Agreed. We outsourced our research and due diligence to the Federalist Society, which controlled by the Left. To be considered respectable they watered down their nominees and gave us justices that are only slightly more qualified than the Leftist nominees being put forward by Biden. You know, the ones that do not even know basic precepts of the Constitution.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

"..the ones that do not even know basic precepts of the Constitution."

Or basic biology / anatomy, like, how to distinguish females from males.

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One suggestion I have for any future Supreme Court nominees is that anyone who graduated from an Ivy League institution should be excluded from further consideration.

I would be more inclined to approve of a graduate of Hillsdale College than Hah-vahd.

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Here’s the thing & I don’t understand why more people aren’t making this argument: both sides pick from the same rotten barrel of apples - the so-called “Ivy League”. All “Ivy league” law schools are run by the left, so why not go far outside of that to find strict Constitutionalists?

Republicans keep picking from the same rotted barrel time after time; insanity is explained as doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a different result.

Is anybody home, McFly?

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Yeah. Head outta town to the ramblin’ hills of barbed wire & moonshine whiskey. Couldn’t do any worse.

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What happened with the investigation of DEI hire Ketanji Jackson? She failed to disclose her husband's malpractice consultant revenue. I heard that the Center for Renewing America filed a lawsuit. I wonder if her husband can identify a woman?

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He thought he knew but now he is confused, Anne.

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I'll say. Can you imagine buying into that misinformation to marry a woman like that. Assuming she is a woman. Maybe she fluctuates.

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Pals with the Kenyan and Mike.

Nice cocktail party foursome.😎

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Spot on. When Scalia death—at a dude ranch (?!)—was brushed over, that was the red flag that SCOTUS was not above the swamp.

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You shine light into the darkness , Emerald.

Obrigado. 🇧🇷

The Federalist Society sucks. 45 must rely on his intuition in making his key administration appointments. The RINO DC cabal and the RNC snookered him in his first term. 47 term has got to be different. If not, bye bye American pie.

My God, we have a woman on the court who could not define her own existence. But her skin was the right color for the Diapered Muppet whose stings are in the hands of the lad from Kenya.

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I don't trust the Supreme Court to do anything close to Constitutional. I do believe Roberts is compromised and does what he is told. Sotomayor is a french fry short of a happy meal. I don't think she has even read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the Federalist papers. I'm tired of holding my breath waiting for common sense and the rule of law to be applied.

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FINALLY! Thank you Emerald!

I have been waiting and wondering when someone would finally ridicule the source(s) of the recommendations to President Trump for these three undependable losers for SCOTUS. What a horrible job the Federalist Society did of vetting these clowns, or else it was the Romney wing of the Federalists performing a flat-out knife-in-the-back deliberate betrayal of President Trump and 60+% of American voters, knowing we would not discover the treachery of these three until it was too late.

Love the idea of putting citizen jurists on the SCOTUS bench. They would each need a much better than normal staff of legal assistants to research every case that the court accepts.

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I was just commenting after the Biden open border decision these close call 5-4 decisions are the last step before everything goes 4-5 or worse. The communist agenda creeps forward but always forward. Until the second American revolution that is.

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Great commentary, great baseball humor:

“That’s batting .200 on Supreme Court picks — which means the Federalist Society should be benched.

“You don’t need to fund an entire legal movement to strike out so many times.“

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A government (and its Constitution) are only as good as the people in the government. If you have lawless and corrupt people in the government, you’re going to get lawlessness and corruption as the outcome.

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Blame George Bush Jr. Starting Point: US Supreme Court started its compromised spiral with the appointment of compromised, Anti Trump ( much like the entire Bush Family ) John Roberts.

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Good insight Emerald.

I’ve said for years that the high court needed some low scholarship. Some highly educated law students and a couple unschooled common sensed people. Let those trained in rhetoric explain the law to those who are wise in good judgment. After the educated and the commoners kick it around, let them respectfully come to a decision. Then let someone like Senator John Kennedy explain their reasoning to the rest of us folks who can benefit from the law and consent with what the letter and intent of our constitution means.

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William F Buckley famously said that “better to be governed by random people from the phone book than the graduating class of Harvard”.

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He was quite prescient!

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It was “faculty of Harvard” but yes, another great quote is: “so many revolutionaries and not a plumber among you”.

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Morris Massey coined the phrase: "You are what you were when".

But, did we consult God on the judges in D.C. that would rule us? He makes it plain in 1 Cor 1:26-30.

"Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption."

No, we did not choose Godly people as our leaders. We consume ungodly content and corruption all day every day. We ignore Him as we milk-drinking fools recline expecting to be served by Him!

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It would be easier for intelligent conservative non-lawyers to learn the applicable law as cases demand than it apparently is for most of our conservative justices to apply the law they already know with common sense and adherence to the Constitution. The outcomes would certainly be better.

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Gorsuch attended a left wing pro-LGBT Episcopal church at the time he was nominated. So it wasn’t hard to figure out how he’d rule on those types of issues.

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