Since shedding is well documented, are the vaxxed willing to be quarantined or be placed into camps? For our safety of course.

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Heated arguments with my Leftist friends and acquaintances sometimes end with me commanding them to drop dead as I walk away. Of course 'drop dead' was intended to be a rhetorical flourish. Leftists are known for interpreting literally statements from their conservative opponents which are directed at them personally. Heretofore they always drew the line at commands to drop dead. Not anymore. They are literally dropping dead.

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You’re better than me. I have absolutely no patience for stupidity. People choose to be stupid.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

OK -- interesting video - but did I hear that right? An athlete drops dead - and they DONATE HIS ORGANS? WHAT?!?!??? And did anyone monitor the recipient/s of those organ transplants?

Will they be next to drop dead? This is madness.

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The "vaccine" in ones blood is sort of like honey isn't it. The "vaccine" sticks to everything it touches. I missed the clownish insanity of donating the organs of the victim. Even if they could flush every cell of blood from said organ before implantation we now know every cell of that organ is a probable carrier of at least portions of the life-taking "vaccine." Thanks for your reply and astute observation.

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I have a friend who was banned on Xitter twice (once recently) for posting "drop dead"...as it was a threat of violence. I'll never open a Xitter account.

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I stay away from all social media except for Substack.

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I got a 24 hour "time out" on Twitter (AFTER Elon bought it!) for saying I wanted to smack Adam Schiff's stupid smile off his face!


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The very dark winter you reference has commenced, Emerald.

I reside in Central Texas. At the height of the nonsense the Bell County Commissioners Court and the numerous Mayors of multiple communities therein, published an advocacy advertisement in the Temple(TX) Daily Telegram inclusive of each individuals government title and signature. Why, you ask?

You guessed it. Get the shot to protect our community. Sheople leadership.

And the BaylorScott&White-Temple tertiary care medical center was all in on the lie. All employees had to take the shot and it followed the government treatment protocols and took the incentive money.

This is the same BaylorScott&White corporate empire located in Dallas that fired Peter McCullough, MD for his early treatment protocol inclusive of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

Corporate medicine is a RICO organization.

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We need a separation of Medicine and State.

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03/04/24: The entire tragedy is being IGNORED. Ask people to even look at what's going on, let alone SAY anything, and ZOOM! They're now a quarter-mile away going 170 mph to escape being associated with anyone who say ANYTHING about what Emerald is fearlessly stating.

(When did Americans become such cowards? This wasn't true when I was a lad.)

Say, just maybe, the deaths/injuries might suddenly emerge as an issue once again... on or about April 20th, 2024. It's possible. And don't forget, more rough sailing is ahead for Fauci The Traitor in the first week of May 2024...

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We have a bunch of cowards in America for sure. Anything that inconveniences them from the bubble they exist is in a bother. I’m still amazed watching all of this years into it. Nothing surprises me anymore but it’s mind boggling how people don’t question things!

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There’s a secret ingredient in the shots turned on by 5G that dissolves ballz and brains.

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Clive is correct. Emerald is brave for speaking the TRUTH! Stellar piece again!

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You mean the same playbook is in force for 2024 (not 2021), right?

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People also have to realize that the deaths and illness we are seeing are just the short-term and medium-term results from the jab. What is still unknown are the long-term results (greater than 5 years).

If you look at the history of vaccine development, that is the reason why it took so long to get a vaccine approved. The method that USED to be used to develop a true vaccine typically took 10 + years to verify its efficacy and safety.

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Em, the word is democide. Whoever is paying whom, whoever is blackmailing whom, it's enough for pols and docs to push deadly poison and lie about it. Cowards and utilitarians.

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Much of this stuff is meaningless in one respect; the "PCR" test used to determine and count "cases" of covid has been found to be completely fraudulent. So it really matters not a whit that vaccinated people or unvaccinated people are developing symptoms of an upper respiratory illness, are subsequently tested with a fraudulent PCR test, and determined to have either covid or some variant of covid, when none of these people can be said to have either one based on a worthless test. They may well be sick, but the cause is unknown (and it certainly isn't a virus).

The only thing that matters is this: are vaccinated people (or those who might have received vaccine poison through shedding) becoming sick and dying in large numbers because of the poison in the vaccines? It doesn't matter if either group is "testing positive" for covid; what matters is what these vaccines are doing to our immune systems.

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I read Moderna reports revenue ‘23 only 4 billion, down from 8-9 Billion in ‘21! Government mandates have these inconvenient unintended consequences, “dead unknown cause.”

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The Blobbyiest population control systems are here , remember who the experts are that got US here by mandating.

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We do. I agree. But with Medicare and Medicaid funding, it will be a challenge.

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According to those suffering TDS on substack, its Trump's fault.

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You saw it before most dissidents did!

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