Thank you so much for covering this. I find it impossible to have much interest in any other issue. I am not sure of the way forward but do not think we can exist as a functioning democracy without open and honest elections. Please keep covering this!!

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You bet I will.

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Yet, we're supposed to believe that the guy who had more pumpkins than people at his rallies got the most votes in US history.

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It's getting harder to believe.

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This is a brilliantly written piece! Thank you for producing it. I will add it to my collection of piecing together how we have lost the Republic. If we cannot trust the government, courts, politicians, and media - so how does this get turned around? A possible answer is this: The American people uniting under the virtues of what this country was founded on and forcing out the opposition to that through whatever means are necessary. I hope it is not too late.

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Thank you!

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Devastating to hear the DOD is so deeply involved. Are they actually calling all the shots in this country? Are we already under a military dictatorship? How much is the AG and FBI involved? Is the very incompetent Biden a shield to protect these people? It’s a scary scenario. Obvious something is up that is huge and dangerous. And, I agree-it’s been since 2012. I pray it’s not too late.

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Eisenhower warned us in 1961.

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When you take people like Generals Milley and Austin into account, this all makes perfect sense. And to think that some QAnons thought the military would swoop in and save us!

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Another great read but it all infuriates me. I’ve gone from disliking Dems to despising them. I won’t hire them, deal with them, do business with them, do my best to not be around one. What is worse though. A Dem who is honest about being one or a Republican who denies the rigging of the election and won’t say a word about it or the shameful treatment of American citizens in cages for the 1/6 events?

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I don't even believe we have elections any more. Election systems done.

"Smarter" people than me, people with more "experience and expertise", and important titles, alma maters, etc, will take one look at my post and say that I'm wrong, and they'll be mistaken, I guarantee it.

Elections are done. Parties are just about done. No one protests in the street any more, not really, because violence from state sponsored goons (antifa, blm), assisted by police unions.

You want proof? Proof that anyone can see: Look no further than the DNC pushing red flag laws. One hundred and thirty five members of the RNC, being little more than their gatekeepers, voted for it. People like mitt romney, the guy who gave bill gates his start through bane corp? Mitt romney who dismantled and sold our manufacturing to china? Hes *allowed* to keep an R after his name? Is this what they call "representation"?

Grandstand some more like we all can't see it for what it is, a game they play? And then nothing is done. Or if they try, they fail, or anything they do is rolled back afterward.

This isn't representation, this is fraud. It's abuse of power under color of law, on an everyday scale, and a big scale too. When your bank account can be stripped so you can't defend yourself in court and the people doing it aren't held to the same standard as everyone else? Fraud.

When politicians can get on television and violate their campaign oaths and we have to wait until the "next election" for any consequences? Fraud. When they can force us, under threat of arrest, or massive fine, to take a dangerous injection or muzzle us, but they are free to jetset to sprawling parties without a whiff of masks or jabs? Fraud.

Fundamentally the u.s. government, as represented by DC, agency bureaucrats of all strips, the media, wallstreet, silicon valley, is replete with unrepentant hypocritical loud mouthed virtue signalling charlatans, looking down their nose on ordinary americans, while collecting a paycheck on our dime, and living lavishly, and making policies that penalize us on the daily. DC, congress, the senate, journalism, is overflowing with gangrene pus like the herpes invested boil on the cherry-red ass of satan, so full of its self in its own unaccountability, the stench of its vile arrogance drove people to vote for a 90s-liberal reality tv star. Really look at it for what it is: Things are so bad people unironically hoped and voted for ww3 or a giant meteor to kill them all as long as it destroyed DC too. This is political nihilism, the clarion call, and absolute bell weather of the end of all empires, the sort of thing that sooner or later ends in conflagration for any society. You know I'm right. Really, sit with it, and think about it. Marinate in what you just read.

Enough hyperbole.

The truth though isn't that far from what I wrote above. It's hard not to come to the conclusion that we're not actually represented any more--at all. Just useless voices like ron and rand paul, whos *job* is to shout into the wind as nothing changes except things getting worse.

And how much push-back did we see when the pauls were surrounded and under attack by antifa?

Very little outrage all things considered. That should have told the GOP right there, that their game was over. That the DNCs little "purple revolution" is nearing its end.

So we have censorship, either through tech, or violence, or the chilling effects of federal raids on dissenters, which means the soap box is gone. We have rigged elections, and audits-turned-into-mere-distraction-narratives which means the ballot box is gone. The jury box doesn't exist, because the only way an obama staffer could have got onto a jury for stone is if the jury selection machines have been tampered with. The fifth estate acts as a kingmaker. And the last bastion of free speech, political donations, and the internet, are increasingly lockdown, while the IRS goes after everyones bank records, credit card companies prepare to deny service for "wrongthink" or based on internet history, and departments like the DOJ and FBI demand donation records in obvious attempts to punish, intimidate, harass, and outright terrorize political dissidents.

And all this has transpired, and more, and the victim toll is enormous. Countless dead. Countless injured by mandates. Countless people whos lives were ruined, families destroyed, savings stolen in court fights because the judicial system works for DC lock stock and barrel. And millions more who fearfully refrain from so much as going outside to hold a sign any more, or daily decide to delete a comment online before posting. People who have abdicated their rights, real people, who have genuinely in their actions, straight *given up* on what was taken as sacred, giving up on a daily basis.

