Amazing how the government formed by people who revolted over taxes in the 1770s thinks that hiring & arming more IRS agents is a good idea. ✝

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They are corrupt, communists.

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You're dealing with a gov't of sociopaths. Look at a Granholm, that trans 'Admiral' from PA, Fauci fer Chrissakes(!), any and all Biden hires, Comey, Strzok, McCabe. It's a long list that needs its own server farm.

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The Democrats are evil, the Republicans complicit. The administrative state is corrupt and out of control. The security state is a clear and present danger. We are on our own. Pray and prepare.

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Pray and Prepare are our only hope! Put our trust and hope in the Lord, for He is sovereign! Evil will ultimately be conquered!

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Prayers mean; "Lord forgive me if I need to be more savage than the savages I have to fight". This IS a stinkin' Iwo Jima at this point. Absolute eradication is necessary and the left NEEDS to surrender publicly in order for prudent systems to function with lawful expectation.

Punishment, shame, penalty needs to be feared. Shame is not a component installed in Marxist software.

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The "security state" is cruelly dangerous. I find it interesting that they now list nuclear related documents amongst those sought from President Trump's private home. I firmly doubt we're on our own, in terms of affairs of state or God's providence. Certainly pray, prepare and humbly seek discernment.

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Late summer, when a young man's thoughts are drawn to deep state history, flight cancellations, and MH370.

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I agree that if we don't get an honest election in the upcoming midterms, then it is over.

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Well, I gotta say Emerald is exactly right over the target. As she points out the actions of both R’s and D’s who are in every practical aspect are two sides of the same coin.

The truth dear citizens we have had a uniparty for decades playing us for fools but thanks to Donald Trump their charade has finally been exposed.

Now we are seeing their true form and it’s every bit of a nightmare.

However, this only means we know and they know we know. But it changes nothing as we’ve seen they intend to double down.

If you think they gonna walk off and return the government back to us because, the majority of Americans don’t won’t them to rule over us then, you really need some help.

If you think everything is gonna be okay and things are gonna return to your pleasant normal place of comfort then I might question your mental status.

Expect this winter for food and energy to increase another 60% while they send billions of our taxes to Ukrainians healthcare and welfare needs.

And this just the very tip of the unbelievable ungodly plans they for you.

They will not stop until each and everyone of us is broke penniless and are dependent upon the Federal government.

And there my friends is their objective to own each and everyone of us.

Now, if you can’t see where this is going then you gonna experience it for sure.

And you know maybe that’s a good thing because so many Americans are having just a terrible time living and dealing with life in general.

Maybe the majority of Americans do need someone to tell them when and where since it appears they love to be told what is what anymore.

Oh, Trying to figure things has become such a tedious trial for so many Americans today.

Am I a girl or am I a boy, can I get pregnant or not, etc etc call the 800 number Federal agencies are here to help.

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You speak the truth. It is sickening to see this happen.

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Generally well stated Emerald post and this comment analyses very wisely, IMO. Honestly, I think the nature of circumstances is a combination of deeper human corruption than most realize and deeper foundational spiritual evil than most realize as well. Christians who stand rooted in the scriptures have the basis for a consistent analysis. There isn't a set of actions or understandings, though, that fully "prepares" us for being able to stand. That, most ultimately, is granted by grace. Thus it can be held by little children, the "wise" or the "simple."

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

I'd encourage anyone to read the fuller context in Eph. 2:1-10. Look these things up rather than passing by the reference. Then keep reading. I'm convinced that bedrock truth is the weapon to defend against the complex of lies/deception that have been building up. Then the work done by those who love their country will proceed in good conscience with the ultimate results in the Lord's hands.

I've had to give careful thought recently to God's words in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. As pointed out by Ms. Emerald, so few seem trustworthy. Why the confusion? Why the treachery? How much treachery dwells in our own heart? Answer these sorts of things and perhaps we'll be more able to stand and work faithfully in whatever the future brings.

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That is a good point!!!

How to be able “to stand in the evil day” is addressed by the good Apostle Paul in that same letter within his closing remarks.

