Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Personally, I don't see any way to undo what has been meticulously done to destroy our election systems and eventually our entire culture and country.

Electronic voting costs millions more, is far less efficient, and is completely unsecured; voters should be dragging those damn machines out to parking lots around the country and beating them into scrap metal.

Red state governors and legislatures keep paying thieving corporations to "manage" elections and therefore utterly and repeatedly ignoring the legitimate voters.

Not that long ago, paper ballots were counted and winners declared in one day. But now, California's primary ballots cast on 03/05/24 are still being "counted" 14 days later! Insanity.

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Electronic voting systems (e.g., Dominion, Smartmatic, etc.) have been removed in some of the states, but not all of the "swing states". Electronic voting systems have been stopped totally in the Phillippines, Brazil, and some European countries ( I believe Italy and/or Spain). There is a huge push to eliminate electronic voting machines from our elections. A computer hacker expert testified and showed in an Atlanta, GA Federal Court how to hack the Dominion electronic computer voter system in under 5 minutes, by using a BIC pen, and getting on-line with it. There is a major lawsuit that is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court filed by Mike Lindell and others. They are saying that the SCOTUS is very interested in addressing the issue, because there are far too many glitches, anomalies, and issues of fraud pervading these electronic computer voting systems.

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Sadly, "they" only need a handful of swing counties and swing states to go their way; they don't need to waste time and money on the rest of us whose votes they can accurately predict, so it's pretty easy for them to target the important places and ignore the rest. And DTT is right, they have constructed an impregnable system and now can control outcomes without interference.

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Apparently the 2020 steal was accomplished by targeting one county (IIRC) in each of five crucial states. Fulton County in Georgia and Maricopa County in Arizona are the two I remember distinctly, but there were also counties in Pennsylvania and Michigan(?) that were crucial to the steal.

The movie 2000 Mules spelled out how this was planned and accomplished. I was sorely disappointed the movie was never posted online free for everone to view -- it contained documented and damning evidence.

And the use of selective lawfare nearly destroyed the folks who gathered the data used in the movie. They actually used the FBI's own technique of geolocation to track the untold thousands of fake ballot-stuffers who did the cheating. And were charged with crimes for their efforts!

If I weren't a praying person, the things happening in our country, our world today would crush my spirit. But I have hope in the Lord. 🙏🏻

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I watched Mike Lindell's program about the HUGE HACK.. ,many times. and did a deep dive on the Dominion voting systems. For sure the Electronic computer systems should be eliminated. Even Voter ID did not prevent the 'fraud" that occurred in VA in the Gubernatorial race. I actually pulled some documentation on what the Democrat's did and NO ONE gave a damn. The essence is Dems figured out who ONLY voted in the General Elections (POTUS) had their information .. and cast a vote in Governor's race by MAIL. I documented it w. my Son's girlfriend who lived in Maryland. She actually found out she VOTED by looking at the Maryland website. She only votes in General elections (POTUS) I still have the documents. So, she took action and also moved to VA but EVERY VOTER has to check their OWN RECORD if they want to be sure their vote COUNTS and was COUNTED especially in BLUE/ Purple states or in NOVA. (where I live).

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“…elections are rigged, Democrats know this.”

Unfortunately, so do Republicans.

No one does anything because they are ALL paid off.

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Exactly. Money talks and everyone has a price. Soros set up a very dark organization after the 2016 elections. It's called Arabella. I'm sure it has funded all this. He had other billionaires contribute to it.

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Why is it that You uncover the uncover-able- ? Thankyou Emerald for digging and not giving up!

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You are correct, Emerald.

Mike Lindell has been all over the 2020 steal since the steal. Frankfurt was a key location. Perhaps even the US Embassy in Frankfurt if I recall Mike's video on the steal.

The Pentagon? Why, of course. Big NATO fan. American based all over the world. Lots of personnel and woke careerist opportunities for dependent related tours in Europe. Any push back against the military industrial complex Ike warned us about is going to create disfavor toward someone like 45 who sees the obvious.

Congress does not have the gonads to address the issue.

