Biden's next act of treason will be this https://wentworthreport.com/2022/05/09/biden-handing-over-u-s-sovereignty-to-who/ Everyone needs to call Kevin McCarthy, and Mitch McConnell and say no to allowing the US to give away any of our sovereignty ever!!. This is as dangerous as it gets folks.

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That is really scary. The Commie Dems will push it through Congress. The Pubs in the Senate are almost all Uniparty and I could see some of them voting for this. Collins and Murkowski for sure and possibly Romney.

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It’s delusional to think calling them will change their stance on anything. Power and money continue to control their actions (perhaps blackmail too).

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Just the attitude they want us to have.

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I doubt they care what attitude we have - they are fine ignoring the complaints. Besides, we’re way past the complaint stage unless you are some woke identity.

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you missed my body my choice when it's about baby killing but when it comes to jabs you better roll up that sleeve or you will be ostracized from society

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Keep speaking TRUTH. The evildoers cower. Let your bright beacon show the way out of darkness! Emerald, you have given hope that justice will prevail. Let Freedom ring!

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Justice sure is not prevailing at the moment.

Peaceful folks that were protesting the obvious election-steal - the fraud / coup-d'etat supported by every Federal Executive Branch government alphabet-soup agency, the SCOTUS who refused to hear any cases challenging the fraud-ridden election process, and most of our Legislature 'Representatives' - were murdered [at least two - one shot and one clubbed to death] and imprisoned.

Yes . . . a sampling of the protesters have been jailed as political prisoners with punishment and incarceration far in excess of that meted out to 'ANTIFA' and 'BLM' RIOTERS in order to serve as an example to the 'sheeple', while the treasonous perpetrators of the coup-d'erat that kicked into high-gear starting with the fake-plandemic draconian response roam free, and are in fact in total control of the Federal Government and much of the State government, including the Election process and Ballot Counting process.

What is the solution at this juncture?

I am 'elderly', but I hope I live to see and participate in the 'solution' that I imagine involves refreshing the Tree of Liberty, should such a solution present itself.

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Absolutely correct. Not sure what the next steps are. We must all stand up bravely wherever God has placed us.

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Our Country has lemmingly followed the lunatic left in its rush to lead us off the cliff. "Doomsday" Emerald? Nay, ARMAGEDDON!

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Much of the so called Right / Uniparty is ok with it. There are only a handful of good American First Congressmen (MTG, Massie, Gaetz, ?) and none in the Senate. Same with the SCOTUS. Alito and Thomas are the only two that can be trusted.

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All politicians fall into the same web woven by the denizens of the swamp. Remember the hope and trust the people put into Paul Ryan when he was first elected to Congress?

Power corrupts and absolute power will corrupt totally.

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Yes that is the case in general. I am sure many her don't like MTG but she has been canceled by most of the Right and is totally hated by the Left which makes me like her even more. I was worried she would jump on the Ukraine bandwagon but she didn't which is another win.

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Remember the last civil war, when Americans had to kill other Americans to make society safe and "civil" for everyone? Yeah - it gets ugly. Are you getting mentally prepared for that?

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I've been preparing myself for that since they unleashed the Plandemic on us. I'm ready to DIE for what I believe. As soon as the Civil war starts, I'll gladly throw my hat in the ring in an attempt to save our country from the communisim takeover.

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America is under Marxist Globalist control. They control all the Levers. A physical overthrow is probably necessary but that is not happening. America First is not the Patriots of 1776. They were willing to risk everything for their cause.

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Well said. I'm sick and tired of the leftists in power. They cheat, lie and will say whatever they need to in an attempt to keep power. They are the FACISTS - not Trump, not the MAGA supporters, not the conservative right. The leftists have completely taken over the democrat party and have made it unrecognizable to lifelong democrats. You used to be able to have civilzed debates with democrats but that is no longer possible since the facist left has taken over the party. They hate this country and our Constitution and will do whatever they can to force their agenda and political views on the MAJORITY of the population. I've had it and will no longer even attempt to have a civilized conversation with ANYONE on the left. If they want a fight - I'm ready!! Bring it on!!!

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As Rush has often said...do not try to get along with liberals. They must be defeated. No middle ground.

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Thanks God for Emerald’s reporting. Please give her financial support.

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Buddy J, my brother- if necessary, in arms , together with a great number of like- minded defenders of the Constitution, and we, too are elderly, will join together to cleanse this land from the stain upon it. Fascism began here during Clinton and Obama. Perhaps we , in our mighty multitude can end it at the end of the reign of the addled userper. He cannot withstand us.

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It started much earlier. FDR was surrounding by Soviet agents. FDR was most likely comprised. There is a reason East Europe ended up Stalin's hands. Patton saw the Soviet threat but was taken out by a timely Jeep crash. Joe McCarthy was correct to attack the Commies post WWII but he was vilified and died mysteriously at Navy Medical. Today most of the Right vilify McCarthy which is telling.

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You are, of course, totally correct.And the groves of academe were greatly populated by agents of influence. I know this to be true-I lived it. And I paid a price for breaking out of this designed pattern. But for an all-too-brief period I felt free. Then…

We, all of us, have to shake off our age and ease and inertia, to together imagine ways of effectively strive to reverse the metastases of Communist subversion, because we are the last generation who can do so. There is no one behind us.

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Thank you. Yes all Levers have been infiltrated and it started over a 100 years ago. I am not really sure how to turn it around. When you see most of the Right vilifying McCarthy it seems near hopeless (they have totally bought into the Far Left narrative). It's the same with the the Russian Operation in so called Ukraine.

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We point our fingers and call the compliant “sheep”. They’ve aligned themselves with liars, thieves and murderers which are actually the goats according to Jesus.

His sheep are those that cling to the way of truth, justice and eternal life.

Much thanks to Emerald for the bittersweet truth she brings.

But as I ponder current events I can’t help thinking He has already begun dividing humanity ahead of His return.

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I do wonder who controls whom. Are "the intelligence agencies and the federal law enforcement bureaus ... controlled by Obama and Clinton operatives?" Or, is it the other way around? After all, the federal bureaucracy never actually stands for election. Not even Trump really attempted to "drain the swam," largely because the bulk of the bureaucracy is protected by the Civil Service. That deep state, infused with globalist totalitarian megalomania, controls Liz Cheney and Lindsey Graham just as it has exercised its ultimate control over every single Democrat politician including Sanders and now even Nina Turner.

That's why it's necessary to figuratively "burn down" the federal bureaucracy, as well as Democratic Party power, by using the states to override its power. Several states are starting to push back. The rebellion over cannabis has spread to other issues. Federalism and the 10th Amendment is where the battle will be won or lost. The federal government won the Civil War and a hundred years later the civil rights struggle because the people, infused with Enlightenment values of equal rights and self-ownership, influenced and then sided with the federal government. Will the people now remain consistent with those values and support the states' struggle against federal bureaucracy?

The genius of the Constitution is not just federal separation of powers, which have largely failed to prevent tyranny, but in its maintenance of ultimate state sovereignty. We will soon find out whether the people of the states remain true to the values of the Founders or have irrevocably adopted "woke" values even as those values are tearing the society apart.

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Brilliant and clear and true. Thank you .The Deep State must be destroyed and the denizen’s thereof, or at least their power.The people and the States must triumph.

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If this continues, bloodshed is near.

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You are exactly right, tyranny. 18 U.S. Code § 1507 – Picketing or parading

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.(Added Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 1024, title I, § 31(a), 64 Stat. 1018; amended Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

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"Stop pretending that you can negotiate with these cultural terrorists. You can’t. You can submit or you can fight." Emerald Robinson

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