Paul does in fact give some good instructions on what must be done in order to stand in this evil day.

It makes sense to me that being able to stand with the full armor of God is the primary battle stance.

We will not be moved for we are persuaded convinced in knowledge that God is absolutely right

in all His dealings.

And those who reject God are wrong that’s all.

There are millions of respectful God honoring and good decent people out there who belong to God whether they are now aware of it or not.

And He has promised to confirm all those that belong to Him on the last day

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Great post, as usual, Emerald but what are we supposed to do?? I don't have any faith in our elections anymore yet I feel like that is the only lever that we can pull at this point to try to keep our constitutional republic in tact. What can we do, outside of using the 2A to remove this tyranny?? Are we really to that point? Are you ready to take up arms or are you going to just keep posting about things we already know?? Please, tell us, what are the next steps because I'm ready, willing and able to invoke the 2A!!! It seems like that is where we are...........

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You'll lose. These problems happened by complacency. Trusting any government is a mistake. Assuming an occasional ritual ballot is sufficient, is a mistake. Letting others manage candidate selection and advocacy is a mistake. Get involved. Find and support good candidates. Be a poll watcher. Convince your neighbors. Being quiet and polite is why you lose. Every competition is won by the side with greater aggression. That's why we've been indoctrinated to be polite and generous. The outcomes from that are always predictable.

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So, if the politicians are not going to do anything, the elections are rigged, then the only thing left to do is invoke the 2nd Amendment???

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Martyrs are dead. They lose, by definition. You need a better plan if you want to change anything. The first Amendment is more powerful than the second. Use it.

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Unfortunately everybody's been there and done that. What's next???

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Next, we work harder to defend our society, or we learn to like the new one. Its not up to them, it's up to us.

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We? What have you done? I've put hundreds of people in front of courthouses, judges' homes and politicians' homes. It worked for a while and then the elitist pigs went back to doing what they're doing. Are you prepared to have the IRS investigate your finances with a proctoscope? Do you know how to sue the IRS for harassment and negligence? Are you out there on FB, Twitter, or any other platform railing against the Socialists in DC or your respective state? I doubt it. You make noise here, but that's about it.

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I hope you're as enthusiastic about elections integrity as you are about insulting substack posters. Apparently not. Sounds like you've given up. Organizing rabble to assault politicians isn't effective. Typical dem tactics.

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Oh,I don’t know if “rabble “, either in small groups or rather better organized are so ineffective. Here’s a hypothetical fantasy for your philosophical consideration:

the deplorables in some few areas ask their State Legislature to form and fund a State Militia to be staffed by volunteers solely, bringing their own personally owned equipment; then the few and various State Militias form a mutual aid compact, and even drill themselves into mild competency

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Darn phone!And then the more eloquent (and daring among them) announce a Patriots Tax Strike , perhaps putting the approximate amounts into a State Escrow Fund , held and managed by each cooperating State government on behalf of , and for the benefit of, the Federal government, to be disbursed to the Federal Treasury after new elections are held on an emergency basis due to the Constitutional Crisis declared by the States in Emergent Compact Assembled. If Constitution Hall in Philadelphia is too small to host the plenary meetings, use one of the big Cathedral Churches instead- they’re mostly empty space , most of the time anyhow.

Think you that rabble assembled are futile and useless against the great armies? Look back to The Green Mountain Boys , and their capture from the British of the great Fort Ticonderoga, and so many more examples. And they did it even though they were led by Benedict Arnold.

And look to the example of our forefathers, marching as a rabble assemblage of State and local-regional Militias into Valley Forge in late December, 1777, and though 2000 of the 12,000 Volunteers died there of hunger, cold, and disease, they trained over and over, so when they marched out in 1778, they were the Continental Line, and they gloriously gave us our country , free and independent.

Take heart-we are a good people, a strong people, a just people, and- In G-d We Trust !

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FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was surrounded by Soviet agents. Why is that rarely mentioned? The Commies were never taken down. Joseph McCarthy is vilified by most Pubs to this day which is telling. Now we are paying the price.

