Too Much Of What Happened Was Not Normal
An epitaph for the Biden regime (2020-2024) as it exits the grand stage of history forever
Author’s Note: This article originally appeared in September 2022 but it now reads like an epitaph for the reckless evil of the Biden regime which has brought America to the brink of civil war with its lawlessness.
Too much of what is happening in this country is not normal — Joe Biden said that two years ago in a speech in Philadelphia. He stole the words right from my mouth. It’s the first and only honest sentence that he ever uttered since he started occupying the White House illegally in 2020.
It’s a phrase that resonates. It’s pregnant with meaning — though you shouldn’t say that to Democrats right now lest they seek to abort the sentence abruptly.
It’s the epitaph of the disastrous Biden regime.
Just as the feckless career of Jimmy Carter was summarized for future generations by his malaise speech, Joe Biden went to Philadelphia to give a speech about “the soul of the nation” and what he really did was expose his own soul for all the world to see.
And what was Joe Biden’s soul telling him — after we learned from Mark Zuckerberg that the FBI rigged the 2020 election by directing Facebook to suppress the truth of his son’s laptop from the American people? After the FBI signaled that it would prosecute journalists at Project Veritas for publishing details from Ashley Biden’s diary that implicate her father?
Well, Joe Biden’s heavily medicated soul told him that people who did not vote for Joe Biden are the only real problem in America.

You know: the MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election — and they are working right now, in state after state, to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies.
In other words, Republicans have acted just like Democrats during the Trump Administration!
These people actually believe that they can label Joe Biden regime as an illegitimate president just like Democrats did to Donald Trump in 2017. Can you imagine the gall? Sure people like Matea Gold are allowed to say such things in the Washington Post — on the day of President Trump’s Inauguration no less! — but hey, she’s married to a Democrat operative who happens to be the FBI’s current chief of staff. She has permission from the Deep State.
These days, every Trump Deplorable and ultra MAGA extremist seems to think they can just “pop off” in public at Our Dear Leader! Needless to say, these people did not get prior approval from the Deep State to behave this way.
Who in the heck do these MAGA Republicans think they are — the CIA?
It’s gotten to the point where most Americans think they can protest whenever they want! Or say whatever they want! Or think whatever they want! The entire situation is getting totally out of hand. You can’t even get 50 people to show up to hear Obama’s sock puppet talk — well, mumble — anymore. Pretty soon, these people might actually behave like George Floyd protesters in the summer of 2020.
It’s almost like Americans don’t trust the talking points sent out to NBC and CBS and ABC every day. What’s the point of Democrats owning the entire corporate media if nobody cares to watch the corporate media anymore? What’s the point of planting operatives as “journalists” everywhere if nobody will listen to their “journalism” right now?
Do you understand the danger? The MAGA Republicans are acting so badly that it’s almost like watching a CIA “color revolution” in reverse. It’s almost as if ordinary Americans are seeking to oust an illegitimate leader installed by an unaccountable bureaucracy of intelligence officials because they still think they live in a constitutional republic.
It’s crazy, right?
You just cannot believe how stupid these people are — as Obama once said — still clinging to their guns, and their religion, and their naive ideas about self-government.
These people actually think that they still get to decide who runs the country.
Don’t these idiots understand that it’s the U.S. federal government telling those geeks at Twitter and Facebook and Instagram to delete their accounts — and disappear their ideas?
Don’t they know that former national security officials and Democrat operatives have been installed in all the Big Tech companies to censor the free speech of Americans?
The MAGA Republicans are such simpletons that they actually believe that Big Tech and Big Pharma are private companies rather than the wings of a global censorship and surveillance operation run by the Biden regime!
Don’t any of those morons read the Washington Post and the New York Times?
What’s left to do but weaponize federal law enforcement against these rubes?
Let’s lock up a bunch of them and see if they finally wake up to reality.
That will teach them.
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With the boot of big government, big pharma and big tech on our throats it’s great to have you Emerald and a handful of other journalists digging up the truth and letting us know about it. Worrying to think about what’s coming our way in just over a weeks time if the cheating and lying isn’t stopped in its tracks.
The Dems/Left constantly & consistently project that onto their enemies that which they are already doing.