They want to steal 2022 election next!

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Nov. 2020 was a COUP. There were 600,000 Fake Biden ballots in Georgia, 520,000 Fake Biden ballots in Arizona, 900,000 Fake Biden ballots in Pennsylvania, 940,000 Fake Biden ballots in Illinois, 700,000 Fake Biden ballots in Virginia. A Fraud of 4,700,000 votes in California (4.7 Million votes). And on and on.

However, 95% of the judges in this country are CORRUPT.

The Supreme Court is totally CORRUPT (starting with "Chief Justice" John Roberts).

The DOJ is totally CORRUPT.

The FBI is totally CORRUPT.

The CIA is totally CORRUPT.

The DHS/CISA is corrupt like all the above.

So can you tell me how this mess can be fixed, Emerald?

* * * * *

(Edit to add:) we have an Usurper in the White House, 80% of Congress elected by Fraud: therefore Joe Biden has not been "CERTIFIED" by anyone with legitimate authority. It's all Illegal. Fraud vitiates Everything. It's all Null and Void. But WHO can fix this mess???

(by the way, Emerald: I've sent you an email, I'm not sure you have received it: please let me know)

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Joe Biden got more ballots but Donald Trump got more votes.

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2) The only solution I see is in John Durham and in his Criminal Investigation.

Durham is targeting the HEART of the Democrat Party (re: Sussmann Indictment). Sussmann and Marc Elias (Perkins Coie) were among the architects of the Election Fraud. Elias resigned from Perkins Coie right after Sussmann was indicted by Durham. Not a coincidence.

Perkins Coie are the puppet Masters of the entire Democrat Party.

Also it seems that Durham is targeting the Hillary Clinton Campaign, Marc Elias, Jake Sullivan, and Hillary Clinton herself. According to some legal analyses, Durham may target and indict also Obama and Joe Biden. It all depends if Durham has the guts to do his Constitutional Duty.

For the Patriots who are interested, I have written 7 articles on my Substack on the Durham Investigation, and where it is going. Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/ (Select "Durham Indictments" in the menu)

Note: what DNI Ratcliffe revealed is pretty explosive (but few paid attention).

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Did you read Emerald's take on the Durham investigation?

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I've been following mostly TechnoFog about the Durham investigation - on Twitter and here on Substack - I am friend with TechnoFog since 2019, when we were on Twitter, we were exchanging ideas and information via Twitter DM's.

On Substack I'm still a rookie: I began writing articles here in late January - so I have to catch up with the articles of all my favorite writers... I will read the Emerald articles on the Durham Investigation as soon as I have time...

Thank you for your suggestion, Architeckt!

On my side, I had written a book entitled "Durham Indictments" back in Aug 2020 - so I'm quite familiar with the subject: https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/bookstore/p/durham

When I was on Twitter, I had written many Threads on the Durham Investigation, probably a dozen, or so - in 2019 and in 2020

By the way: Durham was appointed in March 2018, or earlier. So it was not William Barr who initially appointed Durham (Barr was not AG in 2018) ... so who appointed Durham?

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Wait. I had a moment to go back... did Jeff Sessions appoint Durham?

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I was expecting this question... from someone smart.

The answer is no: it wasn't Jeff Sessions.

Remember? Sessions recused himself from all things related to Trump/Russia. And the Durham Investigation is (and was) totally related to Russia. So who (secretly) appointed John Durham in March 2018?

There is only one answer possible: Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.

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No one smart was available, so I had to ask. 🤪

Ah yes, the recusal...

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Ah, interesting... I will check out your writing!

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Mar 10, 2022
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my criticism on John Durham is that he's been moving way too slowly. Sussmann, Marc Elias, Hillary Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden had to be indicted BEFORE the Elections - around Sept 7, 2020 - !!

I knew from two confidential sources inside the Durham Team that this was the plan (I was told in May 2020). If those indicments were filed in Sept. 2020, we would not have had the Election Fraud and the Coup - and Trump would still be in the White House today.

(and we would not be in this total mess we are in, right now)

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Exactly! And how do we all react? By actually believing that 'we the people' will win the house in 2022 and the presidency in 2024. 🤦‍♀️

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we will NEVER win an Election with the rigged Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic and Hart voting machines still in place, and with massive mail-in ballots. There have been 69,000,000 mail-in ballots in 2020 (69 Million!!)

The Election Fraud in 2020 has been in the tune of 45 Million votes. Maybe even more.

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Mar 10, 2022Edited
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And what will the Republicans do?

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Exactly. The Dems crossed the Rubicon in 11/2020.

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yes, they did. And the RINO's helped them.

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Mar 10, 2022
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oh, I agree, Al ! your definitions are certainly better!

Those RINO's are TRAITORS. They all should be given the Death Penalty, in my opinion. They are Complicit in "Seditious Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government".

This is why I wrote in the above comment "Nov. 2020 was a Coup".

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Mar 10, 2022
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I Love the ancient Greek civilization! They taught the World Beauty Art and Wisdom. I know and love Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. I've been in Greece, in Athens and in Crete.

