Excellent questions. I agree with all of them, except #2: also in California the counting of the votes was stopped: it was stopped for 5 Days! -- 5.5 Million votes were "missing" as on Nov. 5, at 1:47pm, Pacific time. I have the official data from the California SoS website. I published the screenshots in my Election Report #3 - Link: https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/bookstore/p/report-3 - together with the REAL Results of the 2020 Elections in California, WA, Oregon.

The Fraud in California was at least 4.5 Million votes.

Bigger than the Fraud in GA, AZ, PA, MI combined.

Why NOBODY is looking at California - neither Steve Bannon - is beyond me. And if you believe that Joe Biden won in California, think again. California = 55 Electoral votes.

Dominion voting machines are used in 40 of the 58 counties of California, including: San Francisco, San Mateo, Contra Costa, Alameda, Sonoma, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno, Santa Barbara, Monterey >> All the major Counties of California... except Los Angeles County. Los Angeles County = 4.2 Million votes. Which voting machines are used in Los Angeles County?

The VSAP Tally 2.2 Smartmatic voting machines. Who owns Smartmatic? Mark Malloch Brown.

Who is Mark Malloch Brown? a British guy, a George Soros puppet (check...)

This means that George Soros and Malloch Brown, together with Dominion, control the outcome of the elections in California. Hook, line & sinker.

I plan to write a series of articles on the Election Fraud, and on the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in 17 States in the coming days, on my Substack - Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/

I published 8 detailed Reports (ebooks) with the Real Results back in August 2021. I think Steve Bannon should read them: he can learn something. Link to the Election Reports: https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/books

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The California legislature, Senate, and elections (group) are all democrats - any effort would be expensive. Money continues to be raised to prove fraud in those states that could have an impact on the outcome of the 2020 election. Once that's done, then we can throw funds at California. All of us living here know Cali is politically corrupt beyond any state.

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The Recall of Gavin Newsom failed miserably because those who organized it didn't do anything to get rid of the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines. That was utter stupidity.

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Outstanding Greg. Wow! I live in rural Northern California in sierra county & always felt Trump won California. Bannon absolutely needs to look at this. Thank you for all the work you put in to exposing this. We need to fix this somehow.

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Thank you, Greg! Yes, I knew Trump won California since Nov 1st, 2020: 2 days before the Elections: the Beverly Hills Trump parade, the Trump parades in San Diego, Huntington Beach, and everywhere in California. I have many friends in California, who have been my "boots on the ground", informing me what was really happening there.

California is NOT a "blue State". This is a misconception, and Democrat propaganda and brainwashing. Election Fraud in California has been rampant for the last 30 years.

Ronald Reagan won in California both in 1980, both in 1984, and by a WIDE margin: a 16% margin.

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The failures in 2020 were not just failure of the election, but a failure of American society. So far we seem unwilling to fix it. Most people are unprepared for the end of civilization.

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This goes beyond cheating or stealing. This is a satanic takeover of America. People would be astounded if they knew the number of Democrats who are spirit-cooking satan worshippers.

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I agree 100% - also many RINO's are Satanists.

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Yes. Some of the RINO’s are as bad or worse than Democrats. Lindsey, Mitt, Mitchthebitch & more come to mind. They are evil and compromised

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Mar 12, 2022
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Seems we need to know the name and address of the murderer.

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Emerald is not only hot. She is also smart. That's a winning combination for a woman in 2022.

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I concur ;<)

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She is extremely smart & persistent & fearless & a REAL FIGHTER for TRUTH. I guess being hot is fine and dandy but her work stands out above almost all journalists on earth. That’s the reason I paid for her substack. She DESERVES it and she EARNS it. I pray God blesses and PROTECTS her 🙏🇺🇸

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And they would simply respond, "Election fraud was debunked a long time ago." 🤦‍♀️

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Excellent once again! All valid and cranks my BP once more as I know: these questions are not answered; corrections to be made are still dragging; Dems know they can only win by the STEAL; we are on the count down to November. The Communist Dems ARE the enemy within and complicit RINOs and NeoCons -- the party of treason! Everyone for themselves as opposed to America First.

