Thank you for this excellent reminder. I so respect and admire Cardinal Viganó. He is standing up bravely against the evil perpetrated against humanity.

His actions bring to mind the following quotes:

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

~Haile Selassie I~

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.~

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Spot on. Agree 100%. Speak TRUTH always.

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I honestly think this letter will one day be enshrined in a monument somewhere in the "new" United States Republic for its vision and foresight. Arch. Vigano nailed it 100%.

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One can only hope and pray the letter is enshrined somewhere. Meanwhile, it is enshrined in my heart. Thank you.

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The Archbishop who is on the right side, the Queen of England, most western leaders, and even our enemies respected and liked Trump. The Egyptians I work with are PLEADING with us to get him back.

Great post.

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Along with Bishop Vigano, there are other voices unafraid to speak truth to the voices of the wicked and powerful, among which heroic voices I will include: Frank Pavone (who is still a priest to me), Bishop Barron, Fr. Billy Kostko (spelling?), Mel Gibson, and Jim Caviezel. And there are probably many others who belong on this list as well.

Vigano is perfectly right about Trump. And I will go even further with a prediction. Donald John Trump was the duly elected President in the presidential election of 2016. He was the duly elected President in the 2020 election as well (which turned out to be the most secure FRAUD – FILLED election in US history. And I believe he will be the ultimate winner in the Presidential election of 2024.

That will put him in the position of being the first president in American history to win 3 elections in order to serve 2 terms in the oval office.

I am Rafa Carmiri

Latin-American composer and song writer.

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Aptly stated. Amen.

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Better yet from GOD's mouth to Our ears!

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Archbishop Viganó is a favorite in our household. Never underestimate the POWER OF PRAYER! We are children of light in this struggle between GOOD and EVIL. We will prevail over the evildoers. The USA has long been the world's BEACON OF LIGHT! So grateful to you, Emerald, for posting this! Blessings.

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Another diamond from Emerald, thanks!

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AB Vigano is not only a guardian of Faith, but a True Patriot to America, and I believe all Sovereign Peoples of the Earth.

Sadly most aren't aware they've lost their Sovereignty, and really aren't willing to learn about why or how to reclaim it.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for the link

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Thank you Emerald for sharing this again!

As you imply, the Archbishop wrote 3 letters to Trump, or was it 2?

A number of Priests and Pastors have spoken up and spoken out, stating things such as pro choice is not Christian.

Also, voting Democrat is a vote for evil. THEY KNOW, and they are good people.

This whole thing boils down to WW3, a fight between good and pure evil.

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Great letter, thanks! What a difference between Vigano and the clueless Pope.

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Indeed. The difference between night and day. Vigano is the best! Amen.

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Jul 26, 2023
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Word of mouth! That's how to spread his writing. Amen.

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