And I see this, all of it, and in it I see the conflagration coming.

There will be a reckoning, an accounting for their crimes.

Simply because you can't have this much crime by *any* government in *any* society used to being free, without their being some sort of social collapse and backlash. People don't like when you destroy their lives. When you steal their futures from them, steal the future from their families, brainwash their children. People don't like being violated over and over by what is supposed to be the law. People won't accept living in a two tier society.

It boils down to people won't tolerate the combination of 1. deadly levels of incompetence by bureaucracy, 2. inability and *unwillingness* by bureaucracy to respond to their needs in a genuine way 3. said unwillingness born from *expressed* and flagrant hatred or arrogance for the people whos lives they play with, like playing with fire.

And that is what it is, DC is playing with fire. And they're scared. And we can see it every time they put up wall around DC, or make a new proclamation condemning americans, condemning constitutional rights or civil liberties, demonizing orinary americans as potential "domestic terrorists" etc. DC, wallstreet, the pentagon, media, are terrified that people will come after them for what they've done and are doing.

Essentially we're ruled by an oligarchy of smug incompetent assholes, and their arrogance and insulation from the damage of their own decisions is pissing americans off to the point of disillusionment.

Put another way: The single thing that will be responsible for the collapse of the federal government to either internecine conflict (not civil war, that wont be allowed to happen again) or brazilification (into factions, infighting, gangs, etc), will be this:


Fundamentally trump didn't really change the swamp. He didn't empty it. He didn't even budge it. Not really. But the *tone* he set, said something. That tone didn't really originate with him. It *already* existed in america, an undercurrent. Just like people are chanting "f*ck biden!" right now, collectively, we had all been, if not chanting, than thinking, "f*ck the u.s. government! F*ck wallstreet, the banks, the media, silicon valley, and f*ck washington DC!"

The truth is we're far gone as a country. We're about *one* key turn (and *only* one) away from a turn-key tyranny. Where if you say the wrong thing, or even make the wrong donation, like people who just *supported J6 online*, you can have the FBI break down your door and point guns at your eight year old kid, and no one will be held responsible.

If things are to remain civil, than the civil contract *must* be *immediately* reinstated. If it isn't, I see things rapidly deteriorating in the u.s. in terms of civil instability e.x. Antifa and BLM will forming armed gangs. Some on the left and on the right will in turn unite against encroaching federal overreach leading to the federal governments false cries of "terrorism!" against everything and everyone increasingly becoming real-- a trend they will be *entirely* responsible for creating.

Meanwhile we'll see repeats of Texas-style secession talk, each one increasingly more serious than the last, until several states are talking about it at the same time. And bingo, now theres a real problem on the international stage. This will happen. This will come to pass. Mark it down. Be sure of it.

Disregard the experts that tell you prognostications like this are wrong, because the experts are

morons, and I can tell you for sure, the direction of things to come. Despite all their degrees,

schooling, experience, or expertise, they are wrong, and what I have wrote here is, verbatim, 100%,

what is going to go down in the u.s. in the next five years. I've been right about world and

u.s. events before, frequently in fact, and if you want to disregard hat I've written, you're welcome to be wrong like the experts are. I predicted the movements of bitcoin to within a couple hundred dollars,

I predicted trends in silicon valley, I predicted the afghan pull out, I predicted moves by world nations including china, I predicted almost a year ago the conflict between the u.s. china and australia.

I called the election of trump. These and dozens of other predictions I made on the dot.

The u.s. is going to disintegrate, geopolitically, politically, economically, socially, religiously, and militarily. I put a 40% probability on it within a 2-3 year interval, 75% probability on it the next 3-5 year range, 85% probability on it in the 5-8 year range, and a 85% probability on disintegration in the next 6-8 years, and a 91-95% (maxima) probability of disintegration and major intercontinental sub-nuclear conflict *within* the next 8-10 years. Technically it could happen now.

And that, that isn't hyperbole.

Thats the prediction of an actual expert.

FYI - I'm totally not a contributor for Stratfor.

If substack allowed longer comments I'd do a technical breakdown of those ranges and estimates.

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addendum: typos, but substack doesn't allow editing comments, so eh.

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Great article. Note, the 2012 comment just refers to voting, it doesn't mean (although intended to appear to mean) that the Deep State was not controlling election processes. until then. Prior to 2012 they just operated in a different way. So, happily for many of us, Donald J Trump is still alive.

Personally I think the National Security State emerged after WWII. After determining JFK was in effect a communist, they said "never again" and have been running things ever since, in the name of National Security. Now it is self perpetuating - they don't want to lose their jobs.

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What has any politician done to stop and or DETER election fraud from happening again? If they’ve done nothing to ENSURE fair and honest elections, then We have No Republic and No Democracy and No Government! They’re ALL GUILTY of TREASON! Disenfranchising American Citizen Voters is the ONLY reason WE THE PEOPLE need to take back our Country from the CRIMINAL REGIMES that are Destroying AMERICA! Then, the Weirdest politicians claiming that there was an insurrection, would know what a REAL INSURRECTION is all about!!! Do These CRIMINALS want a REVOLUTION?They just might get what they’re begging for in 2024!!!

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Holy shit

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Thank you, Emerald. You’re the best. I will use your list of 25 questions to good advantage. The corruption is unprecedented.

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