VoterGA Uncovers Massive Election Fraud in Georgia
The stolen 2020 election data is still hiding in plain sight
The election integrity group VoterGA has produced a new video on Georgia’s 2020 election, and the video shows obvious and massive voter fraud.
This is one of the best videos that I’ve ever seen on how our elections are corrupted by using electronic voting machines. It covers the deceptive practices used in the election night vote, and the “risk-limiting” audit, and the machine recount. It’s the best use of 56 minutes of your life right now — especially before the 2022 midterms.
Here are my favorite seven slides from the video.
1) VoterGA is being blocked from reviewing Georgia’s original ballots because every county in Georgia has been told to deny VoterGA’s open records requests by the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
So much for transparency in our public elections!
2) Let’s discuss the scale of the 2020 election fraud. There are 159 counties in Georgia. VoterGA made open records requests from all of them, and found that 74 counties cannot even produce the complete ballot images — as required by law. That’s nearly half of Georgia’s counties that are running illegal elections.
3) Georgia’s SOS Brad Raffensperger appeared on TV on November 4th, 2020 to tell the world that Georgia had 4.7 million total votes to count.
4) Only 13 precincts were left to report.
5) However, the final certified vote count for Georgia was almost 5 million — a discrepancy of about 300,000 votes.
6) Those 13 precincts only had 50,000 ballots — so how did an extra 250,000 votes get counted?
7) The best slide of all: VoterGA found a report — with 100% of Georgia’s counties and 100% of Georgia’s precincts reporting — that showed Donald Trump won in Georgia.
Watch the entire video on Rumble.
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Raffensperger is a criminal - I know he didn’t win the primary in May. He is hated here in Georgia, yet we’re supposed to believe that he got over 50% of the vote in that primary? Disgusting. Kemp is no better. We’re up the creek in Georgia. Keep calling your legislators, volunteer to work the polls, support VoterGa and True the Vote - we deserve honest and fair elections here in Georgia.
Excellent work. So proud of Trumps landslide victory. Sorry it was stolen by our corrupt system.