Why's Nobody Reading The Bulwark?
It turns out Substack's #3 most popular political site is obviously bogus
The Right Way is the #1 conservative blog on Substack — recommended by over 245 other Substack authors!
According to Substack and its “leaderboard” in the “U.S. Politics” section, The Bulwark is the leading conservative newsletter on Substack — in terms of popularity.
In fact, it’s listed at #3 currently — in terms of readership.
Indeed, The Bulwark supposedly enjoys the attention of 240,000 subscribers — because it’s just incredibly popular of course.
That’s more than a little odd because the pseudo-conservative anti-Trumpers who work at The Bulwark are not just loathed, but hated by GOP voters who regularly inform pollsters that Donald Trump has 93% approval among Republicans.
Lots of totally forgotten pundits and has-beens and never-popular nobodies are listed on the masthead too.
How did a bunch of people who are totally ignored individually amount to something collectively?
The Bulwark claims to have a premium service called “Bulwark+” which now has over 20,000 paying subscribers. Supposedly a weekly livestream event also brings “hundreds, if not thousands of members” to interact with each other.
The Bulwark also houses seven podcasts and six newsletters! Dozens of people work for the site. Hundreds of thousands of people apparently subscribe to its newsletters. It’s a mighty news media organization.
So I went looking for the hordes of readers who regularly swamp The Bulwark for news and information. Who were these people who paid real money to read the wisdom of Charlie Sykes, Bill Kristol, Jonathan V. Last, and Jim Swift?
What I found was not a thriving media company but a vast desert — seemingly larger than the Sahara and the Mojave combined.
The Bulwark’s star writer Tim Milller did a podcast yesterday — which 53 people liked.
When the editors of The Bulwark get together to chat, a larger crowd of 67 people bother to attend. Four people were even moved to comment.
Everywhere you look on this website, you feel the silence and the absence, the great emptiness, the lonely flat plains of the desolate servers that whisper nobody cares to the curious onlooker who wanders around The Bulwark.
Though The Bulwark claims to be sending out six newsletters and seven podcasts and forty-eight morning bulletins to 243,000 subscribers — those subscribers are nowhere to be found on any of these pages.
That’s the problem with social media numbers in general — they’re so easy to fudge on the back-end. It’s a simple trick to bamboozle the rubes. You can buy “bots” to follow you on these sites and those “bots” are counted as real people. The problem is that spoofing other things like reader comments is much more expensive and time-consuming — and so the spoofers neglect to do it.
That makes it really simple to spot the grift.
Based upon audience interaction statistics, I would guess the actual readership of The Bulwark to number no more than a few thousand people.
The numbers are phony because the entire production is bogus.
Why the subterfuge? There are plenty of Democrats who want gullible Republicans to believe that Donald Trump is much less popular than Democrats would like.
But the truth is that there’s no real opposition to Donald Trump among GOP voters — there’s merely a small handful of disgruntled Never Trumpers inside the Beltway who are still technically alive but politically dead.
You know where you can find them — but nobody does.
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Who decides they’re #3? I’ve never even heard of the Bulwark! 🤡🌎
Emerald!!! Real subscriber here!! Thanks for showing the pain of these losers!! Sort of like “George will walks into a bar”..and everybody but the democrats leave!!