All I want for Christmas is for sleepy Joe to come clean and admit the fraud. You are the absolute best professional journalist out there. Merry Christmas emerald to you and your family.

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Since when is a confession required for a conviction? The evidence is overwhelming.

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Didn't he admit to putting together the most extensive voter fraud network ever? And say that he didn't need our vote? And campaigned from his basement like he knew something was going to take him over the line?

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He sure did - I never understood why that was ignored!

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He probably was told not to campaign because of his mental illness and it would turn off even more people and make it more difficult to (and even more obvious that they) cheated.

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We're surrounded by both incompetence and evil.

And if we try to do anything about it, WE end up in a J6 trial and prison for months or years...

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The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked, because he sees that their day is coming.

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There's mountains of evidence of 2020 fraud and more keeps pouring out, and it's thanks to Emerald that I can add to the pile a few things I haven't seen anywhere in the limited number of places that will report on ANY of it, and Molly Ball's long totally unintended mea culpa on behalf of Democrats in Time Magazine a few years ago was mind blowing in that she didn't seem to know she was showing us their playbook, but some of the biggest best craziest proof of 2020 fraud was the New York Times thinking they could help cover the Democrats' tracks with one of their craziest headlines ever, which was bold and above the fold ONE DAY after the election, telling us "officials say most safe and secure election in history". How could a newspaper write anything like that? It's like printing a headline one hour after finding OJ's ex lying dead on the sidewalk, "Police say OJ is the most innocent perp in years and years and years!"

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TRUTH!!! Thank you for stellar journalism, Emerald.

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Always getting the goods. Great Job! I swear you might save this republic single-handedly.

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I’m worried they are just going to get away with it and do it again come November!

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When nothing matters, anything goes -- James Howard Kunstler

Whenever law ends, tyranny begins -- John Locke, English Philosopher

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Americans have been duped, defeated, dunced, denied justice, denied truth from MSM, and truth spills out in drips, not quick enough to affect the “elected” or “legal process/justice.”

Never forget these years of deceipt!

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