“My dire prediction: when the truth comes out about the vaccines, nobody is going to trust the medical community ever again.” I’m a retired MD and I don’t trust them now! I also don’t trust any government agency especially those involved with public “health.”

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I don’t trust them now + I was thrown out of a doctors office last week for being unvaxed & by the doctor himself!

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I don’t either and my doctor shoved Dr. Fauci’s book in my face. If only we had private doctors where I live.

I sent my brother, who is part of the machine (ex Sr. VP Federal Reserve in DC), the entire statement made as a reply to his text informing me about the free testing kits. I got no response.

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What is it with doctors? They seem to have the world’s worst attitudes; their whole modus operandi seems to be “I have a medical degree therefore I am beyond reproach.” NO ONE is beyond reproach! We all have to stand before God on Judgement Day & it’s not going to be pretty for a lot of them!

Fauci’s a 1st class proven imbecile.

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If they’re not private they are controlled by their network or Medicare and have to follow their rules. In saying that, I say oath over rules and fight the system. I am completely dumbfounded by their complicity in this genocide.

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It is a shame in our profession. Very sad

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Amen Ma’dame!!! Amen!!! ;<)

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Obamacare was the beginning of forcing out "private practice" doctors. Doctors had to "join" corporate "medical groups" in order to "keep YOUR doctor".

And insurance companies, as well as corporate owned hospitals have sealed the "corporate medical" deal.

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I was in private practice. I used to say being in private practice was like being a plains Indian in 1870. The govt wanted you on that reservation

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Perfect analogy, @Madjack!

I loved my private practice doctor of 25 years, so much I paid cash to see him so i didn't have to go through my insurance. I rarely saw my HMO approved doctor, unless I needed tests or referrals to specialists. The insurance company bureaucrats run the medical policy. Such BS.

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"What is it with doctors?"

Follow their money, who is paying them? The "snake oil" salesmen of the 19th Century have morphed into the doctors of the 21st Century.

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I went from a state with excellent doctors to a state whose doctors, without a doubt, were at the lowest level in their class. They certainly don’t appreciate someone who does their research.

Those of us who are non-compliant are labeled and considered mentally unstable. Because our medical records are available to law enforcement it’s stigmatizing.

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Not an imbecile. A dangerous, lying, corrupt, malevolent gnome.

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I said early on that this would prove to be the greatest con job ever foisted upon mankind. Of course, I collected lots of eye-rolls when I did, but no matter. I've been angry since the get-go and have cautioned people not to get me on my soapbox when discussing this scamdemic. But I really went into orbit when my closest friend of the past 50 years, who took the jab 2x to satisfy his wife's employer (a local school system) died of a heart attack...while we were talking on the phone! No underlying health conditions; we golfed weekly. A celebration of his life is next week and will be decades too soon. I hope those responsible for this burn in Hell.

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Very sorry to hear of your loss, and the terrible circumstances surrounding it.

They work overtime to make us feel like the crazies. Stay strong.


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Better if they burn here and now.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Yes, watched the summit. Love these Doctors and they are giving a general declaration, myocarditis, and many other adverse events and death. No question flat out WILLING AND KNOWING MEDIAL FRAUD AND DECEPTION. The fact that The US Surgeon General did nothing to stop this and the US Dept. of HHS completely ignoring the thousands of damage reports? These too should be in prison right along with FAUCI, COLLINS, WALLENSKY AND THE ENTIRE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE FDA. Remdesivir IS LETAHL and they approved this for newborns.

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I couldn’t agree more. We need to bring the whole corrupt lot of them down and stop this insanity.

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Yes, it is astounding that the F.D.A. is still allowing the E.U.A. THE E.U.A. NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN AND MOST OF THIS MESS WILL END.

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They are not known for being aboveboard. The pharmacy industry is comparable to the mafia, FDA allows all the shenanigans.

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1) It became obvious within the first couple of months that the response to COVID was not about health. The real purpose behind the destruction of society and individual rights has not been fully explained.

2) While I applaud the medical response of the Declaration above, it should be combined with a legal declaration, which states that the architects of the virus, the "vaccine" and the governmental/institutional response to the outbreak are guilty of mass murder and crimes against humanity and must be executed. If they are not, this will all happen again. Bill Gates has already told us it will.

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No doubt that nearly everything that was mandated was intended to shorten the lifespan of this and future generations. Remember, this is a world of bankers and financial power at the top of the pyramid.

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It is simply appalling that the elite ruling class regard the rest of us with such contempt.

Should I really be surprised though by the same evil monsters who demand the right to dispose of the unborn like rubbish?

Of course not.

Trust the medical establishment going forward?

That ship has sailed.

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Sub-clinical myocarditis doesn't bode well for fertility.

Pray for our world.

Our schools forced this on our children.

Doctors refused exemptions.

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Thank you for highlighting this. Emerald, you cannot bang this drum too hard! This horrible, years long, medical scam on the planet was evil incarnate. The shredding of our Bill of Rights for this power grab and economic destruction will never be forgotten. We must never again cede to globalist medical emergencies. They have been exposed!

