America Has Fallen Into Tyranny
You know it's true. You're just not supposed to say it in public.
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: Tis dearness only that gives every thing its value.” — Thomas Paine, 1776
Everybody that I know — at least in conservative circles — has suffered their own personal moment of crisis after the stolen 2020 election when they first said to themselves: “Maybe the United States is no longer a republic. Maybe our country will never recover. Maybe it’s over.”
You know what I mean.
My own moment came when I got a phone call from a former national security advisor to President Trump who told me: “If we don’t get our corrupt voting systems fixed by the November midterms then America is basically over. It’s finished.”
Now the man I was talking with is a great patriot and an optimist — and God bless him for it — and even he thinks that we have only three more months to save this country. I don’t mean to indulge in despair of course— but let me tell you: the hour is very late. And it is much much much later than the vast majority of so-called conservative pundits and cable news anchors can even imagine.
No, House minority leader Kevin McCarthy is not coming to save you. No, Tim Scott is not really angry about the raid on Trump’s estate. He just endorsed Lisa Murkowski in Alaska after all — which should be the end of his dumb career in politics.

No, Mitch McConnell is not going to help you stop the Biden regime. He’s too busy helping them to stop them.

In fact, the disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) made a stronger statement against the FBI’s raid than Mitch McConnell could manage — but the Biden regime just forced Cuomo out of office (for daring to think he could beat Biden/Harris in the 2024 primary) while the Senate Minority Leader (R-KY) is still doing business with the tyrants.
It’s now perfectly obvious that the primary role of the FBI and the DOJ is to interfere in domestic politics in favor of the Democrat Party. They do so regularly and without repercussions. News that the FBI had an informer planted inside Mar-a-Lago before its third-world raid on a former president means that Christopher Wray’s agency has now spied on President Trump continuously for seven years.
Our national security state was illegally wiretapping the Trump campaign in 2016; framing Gen. Michael Flynn and planting spies inside the White House in 2017; running the Russia Hoax and the phony Mueller Probe in 2018; aiding and abetting the first impeachment of President Trump in 2019; and helping to steal the election for Joe Biden in 2020. Nobody has been held accountable for conspiring against a sitting president — except the absurd wrist-slap given to FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith — and this tells you all that you need to know about the current state of our “democracy.”
Please spare me the happy talk too about the “red wave” that’s coming in the midterms. The GOP establishment keeps telling you that 2022 looks great for Republicans as Democrats prepare to run the 2020 election playbook again in swing states — by signing contracts with the same electronic voting machine companies.

You should have noticed that something was very wrong when Southwest Airlines employees did more for freedom than the entire GOP leadership — by going on strike against vaccine mandates last year. (As Jordan Schachtel noted: “Pfizer currently has 92 lobbyists in Washington. Johnson & Johnson has 67. Merck has 53. Gilead has 46. Natural immunity has zero.”) For two years, Republicans were basically in a foot-race with Democrats to see which side could whore themselves the most for Big Pharma.
You should have noticed already that the GOP didn’t call for the removal of Attorney General Merrick Garland after he directed the FBI to investigate angry parents as “domestic terrorists.”
You should have noticed a long time ago that the GOP tried to impeach Donald Trump twice — and Joe Biden never.
Stop kidding yourself. Stop appealing for help from the same politicians who brought our nation to its knees in the first place. Stop being so naive.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction” — a great president once reminded us — and the generation that is watching it disappear is ours.
I Need Your Support!
Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption every day like me?
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.
The corporate media is completely corrupt. Just go down the list: the Russia Hoax, the stolen 2020 election, the deadly COVID vaccines. The corporate media is actively trying to hide the truth from the American people on a daily basis.
If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back.
Do you have mine?
Amazing how the government formed by people who revolted over taxes in the 1770s thinks that hiring & arming more IRS agents is a good idea. ✝
The Democrats are evil, the Republicans complicit. The administrative state is corrupt and out of control. The security state is a clear and present danger. We are on our own. Pray and prepare.