“Just remember: you are the carbon that the climate change zealots want to reduce.” Great line, Emerald. And you are absolutely correct, yet again.

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I am so glad that I joined your substack Emerald! You literally wrapped that up in a way few others can! Bravo! This is the content I was hoping for and you consistantly deliver homeruns!

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Almost all the members of the Billionaire Boys Club are Sociopaths, if not Psychopaths. Money can't buy you happiness, but it can turn you into a megalomaniac.

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He wants me dead -- the feeling is beyond mutual.

He can buy all the farmland he wants. That piece of paper isn't going to mean a damn thing when it gets real out here.

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Stop the presses!


That article really should come with popcorn 🤣

Nevertheless it’s a dire warning everyone should heed.

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Bill Gates truly fits the definition of a Psychopath, but you should correct your article by pointing out that Bill Gates is not a high school dropout. He did drop out of Harvard after two years.

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Bill Gates is other level creepy and sadistic. ... Patrick Byrne spoke highly of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet recently on an Alt Media podcast. It was sickening to listen to. I hope they all get what's coming to them. The Billionaires Club is killing the World.

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This was terrific. The Universe of Bill. You are the carbon the climate change zealots want to reduce. And so many other gems woven into the best piece about Bill I’ve read.

I’ve been a free subscriber for a while, but you are just too good. I had to join.

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Could we place Bill Gates in extended lockdown....padded cell perhaps? He has lost his grip on reality... !!!

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Bill gates can stick his book where the sun doesn’t shine.

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Being of Scandinavian ancestry myself, the whole idea of Gates campaigning for the Nobel Peace Prize makes my skin crawl. With a convicted pedophile no less. His crass politicking and campaigning for the Prize is just morally offensive so much so that if he were to be successful, it cheapen the Nobel Prize beyond redemption. I can't think of any previous recipients who shamelessly campaigned for it the way Bill Gates did.

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The Nobel Peace Prize lost any value when this happened: Barack H. Obama, the 44th President of the United States, had been in power for less than eight months when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

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...and started how many wars? 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Emerald, your article is proof positive that money does not buy happiness. Bill Gates tends to overstate his importance. He's exactly as you described. And, thank you, but I intend to keep my own DNA. What a fruitcake!

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SPOT ON! 🎯💥💯🎰

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Is there any way to sue Bill and Melinda Gates?

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A very sick and confused man.

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The Gates Reign of Terror would end if he were just to lose face. Literally.

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