Thank you for performing such a great public service!

For your next target, Emerald, how about getting rid of Mitch McConnell? The rest of the Congressional RINO dominos will fall if you knock the Turtle over.

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I second this!

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02/03/24: I THIRD the motion. And what pure fun and laughter the above created!

"Kristol, Hayes, Goldberg, French, Frum, Sykes, Sabato, Charen, Ponnuru, Gerson, Noonan, Meachum, Boot, Brooks, Lowry, Scarborough, Stephens, Erickson and Rubin.

"It sounds like a list of demented reindeer."


These people are flawlessly identical to Nikki Haley --- Grifters.

(Since when was Sabato EVER considered to be any kind of conservative?!)

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No kidding Anne!!! Mitch's wife's family owns the Asian based Foremost Group and his bro-in-law runs EDG Capital, another Asian entity. DIRTY!

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Great article - thank you for outing and shaming these frauds. Everyone you mentioned deserves whatever they get or don't.

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Atta girl! The article you wrote that brought the clowns down is precisely why I am here and support you!

I had no idea about your family ties in Appalachia. No wonder you have spunk and are able to land the delivery! My grandfather was a coal miner and both parents from Appalachia. I understand the culture, the people and the families they produce! Keep up the good work darlin'.

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I enjoyed reading this, Emerald. In fact I relished it! You stuck the final sharp pin in those insufferable hot air balloons, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.

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Talk about guilty pleasures: Emerald, tell us how you really feel about the RINOs and neoCons. LOL.

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Ann Coulter? That name sounds familiar. I think she wrote some books or something. I remember my friend Billy pointed to this almost young woman at a CPAC and asked me " Look at her. Don't you think she could be John Kerry's younger sister?" Maybe that was Ann Coulter. I'll come to me. Just give me a minute.

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Another one gone down the toilet.

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What a shame. She was really good at one point. Same for Greg Gutfeld.

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02/03/24: Before Ann went completely off the deep end, I bought one or two of her books. What a disorganized friggin' mess they were (and were pulped not long after receipt). And sadly, almost all of the people writing these things are unreadable (Mark Dice being a notable exception to the rule). That's OK. As long as Nancy Mitford is in my library, all is well.

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I just renewed my subscription today before this arrived. After reading this I am so happy I did. I was not aware you were the one that brought those clowns down. Incredible work!

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Love the article! So many journalists do not take thge time to uncover the underlings and their fraudulent activities. love your sense of humor!!!

I always knew Brett Beir was a rino

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Gee, didn't Bret's purple ties give him away?!?

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What a little prep-school kiss-ass he is. If you ever want a laugh, go back to the videos when he was forced to sit in the same studio as Megyn Kelly. I had no idea a man could squirm so much without have an escaped muskrat trapped in his pants.

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It appears that elementary logic and critical thinking skills are in short shrift in certain individuals. So many in leadership roles appear to be one sandwich short of a picnic. Emerald, your turn of phrase amuses me. Stellar reporting!

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Oh my dear, ... you are, truly, the Queen of Savage! KUDOS!!

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From one woman to another: Man, you've got balls! And I admire you for that. Keep up the excellent work Emerald. You truly are a warrior!

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Two of my favorites: West Virginia natural gas and Emerald Robinson.

Too bad WV is now going in whole hog - thanks to phony federal fiat dollar and state investment - for carbon dioxide sequestration (BS climate change chicanery), and the “magic” of hydrogen energy. Unfortunately this methodology has never been proven to work on a large scale, and the state will suffer for its gullibility.


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Emerald has written a lot about the travesties of the democrats. The problem of deep state operatives having influence in the Republican party is also a serious problem.

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As I look at it, there really is no “Republican” party anymore, only different flavors of the elitist Uniparty. They are focused not on serving we the people, but on continuing their power through the kabuki theater they play before us. I no longer belong to a party, nor do I contribute to a party machine or PAC, only directly to a candidate I believe will keep their promises, but am often disappointed even then as they succumb to the siren song of DC politics.

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Basically true, though I a encouraged by a few of them. Rep Jordan's weaponization of government committee hearings are great.

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all those pompous pukes deserved everything they got.

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Except for your compliment to Gen Grant, :-) , I concur 100%.

imo, Time will tell that the Feral DC Union's victory in 1865 has led Directly to this Current USSA Empire and the demise of the former Republic as surely as the former Confederacy.

History may not Repeat, but It sure does Rhyme.

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I laughed out loud many times reading this. Thank you for a heaping helping of snark to start off the weekend, Emerald!

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I almost fell off my chair!

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