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I would like you to add Question #26 - regarding Arizona: I know for a FACT that there have been 520,000 Fake Biden ballots in Arizona. So, can you explain to me why the "Arizona Full Forensic Audit" has been unable to find them??

Remember that guy, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, and his "Kinematic Artifacts"?

Where is HIS Report? wasn't he supposed to find out all those Fake Biden Ballots with his UV lights and "Kinematic Artifacts"?

Until now Jovan Hutton Pulitzer has delivered exactly ZERO (correct me if I'm wrong). Jovan Hutton Pulitzer just talks talks and talks, and does Nothing.

By the way: "Jovan Hutton Pulitzer" is not the real name of that guy. His real name is "Jeffry Jovan Philyaw". And that guy is an ACTOR (check, if you don't believe me).

Are AZ Senators Karen Fann, Wendy Rogers, Sonny Borrelli aware that the real name of the guy is not Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, but Jeffry Jovan Philyaw? Do they know that the guy is an actor?

Are Rudy Giuliani and Col. Phil Waldron aware of this?

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer would be a good subject for Emerald Robinson to run an investigation, and write an article.

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Thanks for mentioning him...I've been wondering what rock he disappeared under (I even wondered if he got silenced or bought off ..)

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same here, Mikey. Something stinks about that guy (and I have been a staunch supporter of Pulitzer since Dec. 3, 2020...)

There are Traitors and grifters everywhere, even among those who proclaim to be on our side (but in reality aren't)

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Excellent. So glad you're now working with Mike Lindell. Maybe something good will actually come of all this. Action. Action. Action.

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AND that billion dollar lawsuit against Sidney Powell by Dominion/Smartmatic just got bounced by a judge. Maybe on venue but I’ll take it…..haven’t had time to read it all.

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oh really?

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Yes. She reported this today in her Defending the Republic email that she sends out.

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Thank you, Mikey! I found the info and read it

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This is the stuff we need Emerald !! When is someone going to jail ?

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I thought the only thing Liberals could read was the directions of their Masters

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We are heading towards very bad times (yes far worse than present) and the Xiden Regime is using the Russian - Ukraine situation to cause even more Economic damage. The next domino is the Stock Market which is currently in free fall. The Commie Dems are going for broke. They are destroying the country with the help of the Uniparty Pubs which make up most of the Pubs in the Congress, the Senate and State Govs.

Sorry for the off topic posts. Stopping election fraud is supert important but electing Uniparty Pubs is just as bad as election fraud. Need American First wins!

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No nothing is as bad as election fraud except first degree murder. The Uniparty Pubs are not really elected if their votes are non-existent or illegal.

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Emerald, five questions:

1. Eyes that don't see?

2. Ears that don't hear?

3. Lips that don't speak?

4. Brains that don't comprehend?

5. Blind, deaf and dumb?

Yes, why not upset one of them?

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I know their answer maam..."So we did fraud to win, because we take winning seriously more than anything, so what are you going to do about it chumps? Ask those GOP election officials in GA/AZ/WI at the least...??? (they are all in together).

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Great piece. Thanks for staying on this. We are painfully reaping the results of a fraudulent election

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exactly, Madjack! our country has been taken over by a Fascist/Communist Cabal, and NOBODY is doing a damn thing about it: not the FBI, not the DOJ, not the Supreme Court (all of the above are CORRUPT to the core).

But the Military (Pentagon) is not doing anything about it, either!! They just let it happen!

Didn't they swear an Oath? An Oath to protect and defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic? SHAME on them!!

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We can find lots of anomalies but no one cares and nothing will be done. Shameful.

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Not with most Pubs in the Senate are Marxist Globalist. Same with much of Congress and State Govs. Hopeless situation at the moment. Need to go Bottoms Up. The Pub Party is not the future.

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By anomalies do you really mean crimes?

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Of course.

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