If France can manage a national election on a Sunday with voter ID and paper ballots and have the results tabulated by Sunday evening, then so can we.

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Wow, so incredibly well written - home run!!! Thank you!

Some of the most convincing clips I've seen showing how easy voter fraud can be are:

1) The Coffee County election clerk's video of how easily she can completely change voter selections on ballots without detection during Adjudication (3rd video clip at https://www.westillagree.com/survey)

2) Trumps PA vote totals going DOWN live on CNN (4th video at the 3:00 minute mark at https://www.westillagree.com/survey)

If you're interested, the 1st video at https://www.westillagree.com/survey captures Sen. Klobuchar's and Sen. Warren's letter stating concerns about Dominion and ability for elections to get hacked.

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1. Demand laws that make election fraud capital crimes

2. Make whistleblowers heroes and enrich them

3. Make harassing or harming whistleblowers a capital crime

4. Enforce the laws

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Sadly, I have to say I don’t think it’s a bipartisan issue because voter fraud is always by the Dems and helping only them to win (you know, the socialist/commie party). Too bad the courts were all scared to step in a correct a wrong - including the Supreme Court. Even prayers aren’t helping.

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Continue praying, we have no idea how God will work in this situation

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That’s true in a general election, but also consider how all the RINOs win the primaries to ensure that the UniParty will prevail. Also, consider that the UniParty benefits when it looks like Republicans are in charge. Look no further than GA, where the snake brothers Kemp and Raffensburger won big after they obviously ran cover for a rigged presidential election in 2020. Do we really think they were in favor with GOP voters?

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I wonder what VP Mike Pence knew when he certified the election? How disappointing that he could write a book afterwards but never investigate what Emerald could find from her computer. There is no so blind as he who will not see!

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Judas was the wolf in sheep’s clothing assigned to spy on and subvert Trump the entire time. For instance, he lied to get Flynn ousted and then after Flynn was put through Hell, Pence goes, “sorry, maybe I was mistaken.”

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Thank you from Canada Emerald. US election integrity matters not just to Americans but to everyone in the world.

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It would seem that the long game plan is being ramped up. Maybe because the demons are aging out and they think they might be mortal after all. I would be interested to know if you have had the same issues with the Substack money handler that Dr. Malone has had, and if so, what are your thoughts? https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/stripe-substack-demand-financial

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It would appear the partisan and utterly corrupted Bolshevic DOJ libtards are "running" our elections.

And, simultaneously running our Republic and our futures directly into the ground.

On our watch.

Dip my head in dog shit, but looking back I can't even fathom how or when the big changes even happened. And I like to think that I pay attention.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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"What was Scytl? Who owned it? Who operated it?" CIA. They've done it in other countries for decades.

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Good one, Emerald! Clear, understandable and concise explication of the corruption.

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It is truly a curious thing that no one will publish the ACTUAL Dominion election processes. Huh? Go figure.

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Hell of an article, putting the entire matter together. I and others were aware of SCYTL, had heard about during the election, heard that George Soros was involved with SCYTL, and then the story dropped out of sight. Now, Emerald Robinson put the story together in an easy-to-read Election Electronic Voting System Fraud & Interference for Dummies.

Cases are being brought in Federal Courts and the US Supreme Court addressing the fraudulent electronic voting systems. A Federal Court in Atlanta, GA just heard and observed a computer hacker witness who accessed the electronic computer voting system (Dominion) in under 5 minutes and using only a BIC pen to get on-line. Mike Lindell (My Pillow fame) and others just got their petition accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court, because the High Court is very interested in the election fraud by the computer voting systems. (And, these cases and others will exonerate all of those who questioned the veracity of the Dominion/Smartmatic fraudulent electronic voting systems and were frivolously and fraudulently sued for defamation; even Dominion has said that their electronic voting systems are hackable and unprotected). Now that the truth is out about the ease in which Dominion and Smartmatic electronic computer voting systems can be hacked and can be linked to the internet without any protections whatsoever, it is now time to sue them for election interference, election fraud, and defaming the people who exposed them for their fraudulent systems that interfered with our elections and compromised NATIONAL SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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