Sometimes I do believe the Lord works in serendipitous ways. When I heard that the "vaccine" was actually a modifyingRNA injection, I knew right away that it would change the DNA of a person injected. I taught life science (biology) to 7th graders and we spent a whole lot of time examining cells, both human and plant and how they work. I knew instantly that this injection was genetic therapy and had nothing to do with a vaccine. Then I began my research. Since I'm retired I had plenty of time to peruse the Internet, and peruse I did. I was shadowbanned on Twitter, kicked off of LinkedIn and found Gab. Every platform or blog where I could sign up and make a comment I shared my research. I tried warning everyone, especially my family and friends, and sometimes to no avail.

There is going to have to be a reckoning of the damage and death that has been done. It will need to be brutal to discourage another attempt by the maniacs wanting to rule the world.

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Asymmetric slaughter, that is the new phrase about to enter our human events discourse. Once it dawns on humanity that humanity faces an existential threat from those Davos attendees and their supporters/enablers Davos is destined to become indistinguishable from Gaza City, 2024 edition. As will all the hiding places of same. Gates and Soros et al will get their asymmetric slaughter but with roles reversed. Like a stadium filled with carefully erected dominos it won't take long once unquenchable rage of the masses tips over the first Master of the Universe.

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Yep they're looking for the merger of man and machine. People who work for them should just quit. Don't cook their food, don't fix or drive their cars or fly their planes or do any damn thing for them.

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A Rise up in Consciousness and light ie truth will dawn 4all those ready 4 the start of a new 26,000+ year cycle in it's Golden Glows all lost Satanists get their final own 'comeuppence' well deserved for all incarnate Platonic prisoner Cave dwellers dead in heart soul spirit yet left in charge?

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As a Holist let me assure you God is not just in control and in charge it's done with his and hers Divine loves Wisdom aka truth beauty goodness truth joy and harmony....so where is it you may say? Wake up Rise up smell the Roses!

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Bill Gates is the personification of evil. He, like Soros, is the Devil incarnate.

Be aware, Patiots. Emerald is broadcasting the truth. She is a modern day Paul Revere.

" One if by land and two if by sea. And I , on the opposite shore will be. Ready to ride and spread the alarm through every Middlesex village and farm ."

Remain vigilant.

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Thank you, Emerald. Sharing this with everyone I know.

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I wonder what goes through Gates' mind all day every day. I wonder if he ever watches football, or binge watches the Sopranos, or takes walks and looks at trees, or is he always just whacked out and intent on asserting his will over the world, and if so, is there somebody who can sit him down, get him all comfortable, then lean in to his face and say "You're really fucking gross and your breath is horrendous. That aside, your best chance at redemption is giving all your money away to orphanages and pet shelters. Then we'll see".

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Bill Gates made himself a solid reputation as ruthless when he was still actively involved with Microsoft. I also think that he is on the spectrum ( Asperger ?). Can't read people or a room for the life of him. Just barrels straight ahead. With the anti trust trials in the mid 90's against Microsoft, the judge afterwards said that Gates is one of the most arrogant people he had ever met. A person that is just convinced he is always the smartest man in the room.

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If B ill Gates used his billions to promote clean water and sanitation, there would be little need for jabs. But then no one would be ill.

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Gates, Pfizer, Moderna- all over the top tone deaf from the epic failure of the Covid vaccine that killed and permanently sickened millions of people. We’re not a damn experiment Gates and we won’t submit to it ever again.

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Emerald, firstly, you are brilliant and fierce for exposing the TRUTH. Secondly, and obviously, you are RIGHT! And, thirdly, you are NOT a lunatic.

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Bill Gates should become a lot more of the conversation while investigating Fauchi, Covid and the WHO. I very much enjoy your articles. I just have one request/suggestion. Please post videos on something other than "X". I can never open them up therefore I feel I'm missing part of the message.

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To me and many, you, Emerald are a hero! And you always will be. I am grateful to call you a friend as I’ve followed your posts and various publications. Thank you!

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Vaccines laced with microchips is tin-foil hat stuff; I am an electrical engineer who designs "microchips". Quantum dots embedded in some sort of tattoo encoding health information is a major liberty and privacy worry...it doesn't stretch the imagination to think it could be connected to your bank account via CBDCs. Possibly Half of the Christian population holds an eschatological view that the number of the beast would be in the form of a tattoo....do the elites really want to pursue this technological Nazism and see what form of a French revolution this could lead to?

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Yes, they do. The elites are Malthusians, all drink from the same putrid font of ideological fantasies, and they all believes themselves to be omnipotent. Gates, Soros, Schwab all believe the world cannot function to their benefit with 8 billion people occupying it and using resources they covet for themselves. They think of the rest of us as useless eaters who are, at best, hackable animals from which they intend to program for the purpose of tracking and ease of elimination.

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They are a bunch of self-important narcissists. They only can extend their power over us to the degree we comply. The larger the extent of totalitarian reach, the less they can manage or predict the outcome. God is on our side... they are nowhere near omnipotent. Have no fear.

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Anyone with their eyes open knows that conspiracy theories are almost always true. Bless you, Emerald, for never giving up.

Here is my own: for the past roughly ten years I have been getting the occasional weird virus, unlike the colds and flus and pneumonia of my previous six decades. Weird symptoms, weird progression. So my theory is that the scientists doing gain of function research occasionally release one of their concoctions, just to see what will happen. When I proposed my theory to a nurse who works in a doctor’s office, she said that ten years ago she would have thought I was nuts, but based on what she sees every day in that office, my theory makes sense.

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Here is another conspiracy theory for you. I have now experienced more than one glitch whenever I mention Bill Gates on social media on my phone. Just so happened now. “Lost Network Connection” (that never happens) Someone is looking out for him. 🤔

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Bill Gates is a classic sociopath. He has no conscience and cannot empathize or sympathize with other human beings. Don’t even get me going on his Epstein Island

vacations. Enough for his wife to divorce him should tell you all you need to know.

You’re a fighter Emerald and really smart. I respect that in you. I was banned from Twitter also for saying something positive about Kyle Rittenhouse and/or negative about Kamala raising bail for Antifa. Anyhow, as for Twitter banning, there was a post recently by George Soros Jr. Seems to be the green light to assassinate an former president and presidential candidate. But Twitter in their distorted wisdom keeps him on there. #NeverTwitter

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I've heard about this ID tatoo about one year ago and I'm speaking under correction ( this may be a conspiracy theory but you how that goes) that the patent number awarded to the "invention" has a couple if 666's in it. If you know the Bible you'll know what that means.

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We Conspiracy Theorists (Thank You Very Much!) have been so prescient over the years that the Biblical sages of yore, sans an internet would have deemed us to be prophets..

However, then as now, being 100% correct can not overcome the 36% of Stupid.

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Hate to make light of this, but this is prophetic:


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