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Physicians no longer maintain positions of high regard in my life. Too many physicians and nurses have made this much too easy for the powers that forced this on us. Is it the Golden Handcuffs, the Mercedes in the driveway, the actual lack of proper education, the lack of desire to know the real answers? Probably many of the above. My own mother was told by her orthopedic surgeon that she would die if she didn't take the jab as she was overweight. Really now? She is thriving and at 78 on only a low dose BP medication. Lunatics...most of them...lunatics.

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I never trusted them to begin with that's why I'm pure blood. The way it all unfolded was too suspicious. I couldn't believe the Dr.s we're in on it but now I see why

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Mass brainwashing techniques coupled with blatant lies and threats unfortunately led a great many to comply. The evil in this world never ceases to amaze me. Deliberate mass murder. Thank you for tackling a very, very thorny topic, Emerald. Keep the articles coming!

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Amazing report, Emerald. To extrapolate: our government is deliberately lying to us.

We can trace what these Twitter reports say back to Mario Cuomo and his treatment of the elderly in New York nursing homes. Janice Dean, weather matron of Fox News, her father died as a result of Cuomo's sending COVID infected patients back to nursing homes.

"Follow The Science!" they say?

Screw them, what they mean is follow Dr. Anthony "Mengle" Fauci' science. The WHO, NIH and CDC continue to use the American populace as their private guinea pigs for untried experimental treatments and they "shame" you if you don't take the "jab."

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Andrew Cuomo, and I believe that Janice Dean lost both of her in-laws to Covid nursing home "Cuomo care".

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You are correct. I was writting from a compromised memory.

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LOL. I have one of those myself. 😄

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ANOTHER great article Emerald! Happy for the success of your new show on Frank. I watch it each and every day. With regard to this article, people are learning, albeit slowly that you can't trust the legacy medical establishment for sure as what happened over the last 24 months is as clear as the nose on your face. Their decisions favored big pharma and not the citizens of which the likes of the NIH, CDC and even medical journals etc were entrusted to be a watchdog over. With that said, neither can you trust the legacy justice department (FBI), legacy corporatism, legacy media, legacy "conservative groups and even the damn Pope for that matter as he favors global elitism and prefers their values over mainstream Christians. The world is upside down for a reason. It involves money and the issuance of money. Political parties mean nothing anymore, even with a red sweep in 22 and 24, our Country will still be on track with a mounting WWIII issue and its aftermath. Central Banking families control the world and these wars are for resources. No reserve currency requires a CB and the concept of issuing money which originates as debt is a farce and a fraud. It never lasts as the money creation to support ever increasing interest payments eventually become geometric. It is dysfunctional from the beginning and only the bankers sequester the nations gold by the end of the system, typically 100 years. We are there! They have our gold through SDR's and we are broke and now must send our nation to war with another nation that won't allow CB's to control them. Same as we did to Libya, Iraqi and want to do to Iran. After Russia, our grandson's will be doing the same to inner Africa to mine and control there on behalf of the CB. Central Banks are the new government and all this disingenuous (lies) and untrustworthy corruption of our institutions et. al. are just yet another symptom of the cancer which is Central Banking! It's not really off topic!

Thanks for all you do.

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We the People WILL take our country back.

Faith over Fear. United we will WIN.

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Proverbs 12:2

A good person will obtain favor from the Lord, But He will condemn a person who devises evil.

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We will trust medics again, eventually, but they'll need a whole lot of rehabilitation. But the corruption of medicine hasn't been driven by doctors, but by the government and medical bureaucrats above them who decided to force the vax on the terrified population whose terror they caused. The doctors went along, like hostages, as a survival mechanism.

But the real problem is an ignorant population who willingly allow themselves to be manipulated. Kirsch and others have asked the questions of "when were you red pilled?" which assumes many have figured it out already, some long ago. Why not the rest? For several generations we have stopped equipping students with the knowledge and the thinking skills that were all that was necessary to identify the scam before it became a disaster. The information to recognize the manipulation and the fraud were available in varying degrees from the beginning. Some failed to see the signs, some saw but refused to believe. Scams seldom work on competent people. We need to focus on teaching competence. When enough people recognize the manipulation, the manipulators will be corrected.

The obvious question that arises from the obvious observation of everybody has myocarditis is, how bad is it? If there is an an allegation that the vax, or sars2, or the spike protein common to both, or the additives to the vax, that these cause myocarditis, responsible analysis would investigate the mechanisms and biological actions that cause the injuries, and develop diagnostics that quantify the risk in any individual. Without that we're just guessing, and our complaints are just whining. Malone also reported recently that the damage seems related to the spike protein common to both the vax and the virus. Is it dose dependent, and vax just exacerbates milder damage caused by the virus? The most important information that we don't yet know is how much risk do each of us have, individually. Obviously most of us don't have identifiable symptoms. Why not? Why do a few get sick or die, and most don't? There have been reports of fibrous clots in autopsies. That's too late for a useful diagnosis. What indications in the blood preceeded that outcome? If most of the population is already at risk, the reason why matters much less than understanding the risk and obtaining a therapy. "Vax bad" is the wrong complaint. Prove the injury and the rest will be resolved naturally.

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