I love also the Minoan civilization (1,900BC). They were much more advanced than we think.

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Keep it going Emerald. You are doing a fantastic job. Actual journalism.

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Why is Halderman being so meek? Claim whistleblower status and send it out to everyone. What can they do to him? Violations of law in the election have carried no consequences, why would this? There is no applicable law on its release, just cowards who want to block it.

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Emerald, please keep moving mountains and exposing the TRUTH. We the People have to continue efforts to expose the lies and fraud. What would our founding Fathers have thought of a judge sealing what a state has a right to know? Your valiant efforts have not gone unnoticed! Kudos!

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When, on election night, I learned that the Dominion voting machines were accessible via an open RS-232 connection (meaning that anyone with an ordinary PC or MAC could access the machine and its data,) I knew that the steal was on.

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At www.WePatriot.org, we are organizing the patriot movement so patriots can find Emerald and other important information about Convention of States, Covid, News sources, etc.

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It’s finally gotten through my thick skull that the USA is not “home to the free and the brave.” It’s home to the socialist and the slave. It took the corrupt war in Ukraine for me to get it even after knowing that the current group in DC is an installed government, not an elected one. I’m not at all surprised that DC has taken over our elections. Why vote? I live in GA. I can tell you right now who will win here in November. Stacy Abrams will finally get to be Governor and Warnock will “win” his re-election. Raffensperger might get to continue to be SOS since he’s kept the uniparty in power. It’s all bullshit and we the American people are powerless to do anything about it.

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"home to the socialist and the slave" - sadly, I have to agree. Our Country has been taken over by the Cabal, and now we live in a Fascist/Communist Dictatorship.

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It’s very distressing and sad.

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Land of the fee and home of the slave.

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Releasing of the report does not matter as the lame stream media won’t cover it anyway so majority of Americans won’t hear about it 🤨

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Precisely why Halderman should just say, F it, and release it. The furor it will cause will get it out.

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Can anyone explain why there is any federal agency with any legal jurisdiction over elections since the Constitution makes it perfectly clear conducting elections is a state responsibility? The Voting Rights Act you say? The Voting Rights Act ( or whatever its exact legal name ) that passed at the height of desegregation fervor is one gigantic virtue signal without an ounce of Constitutional validity and hence not an ounce of enforceability and hence no federal judge can legally rule on any election matter other than the one the Supreme Court refused to rule on.

There is one very clear statement in the Constitution about the federal governments role in elections. The Constitution has a declaration as to what state government body gets to make rules for citizens choosing Electors to send to the Capitol to vote for the President. The Supreme Court declared no standing for the plaintiffs when asked to rule thus abrogating the very reason for the institutions existence.

The correct move now is to make the report as widely available as the Internet can. Then meet every form of opposition with the little civic lesson contained herein. Either we live in a country governed by adherence to the Constitution or we do not. If not, legal remedies to injustice are only in our dreams.

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God bless you for doing the Emerald. I hope your work finds larger and larger audiences.

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I’m mad Emerald! As a voter where is my Due Process?

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Furious! And hopeless.

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Unfortunately nothing will happen. America is a Marxist Globalist country. They control all the Levers. Next step will be to eliminate the Electoral College. All urban areas are Commie Dem Hell Holes. Same with much of the suburbs. Most of the American population are ignorant morons. It's a hopeless situation.

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"It’s not clear that CISA has any standing at all in the case." Actually, it's clear they don't have standing, unless the states permit it. Some will. None should.

Counting millions of anything requires machine support. But they don't require networked interconnection. That's where the fraud happens with dominion. We need a tabulating ballot reader that is certified secure by a trusted evaluator, either federal or state or independent, but independently verifiable. The inputs and outputs from those machines must be made by certified officials. If voting machines at the precincts produce digital tabulation files, that file should be extracted, verified and certified by a local official, and encrypted and transmitted to the state by that official. Paper ballots and other evidence can be sent separately and archived for audit purposes. Those files can be assembled at the state level for analysis and reporting by state officials. Secure systems are possible, but elections always attract criminals, so high security is needed.

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sorry, David, I will Never Ever accept ANY voting machine in the Elections. Never. Nor any mail-in ballots. And in-person ballots must have high tech watermarks - just like the prototype AZ Mark Finchem showed back in April 2021. That is the only way I will ever accept to vote in an election. Otherwise, elections are a JOKE.

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They're much better than the alternatives. Paper ballots can also be manipulated, as we have seen, repeatedly. I worry more about voters than the machines that count them. Most don't take the decision seriously, many are happy to sell their vote for a few bucks, and way too many are just too dumb to make rational decisions about anything. But they don't usually matter if we do our job correctly.

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This is BEYOND frustrating. Can county Sheriffs arrest judges who so blatantly abuse the law, simply do not abide by the Constitution and refuse to do what is right and just for "we the people"? I pray and pray that God will dispel the darkness and the pure evil that surrounds us so the truth can shine brightly. We are running out of time, I'm afraid, but I put my trust in God.

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Emerald: why would you embed links that require a protonmail login??

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