Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

What is Judge Hoyt's history? Doesn't really matter because truth exposes who he is now...America is fighting the Socialist Communist Party of the West. Marxism is the devils workshop and all that follow it are the devils elf's. Time to treat them as such. Re-build our American society without them-start by absolutely stop doing any business with them except when absolutely needed. I stopped seeing a doc last week who was left, this week new massage therapist. Closed a bank account, picked a fence contractor that was conservative. Have not been in Target, Kohls or Macy's since 2020... closed paypal and dropped Netflix back in 2020. No ebay or Etsy. No Amazon. Use Brave not Google. No facebook no twitter...wherever and whenever possible freeze them out of your life. I am constantly looking for non-woke and learning to do without...

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Amen. Agree we need to stop supporting companies and find alternatives. Bravo!

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Have you found a non-woke credit card?

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

I use a local credit union and a ViSA through them. I canceled the American Express card. I use cash when possible. There is a new app PublicSq that Don Jr has suggested. It is new for conservative businesses to connect with conservatives. I just started looking into it. There is a painter listed in my area that I plan to contact.

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Thx for the tips! Dumped PayPal. Bank of America is next.

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They just get more brazen every day. Decades of destruction of the education system has led to this.

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Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht deserve our support and should not be jailed. Thank you, brave Emerald, for exposing the Judge and corrupt Konnech. Everything seems to be bought and paid for by the CCP. Patriots need to unite, stand strong and resist the evil and evildoers.

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Hoyt needs to be investigated, and if dirty, prosecuted to the fullest. If a traitor, then sentenced appropriately. And all his cases need to be reviewed to see if there was any malfeasance on his part regarding sentencing. Just saying, this is a war brought to us, the people, by seditionists and traitors. Time to respond appropriately.

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They can incarcerate Greg and Catherine but they can't incarcerate the truth and it will come out.

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Brazen is right. Everything that is a threat will be Epsteined. Nordsteam 2. C19 Vax data. P Pelosi shenanigans. And on and on ad nauseum.

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You gotta read this and make sure to read the two stories linked at the top of this one. They build up all the details to the conclusions. It is chock full of a 30 year evolution of Konnech, Ye and his partner.


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Thanks for the link re Konnech et al. Very informative.

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Let's see if Josh Hawley ( a sheep in wolves' clothing) speaks out for them like he hasn't for the J6 prisoners

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What or who got under HOYT’s black robe ?

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Whew! Great job Emerald!

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The incoming red wave hasn't mentioned hearings on our corrupt judiciary.

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It would be consistent with current policy to hassel and jail patriots in favor of traitorous people and entities. The justice system is corrupt. I found that out personally in Alaska.

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Thank you for shining light on this judge. Praying for evil strongholds to be torn down!

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Thanks for posting this, Emerald.

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Politically motivated judges offer no true justice.

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Release the name of the "coward". Don't be noble. Send the evidence Wiki Leaks. Get good Halloween costumes and run to Mexico with fake ID's. Find your way to Russia.

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