Seth Keshel is correct: “Maricopa County is an illegitimate governing body, most correctly defined as an organized crime ring using massive corruption to conceal its own lawlessness.” The USA, however, remains a constitutional republic with more Patriots than the other side cares to admit. We shall STAND STRONG and TRUTH shall prevail!
Thank you Emerald -- for another 'hit 'em between the eyes' piece. But the fact that nobody is screaming about it belies the true sense of anger that is out there. Rules are not for the E-lite. They break, tweak, massage -- do whatever the hell they want to and then some. You and me. Toast if we break the rules. Repubics are no better. Uni-party. Traitor McConnell and his CCP ties are clear. He gets rich by screwing us. That is why Kari Lake is blocked -- they need to knock out AZ. Knock it out so we can really open the flood gates. People -- if you don't realize that we are in a BIO-CHEM war (aka COVID, Fentanyl, Opiods) -- then you've not been paying attention.
That’s right, let’s say this way the entire governmental system is rigged.
Wealthy elites started corrupting the Constitution right off the bad. Lawyers turned politicians were already corrupt waiting for the people to grow laxs, comfortable and sleepy. And when the trusting populace fell asleep they started wheeling and dealing destructing our country and thus our freedoms.
All this will end when you get up and stop it. They will never leave I don’t care if we hold elections every month. In fact while we sit here they are busy taking more wealth and changing more more regulations that make it harder for you to get at them.
I’ve come to the same conclusions based on everything else I have read. I am not optimistic that anything meaningful will happen after Jan 3rd and I am concerned for your well being. Elon Musk said recently that if he turns up suicided, he didn’t do it. You are shining a bright light on some very dark and powerful people. Please be careful. 71% of Americans know what is happening and almost all of them will do nothing about it whatsoever. Nothing.
Desperately hoping for a peaceful way out of this but with the uniparty, the administrative state, and the security state in charge with SUBVERTED FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS I am not seeing that
You might be able to make a case that the CEO of Blackrock and the uber-wealthy bankers in London and elsewhere are the ones holding Biden's puppet strings, using the empire's intel services as go-betweens. Regardless, politicians have no power any more; everything is run by a technocracy. They just don't want to let that cat out of the bag until they're finally ready for whatever they have planned for a final act, the culmination of the coup.
Emerald, thank you for your truthful and accurate reporting. Big contrast from 2 so called conservative talk show hosts today telling us we need to move on and forget about 2020 and 2022 and if we don't we're going to continue to lose elections...
“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. In order to flourish, the tree of Liberty needs the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
We can rendezvous at the “American Gulag” in DC. Americans talk a big game, but they don’t do anything. It’s going to have to get much, much worse. Most likely, the ramifications from the jab will wake some people up.
When we are pushed to the precipice, we will do better than the people in Brazil and China because we have the largest army in the world. The American Hunter.
Apathy is my “trigger”-lol! Before my dad died over 10 years ago, he would always talk about this. He always said, “Think for yourself Renee! Don’t be a part of all the bs.” He was right. And if he saw what we’re going through now, he’d lose it!
Oh, I get it too Al! God bless your father (they don’t make them like that anymore) and his love of country. My dad missed Korea by a hair. All we can do is remember all the little things (big things) that our fathers instilled in us. God was one thing my father really stressed. God has gotten me through everything! That’s one thing that evil cannot take away.
>>"It’s an empire run by our national security state bureaucracy."
Love the article but disagree with this conclusion. The national security state bureaucracy is not the "boss" -- it is an operative underling.
The boss behind the curtain is (what I refer to as) the "Globalist*-CCP Axis" (with Russia and Iran / Muslim Brotherhood as junior partners). Between the boss and the bureaucracy lies B. Hussein Obama (with Valerie Jarrett / Susan Rice) as middle management as handlers for the unelected Biden-Harris Junta.
The goal is to take-out the USA as the only country strong enough for the Corporatist-Fascist regime they intend to impose upon the globe a/k/a "The Great Reset."
*Globalist = WEF, UN, central banks, NGO's and multinational corporations.
Until the DOJ and the Media stop covering up Open Election Fraud, there is little we Americans can do about it, short of Brazilian style massive protests. Americans are too soft and have not suffered enough pain, to follow in the Brazilians footsteps.
Arizona is so blatant! Such chutzpah! You almost have to admire it. They obviously have enough faith in the corruption of the judicial system in Arizona that they're not afraid of jail. . I can hear the crook of a judge now. How dare you question our free and fair election? How Dare You!!!
By the way, I might well have missed it as I need new glasses, but I don't see the poll referenced. Can someone tell me where it is in the article?
or is it: "They also serve who only stand and wait"? - Milton
Maybe: " If I want him to survive till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me.' - John 21:.21, 22
Why do we, by inaction, accept a dismal fate and future? Are most expecting God to bail us out (again), or just for Jesus to come? Oh, he'll be along - to be sure!
Perhaps my prepper friends offer a clue in that their blasé attitude seems endemic among their millions: "We're all set!" "We studied, planned, saved, invested and stored. So, good luck ya'll!"
Our current times remind me of the scene in Airplane in which Kirkpatrick says: "They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into. I say: LET EM CRASH!"
Seth Keshel is correct: “Maricopa County is an illegitimate governing body, most correctly defined as an organized crime ring using massive corruption to conceal its own lawlessness.” The USA, however, remains a constitutional republic with more Patriots than the other side cares to admit. We shall STAND STRONG and TRUTH shall prevail!
