I have no fear of any of this because I know that it ends in victory through Jesus Christ.

Be prepared people, because it is going to get a lot worse.

(Revelation 13:16–18)

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I have no doubt that China, and the corrupt traitors who are currently running our country, are trying to impose a global surveillance state. Certainly this entire pandemic has been planned as part of a larger strategy for control. This entire scenario was foretold long ago. Trust in God and don't ever give up.

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And it is getting worse. But praise God for our Savior Jesus Christ!

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Al, I hear your optimism, but too many things have come to pass for you to be so cavalier about what's already in motion. I'm predicting that Younkin will not win, because they can't allow that to happen. It will incentivize too many others to go out and vote for the opposition and put a halt to all the lunacy that has occurred over the last 9 months. That will throw a monkey wrench in their plans

I'm predicting in 5 to 10 years fiat currency will be a thing of the past. Cryptocurrency will be the new gold, and your bank account and assets won't matter. My advice is to be as cynical as possible so that nothing they do will surprise you. Keep your head on a swivel.

And last but not least, we're not inviting you to the fight, because you are already defeated.

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That’s odd Youngkin won thank you Nostradamus

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Just been reading about your treatment by Newsmax. Sounds like a woke organization. I would love to see you on GB News. A great news outlet based in the UK, and they are really in need of a fresh unfiltered voice from Washington to cover their customers from both sides of the pond. My feeling is always "you know the true colors of your employer when you really count on them, and they are awol on you". Stay strong and may Karma always cover you with good luck!

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I first feared who Newsmax was when Chris Salcedo and Greg Kelly both went silent on election fraud after the AZ audit. No one else was really supportive of it on Newsmax but these 2 that I saw. I no longer tune in. OAN is what I trust besides the Emerald Robinson sites here. Press on, sister.

So, everyone continuing to work there is no longer a pureblood except the exempt at the top. I assume Fox was ahead of Newsmax in their demand and same rules applicable.

I am very relieved I retired as of July 2021. I suffered financially exiting early but I was not going to wear masks everywhere everyday as someone who had hospital grade pneumonia twice. Breathing is high priority for a IBEW guy. I never wear masks anywhere I go. I give the dirty looks I get. I stand on my Constitution given rights to my last breath. I've a deep feeling that's what this will come down to.

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Things are going so badly and our Institutions our failing us so abysmally that one can almost believe anything. Now the Biden admin wants to give millions to illegal immigrants. How much more can we take!!??

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we have no use for fools

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There's a funny thing about history. It repeats itself. This is "The Final Solution" in the modern world. I still believe we can stop this.

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Surely a GREAT movie treatment. As a active conspiracy...a bit off schedule. But I will keep an eye on future absurdity. Thanks for sharing.

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Bless you Myra, I fear that you are right.

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you fool , you think you can stop this by "voting harder?" . didn't you see 2020, or the gavin newsom recall "election " ? the republicans are in on this too.

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look at the death they have already caused by supressing all treatments and isolating all nursing home and assisted living facilities . world wide it has to be millinons .

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