It just goes to shows that the age of miracles are not over yet. That Lazarus guy had nothing on Biden who came straight from the dead to win with 81 milion votes. Incredible comeback.

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Keep up the faith and the fight. Love ya Emerald! p.s. Come back to Gab please.

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What’s better than brilliant satire, Ms Emerald!

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Where is sheriff Joe in Maricopa county when you need him. They should’ve put him in charge of the 2020 election.

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What? You wanted it to be FAIR and HONEST? Are you kidding?!

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Perfect amount of snark, sis.

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We need to stop this nonsense and stop pointing a finger at the bad guys because there are 3 pointed back at us and one thumbs up.

I'm sick and tired of our side. Weak and pathetic. We have the Patriots who say "oh the Constitution bah blah blah". We have the Evangelicals saying "God will help us. Trust in God."

For crying out loud get ready to fight. Start threatening the bad guys. Frighten them. Its OK to say we will not come after you for the past but the line is now drawn. Do it again and we are coming for you.

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I'm one of those evangelical Christian types - and I agree with you 100%. Time to start locking and loading...

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I need to internalize this approach!

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Brilliant! "You gotta admire their grit — and their hacking skills."

...still thinking about a different word choice for "admire" but, I'm sure one will come to me.

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I would like to know why the conservatives in media keep saying we must fight the opposition peacefully and legally. I want to know why???? We fight them legally and the cheat in the elections, and everywhere else. It's called LAWFARE. We are trying to be peaceful, but the Left sends their thugs from the southern border to murder, assault, rape, kidnap and traffick Americans. They also assault and murder cops. I want to know why the conservative media says we have to fight peacefully against the election fraud. REAL Americans are getting real tired of fighting, fighting and fighting peacefully, only to have their rights trampled on day after day. Just look at Hong Kong when they were taken over by the Communist Chinese Party; or Venezuela, a once proud, wealthy, happy country now reduced to a poverty shit-hole 3rd World Banana republic. Or, how about Brazil going in the same direction as Venezuela. Or even Australia and New Zealand during the COVID LOCKDOWNS????

I for one will not let America die with a whimper. It's almost well past time for 2 MILLION Americans to show up at Washington, D.C. on inauguration day (if anyone other then Trump wins) with firearms. We peacefully showed up with 1-1.5 MILLION--unarmed--on January 6, 2021. And, where did that get us??? A fraudulent election that was interfered with by stuffed ballot boxes, fake mail-in ballots, hacked computer voting systems (e.g., Dominion & Smartmatic come to mind given that they were hacked in a Georgia Federal Court proceeding last month by an expert hacker within 5 minutes of trying). There were millions of votes coming from Communist China, Pakistan, Italy, U.K., Spain, and elsewhere days, weeks and months after the 2020 election. Innocent were people arrested and jailed for just showing up to support Trump on January 6th, 2021. They've been maliciously imprisoned for 2 years without right to speedy trial, without writ of habeas corpus or quo warranto (by what authority does the public official have the right to jail people WITHOUT DUE PROCESS and EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW???), interference with right to counsel, no charges, no bail, no medical assistance for the ill, etc. And, this Deep State Tyranny continues to arrest people as of this writing.

The French Resistance went to war with the Nazis for less. So did the Phillippine Resistance. Joe Biden says that if Americans want to challenge the goverment, they'll need F-16s and nukes. Guess what Joe? A lot of those pilots are against you. A lot of the military, active and not active are against you. And, there are 35 million licensed hunters in the U.S. (making it the largest standing army in the world--bigger than the entire Red Chinese military by multiples). And, that's not counting others who are armed and don't have licenses, or don't hunt. That accounts for another 100 MILLION Americans.

