Wisconsin Special Counsel Says: 2020 Election Should Be Decertified
A retired judge discovers pervasive election cheating by Democrats in a 140 page report!
Yesterday, a retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice provided a report to the Wisconsin Assembly that shows massive and widespread election fraud took place in the 2020 election by Democrats.
The report is the one document that the Biden regime doesn’t want you to read today — that’s for sure. I’m surprised that AG Merrick Garland hasn’t already scrambled the FBI swat team to conduct a pre-dawn raid on the Wisconsin State Assembly. That’s how much bad news you can find in this special report for the Biden regime.
It’s pretty obvious that Old Joe didn’t win the 2020 election fair and square. The election fraud was so pervasive that Special Counsel Michael Gableman just called for the state of Wisconsin to decertify the 2020 presidential election.

Let’s start with an obvious point that I personally enjoy repeating as often as I can: Democrats know that they cheated. That’s why they block any serious audits. That’s why they try to hide or destroy evidence. That’s why they don’t comply with routine records requests. The judge tells you this on the second page of the report:
That Interim Report also outlined the initial roadblocks to a full investigation,
and expressed the expectation that the information necessary to provide democratic
accountability for and oversight of Wisconsin election proceedings was forthcoming. As outlined in Appendix I, OSC and the Assembly continue to be blocked from investigating portions of the Wisconsin government. Not only has the Wisconsin Attorney General intervened (and lost) in court to block certain subpoenas, and not only have left-wing groups provided support adverse to Wisconsin taxpayers—for instance by providing legal support to government employees seeking to keep their work secret, filing dilatory open records requests, and advancing frivolous complaints before various boards—but the Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has explicitly stated to the Chairwoman of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections that she is prohibited by law and by private contract from turning over certain public records. Until these lawsuits are resolved, there appears to be no way to fully vindicate the right of the people of the State of Wisconsin to know how their government is run.
Get it? The Democrats know that they cheated, and they’re trying to cover up the cheating. The Special Counsel’s report provides a list of the various kinds of fraud and bribery and cheating that Democrats used to elect Joe Biden.
1. Election officials’ use of absentee ballot drop boxes in violation of
Wis. Stat. § 6.87(4)(b)1 and § 6.855;2. The Center for Tech and Civic Life’s $8,800,000 Zuckerberg Plan
Grants being run in the Cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine,8
Kenosha and Green Bay constituting Election Bribery Under Wis.
Stat. § 12.11;3. WEC’s failing to maintain a sufficiently accurate WisVote voter
database, as determined by the Legislative Audit Bureau;4. The Cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay
engaging private companies in election administration in
unprecedented ways, including tolerating unauthorized users and
unauthorized uses of WisVote private voter data under Wisconsin
Elections Commission (WEC) policies, such as sharing voter data for
free that would have cost the public $12,500;5. As the Racine County Sheriff’s Office has concluded, WEC
unlawfully directed the municipal clerks not to send out the legally
required special voting deputies to nursing homes, resulting in many
nursing homes’ registered residents voting at 100% rates and many
ineligible residents voting, despite a guardianship order or incapacity;6. Unlawful voting by wards-under-guardianship left unchecked by
Wisconsin election officials, where WEC failed to record that
information in the State’s WisVote voter database, despite its
availability through the circuit courts—all in violation of the federal
Help America Vote Act.7. WEC’s failure to record non-citizens in the WisVote voter database,
thereby permitting non-citizens to vote, even though Wisconsin law
requires citizenship to vote—all in violation of the Help America Vote
Act. Unlawful voting by non-citizens left unchecked by Wisconsin
election officials, with WEC failing to record that information in the
State’s WisVote voter database; and8. Wisconsin election officials’ and WEC’s violation of Federal and
Wisconsin Equal Protection Clauses by failing to treat all voters the
same in the same election.
My personal favorite: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg committed bribery by funding five counties in Wisconsin with $9 million. What did the Democrats do with their Zuck bucks? The Wisconsin counties with Zuckerberg money concentrated on illegally harvesting votes from the residents of nursing homes. In fact, more than 90 nursing homes had 100% voter turnout in the 2020 election.

The judge also confirmed that Wisconsin’s 2020 election was run in a completely illegal manner by the private electronic voting machine companies:
The OSC began a comprehensive investigation of voting machines in Wisconsin.
As part of that investigation, subpoenas were sent to Dominion, ESS, and Command
Central, LLC, a Dominion reseller and servicer. The information sought included
information about who, when, where, and what updates the machines were provided. The OSC learned that one machine company representative stated that the voting machines were “wiped” during updates, meaning they did not retain federally required voter data.It was discovered that Command Central, LLC, received images of cast ballots on
election night using the internet. Command Central is alleged to be holding actual ballots cast on election night at its offices in Minnesota in violation of Wisconsin law. The OSC was not able to complete this portion of its investigation, however.
Of course, the Special Counsel discovered all of this illegal conduct without any help from the electronic voting machine companies. So let’s be clear: these companies are such rogue operations that they won’t comply with the duly elected public officials of Wisconsin who hired them in the first place.
How’s that for chutzpah?
In fact, these companies are even counter-suing the Special Counsel formed by Wisconsin’s duly elected representatives to hide their illegal activities.
The Special Counsel has been maintaining an active investigation and continuing to
fight for the Legislature’s right to conduct an election-integrity investigation. Since the first Interim report, the Special Counsel has issued 76 new subpoenas. This brings the total subpoenas issued by the OSC to 90. These subpoenas were served upon entities named in this report, including Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., Electronic System and Software, LLC (ESS), Quickbase, Inc., USDR, CTCL, NVAHI, The Elections Group, and others.The subpoenas were also served upon or sent to some of the persons who had the
most information about the role of private companies and individuals in Wisconsin’s election. This included Michael Spitzer Rubenstein, Tiana Epps-Johnson, Ari Steinberg, and Harrison Hersch. Finally, the subpoenas were served on local persons such as Hannah Bubacz, a Milwaukee city employee, and Sarah Linske, an IT employee for WEC.To the extent that individuals responded to subpoena, it was to produce documents.
Some recipients, including the major private companies and individuals, did not comply at all. They either informed the OSC that they would not comply with the subpoena or attend the depositions or embroiled the OSC in litigation. As of the writing of this Report, the litigation surrounding the investigation of the 2020 election has been pervasive and time-consuming.
Have you ever heard of supposedly private companies operating as third-party vendors to sue the state election officials who contracted them in the first place when asked to turn over election records which do not belong to the third-party vendors?
Do you still think the voting machine companies are really just private entities?
Perhaps you should read my essay “The U.S. Government And The Third-Party Vendor Are One” to understand what’s going on with these voting machine “companies.”
One thing’s for sure: our corrupt government officials have been caught rigging the 2020 election to defeat President Trump with the help of the tech oligarchs and plenty of other bad actors.
The truth is coming out.
And the Milwaukee mayor got a nice cushy assignment as U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg. Payment in full for his assistance and cooperation?
My first question would be: what happens if Wisconsin decertifies the election? Is that symbolic or does something actually happen that would end Brandon's Presidency?