUND!!

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