Remember what happened in 2014 to the cattle rancher, Cliven Bundy, in Nevada whose cattle wandered on to Federal land and grazed for years? He was maliciously accosted by the Dept. of Interior goons, threatened with seizure, massive fines or extermination of his cattle, and he said "NO!" They came to arrest him. He put out a call for help, and thousands of armed Americans showed up. When the Feds got wind of it, they sent more agents to try and surround the Americans who showed up. Well, that didn't go well. More armed Americans surrounded those Feds. There are less than 2 MILLION members in all of the armed services in the U.S. There are approximately 35,000 employed by the FBI. There are approximately 500,000 LEOs in the entire U.S.-- and that number is dwindling thanks to "Defund the Police".

So, is it time for millions of Americans to show up on Inauguration Day in D.C. if Trump doesn't win the election fair and square????? It's well past time!!!!!

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How does one explain to the marxist-dems that Trump won? Easy. Skip the vote machine technical issues, or the legal ones, don't get bogged down with the judges declining to take cases protesting 2020 election results.

Just observe how Biden's Cheka has pursued Trump advisors, supporters, pro-lifers, & voters; with a zealotry of absolute fear-filled hatred. Biden's Chekist's KNOW he did not win. If Biden had really won, his Cheka would be confidently laughing, and obliging the conspiracies as crazies.

Instead, Biden's Chekists work diligently to quash, through their oligarchical advocates online and in media, any facts, no matter HOW reasonable or far-fetched (tho' not many of the latter).

The more recently released J6 video revealed not a Capitol riot but, tourists merely looking at some of what their tax dollars bought, minus a few collegiate pranks of lecturn hijacking & swiping a laptop.

It was the Cheka that broke windows and vandalized for the media, planted fake bombs, and then, quashed any inquiries into the investigation. Ray Epps walks while, nobody's remain in jail?

Biden's Chekist media verbally trample any reasonable objections to the election, border policy, FBI, CIA, DHS malfeasance. The Chekist's ARE NOT confident. They KNOW they're on thin ice. Biden himself barks like a dog behind a fence. It's fear, and it shows.

BTW; Most menacingly barking dogs behind a fence are easily bought off with a few treats, just like corrupt Biden is/was.

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Well expressed, Aaron. Thank you for the clarity.

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Keep shining the light on those dark web crooks! Thanks, Emerald for the entertainment!

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wow that took three times. So I got up late this morning: my knee and ankle and hip are out of alignment: so when I limped to the fridge to get the ice pack for my knee.. and found the number for my doctor I turned on Fox news: a MISTAKE. I quit watching TV because LIKE YOU,, who writes a very compelling, witty column on Substack and I haven't been on Twitter today: EVERYONE HAS LIVES. yes.. NEWS MEDIA, especially the LEFT wingnut jobs. I heard immediately Fox News had a clip from some CNN or MSNBC guy (I don't watch those and never have) saying "THESE TRUMP VOTERS MUST BE A TOXIC CULT".. as I walked to my fridge for my Tylenol.. and ice pack and said OH SHIT, I need to call my son about the garage he is building: I groaned and said THOSE MSNBC "reporters" are so out of touch w/ reality they actually believe there is some kind of nefarious TRUMP CULT or they like talk crap all day long: it has to be latter because there is NO BLOODY EFFING SUCH THING as a TOXIC TRUMP CULT. I think the INVESTIGATIVE reporters part time sleuths and part time Columbo's would have uncovered this CULT by now and it would made the HEADLINES. Dark humor is better than no humor,, and I have lots of that. Actually when I feel this bad I no longer give a crap about how many stairs BIDEN ROT can't climb because I am having difficulty going up and down all the stairs in this house right now: BUT THEN AGAIN, I am not POTUS.. I am just an regular American woman trying to get through my so called golden years.. :) thanks Emerald. Have a great week

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Love the way you write Emerald!

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Ya 'nailed it', Emerald! Not sure these 'blue cities' would gives permits, but Trump should place giant screens in these major cities & 'unpack' the ugly, grandiose truth about these elitist vermin & their useful idiots to unravel & destroy the fabric of this Nation. Hope '45 follows your posts!

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Your pith is refreshing and well received.

Redo in 2024 I fear.

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