Election integrity is the ONLY issue that matters.

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Exactly. But when has there been "Election Integrity" in this country, Madjack?

The 2020 Election was Stolen, but also the 2004 Election was rigged (for GWBush), and the 2000 Election, the 2012 Election (for BHO), the 2018 mid-term Election was rigged.

Even the 1960 Election was rigged - in favor of JFK - in Illinois, Texas, Missouri, New Mexico, New Jersey.

So when has there been "Election Integrity" in this country?

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Good points. I felt it was more organized and flagrant then past corruption in 2020

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It is just more blatant today. Elections in this country have always had the spectre of corruption hanging about them. Look at Tammany Hall in New York City in the 1800's.

Do we have time to correct this issue?

Probably not.

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I agree. In 2020 the Election Fraud has been more flagrant and more widespread than ever (as we talked, a Fraud of at least 45 million votes, in 21 States, or more).

And in 2020 the Fraud was multifaceted, and multidimensional.

So ask yourself: who are the masterminds of the 2020 Election Fraud? Who had the skills, and the capabilities, to organize such an enormous Fraud? Do you think it was Joe Biden? Do you think the Democrat Party had the capablities to organize all that? Really?

It requires an exceptional skillset, and organization capability, to accomplish something of this magnitude (and have ALL the MSM, and ALL the social media outlets to go along with it).

As far as I know, there is only ONE organization which has the power and the capabilities to accomplish all that.

Guess who...

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I'll give you THREE LETTERS to guess the correct answer...

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I would pass a law that bans all voting machines. People need to work. They can be hired to count ballots by hand.

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And get all the votes counted ON ELECTION DAY!!!

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Without secure borders and fair honest elections, we don’t have a country. 45 is always correct!

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Exactly the same trick was used with the Dominion machines in Antrim County, Michigan in 2020 (ask lawyer Matt DePerno and Russ Ramsland of ASOG, Dallas, who inspected the Dominion machines).

And exactly the same trick was used in the whole of California. (and in PA, IL, MI ... etc.)

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"Are you ready for the best part of the story?

It’s a primary race for Democrats."

Of course, when it affects democrats it is news...

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This is yet another bombshell. When are we ever going to see justice??

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HAPPY DANCE, Emerald!! Thanks for your great reporting, and ahead of the pack.

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I guess Mike Lindell was right....

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I poll watched in a Georgia County and the poll manager, who was a veteran election worker, had a deer in the deadlights look on her face when I suggested that the QR codes may not have the same information on it as the printed out ballot that is run through the scanners. She was so confident that by showing and telling each voter "see, here on the scanner counter that the total just went up by one vote, so you now you know your vote was counted." Th e voting system is a farce. The GA Primary was just as rigged as the 2020 election.

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I’m pretty sure if they recount the state everything will turn out different.

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So much corruption...

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Thanks, Emerald, for your ferocious reporting!

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This is what I always wondered. Why don’t democrats who lose primaries to obvious fraud get more interested in election integrity?

I can only guess it’s a true believer’s dedication to the party line: to question the master plan is racist.

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And probably homophobic too.

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Well, that’s how we smelly deplorables are- and we’re ungrateful too, despite being generously granted the privilege of voting, or carrying guns for our self-protection.

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We need to get rid of the machines - PERIOD! I will GLADLY volunteer my time to help count paper ballots until the wee hours of the morning if that's what it takes. Bring back paper!!

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Funny if it were not practice for the 2022 and 2024 General Elections.

Thank you for staying on top of this, Emerald.

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Is the propaganda media going to cover it at all? After all…it’s Democrats!

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