They have openly defied the Constitution. Let’s watch see what the Arizonans are made of
Thank you Emerald -- for another 'hit 'em between the eyes' piece. But the fact that nobody is screaming about it belies the true sense of anger that is out there. Rules are not for the E-lite. They break, tweak, massage -- do whatever the hell they want to and then some. You and me. Toast if we break the rules. Repubics are no better. Uni-party. Traitor McConnell and his CCP ties are clear. He gets rich by screwing us. That is why Kari Lake is blocked -- they need to knock out AZ. Knock it out so we can really open the flood gates. People -- if you don't realize that we are in a BIO-CHEM war (aka COVID, Fentanyl, Opiods) -- then you've not been paying attention.
That’s right, let’s say this way the entire governmental system is rigged.
Wealthy elites started corrupting the Constitution right off the bad. Lawyers turned politicians were already corrupt waiting for the people to grow laxs, comfortable and sleepy. And when the trusting populace fell asleep they started wheeling and dealing destructing our country and thus our freedoms.
All this will end when you get up and stop it. They will never leave I don’t care if we hold elections every month. In fact while we sit here they are busy taking more wealth and changing more more regulations that make it harder for you to get at them.
I’ve come to the same conclusions based on everything else I have read. I am not optimistic that anything meaningful will happen after Jan 3rd and I am concerned for your well being. Elon Musk said recently that if he turns up suicided, he didn’t do it. You are shining a bright light on some very dark and powerful people. Please be careful. 71% of Americans know what is happening and almost all of them will do nothing about it whatsoever. Nothing.
Desperately hoping for a peaceful way out of this but with the uniparty, the administrative state, and the security state in charge with SUBVERTED FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS I am not seeing that
You might be able to make a case that the CEO of Blackrock and the uber-wealthy bankers in London and elsewhere are the ones holding Biden's puppet strings, using the empire's intel services as go-betweens. Regardless, politicians have no power any more; everything is run by a technocracy. They just don't want to let that cat out of the bag until they're finally ready for whatever they have planned for a final act, the culmination of the coup.
Emerald, thank you for your truthful and accurate reporting. Big contrast from 2 so called conservative talk show hosts today telling us we need to move on and forget about 2020 and 2022 and if we don't we're going to continue to lose elections...
Thomas Jefferson
“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. In order to flourish, the tree of Liberty needs the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
We can rendezvous at the “American Gulag” in DC. Americans talk a big game, but they don’t do anything. It’s going to have to get much, much worse. Most likely, the ramifications from the jab will wake some people up.
When we are pushed to the precipice, we will do better than the people in Brazil and China because we have the largest army in the world. The American Hunter.
And millions of pro 2A Americans that know what the 2A is for!
Amen 🇺🇸
Apathy is my “trigger”-lol! Before my dad died over 10 years ago, he would always talk about this. He always said, “Think for yourself Renee! Don’t be a part of all the bs.” He was right. And if he saw what we’re going through now, he’d lose it!
Oh, I get it too Al! God bless your father (they don’t make them like that anymore) and his love of country. My dad missed Korea by a hair. All we can do is remember all the little things (big things) that our fathers instilled in us. God was one thing my father really stressed. God has gotten me through everything! That’s one thing that evil cannot take away.
>>"It’s an empire run by our national security state bureaucracy."
Love the article but disagree with this conclusion. The national security state bureaucracy is not the "boss" -- it is an operative underling.
The boss behind the curtain is (what I refer to as) the "Globalist*-CCP Axis" (with Russia and Iran / Muslim Brotherhood as junior partners). Between the boss and the bureaucracy lies B. Hussein Obama (with Valerie Jarrett / Susan Rice) as middle management as handlers for the unelected Biden-Harris Junta.
The goal is to take-out the USA as the only country strong enough for the Corporatist-Fascist regime they intend to impose upon the globe a/k/a "The Great Reset."
*Globalist = WEF, UN, central banks, NGO's and multinational corporations.
Until the DOJ and the Media stop covering up Open Election Fraud, there is little we Americans can do about it, short of Brazilian style massive protests. Americans are too soft and have not suffered enough pain, to follow in the Brazilians footsteps.
The demonrats 🐀 should be consider a organized crime syndicate and be prosecuted under the RICO statues..get Rudy G to do it.
Doing something like this would destroy those evil doers and we might get our country back...thanks for you great journalism E
Arizona is so blatant! Such chutzpah! You almost have to admire it. They obviously have enough faith in the corruption of the judicial system in Arizona that they're not afraid of jail. . I can hear the crook of a judge now. How dare you question our free and fair election? How Dare You!!!
By the way, I might well have missed it as I need new glasses, but I don't see the poll referenced. Can someone tell me where it is in the article?
...and here we sit...
or is it: "They also serve who only stand and wait"? - Milton
Maybe: " If I want him to survive till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me.' - John 21:.21, 22
Why do we, by inaction, accept a dismal fate and future? Are most expecting God to bail us out (again), or just for Jesus to come? Oh, he'll be along - to be sure!
Perhaps my prepper friends offer a clue in that their blasé attitude seems endemic among their millions: "We're all set!" "We studied, planned, saved, invested and stored. So, good luck ya'll!"
Our current times remind me of the scene in Airplane in which Kirkpatrick says: "They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into. I say: LET EM CRASH!"
That's all?, sure are a lot of people happy with the way things are
It’s just so disgusting. I wish I could do more.
And if the Big Brother Media weren't so dedicated in covering up and hiding the facts of our present sovietization, it would be much more than 71%.