Why Twitter Banned My Account in 2021!
I've obtained internal emails from Twitter showing how the censorship works
The Right Way is the #1 conservative blog on Substack — recommended by over 219 other Substack authors!
There are two words that Twitter did not want its users to read back in 2021 — during the height of the COVID vaccine tyranny — and those words were “Luciferase” and “DARPA.”
How do I know? Because I’ve now obtained authentic internal emails from the Twitter Files concerning me — and the censors who moved to restrict and ban my account in 2021 over “COVID misinformation.”
Here’s the first email.
Subject: Re: [Intent to action in 60 mins] @emeraldrobinson claims vaccine tracks individuals; to be suspended for 7 days
On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 12:01 PM Michael Vincent Co <mco@twitter.com> wrote:
Hi all,
We have determined that Newsmax correspondent Emerald Robinson has violated the COVID-19 Misinformation Policy. 3 hours ago, she tweeted that the vaccines contain an enzyme luciferase that can track individuals. This claim has repeatedly been debunked since April this year (AP, Reuters). The vaccines do not contain this enzyme and the enzyme has only been used in some COVID-19 research. If there are no objections we will enforce in 60 minutes or 12AM Eastern.
We will be bouncing this tweet as it reaches the threshold of spreading the conspiracy that the immunization efforts are used for surveillance. The user will receive 2 additional strikes and will reach their 4th strike, resulting in a 7-day suspension.
She has had a tweet labeled on October 23, a tweet bounced on August 29 (where she was put on read only), and a tweet labeled on March 7 this year.
Additionally, we will be requesting a sweep on the platform to look into other users sharing this information on Luciferase. We will share information on the sweep soon.
Thank you!
Mico and team