Edited for people that don't know what FDR stands for.

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FBI wasn't surrounded. They were, and are, infested. So are other federal agencies. McCarthy was right, as was later proven in the Venona files.

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I said FDR as in Franklin Delano Roosevelt! FDR was surrounded by Soviet agents.

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I’m going to “like” this story Emerald but only because of the quality and truth in the words, not the message. It’s a scary, sad thing to watch our country die of the Democrat disease within.

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So damn heartbreaking! More IRS and they just purchased a few million rounds of ammo to use on us the TAX PAYER. Disgusting.

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Well, there is always The Jab if anyone is allergic to lead poisoning. But to be optimistic you won't have to buy those paper thingys and stay at the range anymore.


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The emergency is still in effect, nobody is even calling for its end.

Rule by executive order.

The only voting should be by mechanical lever count, on the day, in person. No freaking paper ballots, no optical scanning, no internet.

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Any tabulation can (and always is) manipulated. But only on a small scale. The larger the scale of the fraud, the greater the chance they'll be caught. If it's not close, cheating doesn't affect the outcome. Don't let it be close. It's clear that recent cheating has all been for the dems. The recent oppressions have all been from the dems. They see it as a war, whether others do or not. Anyone who supports or registers dem is an enemy of the people and should be hounded relentlessly. Shame them into changing. A lot of them are shifting their allegiance already. There are bad dems and stupid dems. There are no good dems.

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This is very disheartening. I'm glad you're writing about the obvious issues here. Politicians really think we are stupid. I think we have given them so much freedom to control us, haven't we? We are buying into medias lies by continue to watch them. We are voting for people who continue to lie to us. I do not want to give up hope. Prayer warriors is what we need.

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Many people are sleep walking, or understandably distracted by real things, such as kids and family. Many are too good-hearted to believe that there is so much evil out and about. But WAY more than we think know that you don't defund the cops, Lia Thomas cannot swim against women, there are two genders, pronouns are bat shit crazy, and inner cities are total war zones that were created and crafted and kept alive by the breathtakingly racist Left, and everybody on the Left is mentally ill and angry and entitled and racist, and almost all are mask-wearing weaklings who shit themselves during any confrontation. I have hope that the mid-terms will help the cause because even politicians have a tendency to follow the "cool crowd" in their respective party, and Trump and Desantis and Rand Paul and Greene and now Lake and Jerry Nadler (kidding) Etc. are the cool crowd... and the huge Silent Majority see this modern day destruction for what it is: intentional, and something that must be stopped. At least that's what I tell myself at night after my daughters are asleep.

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I have hope for the House but no hope for the Senate even if we win the 51st seat. Until about 10-12 RINO's are out and replaced with real conservatives, the song won't change. If Republicans in the Senate had any balls, they'd shut the government down on September 30 until some real changes get done. But the usual lackeys will cave as they always do.

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We cannot lose hope. We pray and we vote. Washington won because God was on his side. There are many saints praying. We need to pray and vote. We will have the victory in the end. Don't lose hope.

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One Nation Under God. In God We Trust. Prayer is powerful! Stay strong.

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The people I know who do not see clearly where we’re headed are either snowed by their belief that you can trust what the NYT and WaPo say, or, for reasons having to do with serious health problems or a head-in-the-sand personality, cannot admit to the life-changing truth. It demands more from them than they are able to give. I can’t criticize the latter group because I don’t share their problems. I know at least one member of the former group, an academic, who really believes that if conservatives (“fascists”) took over the government, they would try to destroy universities. This person is not stupid, but very deluded. Communication about the state of affairs with both groups is difficult, if not impossible.

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Part of the problem with many people is that they don't like conflict or discomfort, so they'll stick their head in the sand and pretend it will all go away or bypass them.

Even worse, many folks think their local "news market" (with those nice friendly faces they occasionally see around their city) are "fair and balanced" in their reporting. They're not, they're lazy parrots for the mainstream media who don't want to make waves - otherwise they'll never get a chance to move up to one of those national news companies. It's an incestuous system.

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About people, yes, this is very true. You put it well.

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