This makes me sick, our government is trying to turn us into robots, with them in control. I have never trusted our government, but now we have to be very careful what we accept from it. In my opinion, our government should be dismantled one agency at a time, and start over. With guidelines in place to root out the dirtbags and evil sob's in place now. If they are caught breaking any rules they are put to death. No more Pelosi's, Schumer, Biden's. No more uniparty and no rino's.

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Don't become what you are resisting, comrade. Liberty and Tyranny are two edges of the Same Sword blade. However the Feral GrubMint either has to be Trimmed back to it's Beginnings, or replaced as authorized in the Declaration of Independence.

and it's 1775 in 2024

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What can I say to a journalist who has written such a detailed, informative, important Substack article. The deception that has been done to the American people and all of the nations of the world is abhorant. Many of us have followed this for many years and thank you for putting together DARPA and its role with Fauci et al. No matter how much we try to spread the fact that the faux vaccines kill..so many just followed and we have seen so many deaths initially and now so many more deaths from turbo cancer, heart issues, immune disorders etc. The mad scientists were so devious as to put time and distance between the faux shot & death so as to make it look like it’s not connected. Then there is the “Booster brigade” who advocate for people every 6 months to take another death shot and blatantly go on TV and say this to people. And pediatricians & drs are still pushing it and knowingly some pediatricians are getting incentivized if a certain percentage of their young patients are innoculated with this dangerous shot. Common sense & critical thinking where art thou? Question everything and never ever lockstep. Thank you for your wisdom🙏🏻🦋🙏🏻

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Our Government today is so bass ackwards now, the only hope is to get the guy who proved himself already with a 4 year term and get him back to clean up the rest. Im sure he has learned a lot about who the players are !

And in my mind unless anyone has clear proof that he was "in on it? ", I believe he was played and caught between a needle and a soft arm place .

Remember, he never mandated them. Ole deep state puppet Joe did.

And Lloyd Austin, hows that triple mask and shield working out for ya ? I don't want to see anyone sick but turbo cancers are raging and killing young and old.

Emerald, your a force!! Keep going. We all thank you.

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Great post... thank you🦋

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What I take issue with is, millions were killed by the virus. NO. They were killed by negligent doctors and hospital systems who didn't treat them, or killed them intentionally by venting them. This illness was treatable but the treatments were denied....perhaps so that the populace would be primed to accept taking a shot that magically was ready. There is a lot more here than gain of function. Open your eyes.

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Dr. Robert Malone who used to work for DARPA said a while ago that this Covid debacle and vaccine has all the hallmarks of a DARPA operation. It was created in the US and the taken to China after the Obama admin supposedly put the kibosh on it. It WAS gain of function.

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Significant revelations, Emerald.

We were a better Republic before Congress became what it is and unelected bureaucrats commenced running the government.

I recall a conversation I had during Dubya' s first term inaguration festival in DC with a Texas member of Congress.

My query was, " You have been here for three terms now. Is there anything that you have not yet figured out?" She smiled politely and replied, " I have not figured out who is running the federal government because it sure as hell in not Congress."

The beat goes on.

Thanks for magnifying Murphy's concerns.

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The bureaucratic Deep State (DS) calls Congress summer interns. Here today and gone tomorrow. The DS runs the show. Steve Hilton who has a show on Fox said that during his time as part of the David Cameron's admin, they actually studied how much get done by the bureaucracy that is "ordered " by the Prime Minister . It was around 30%. The bureaucracy do what it wants and just ignores or slow walk what doesn't sit well with them politically.

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You are correct, Sir.

A "redacted" government!

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It’s the joos running the government and literally the entire country including the federal reserve, a private entity and they are hell-bent on destroying the nation.

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Down the Rabbit Hole we go! Whether or not willingly we know.

May God Help Us!

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This is definitely good news, and glad to see project veritas is still doing good work regardless of the fall out. Most of us have always know you had the goods and were accurate, but proof never hurts, though I doubt you will get credit accordingly.

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So, the SARS-COV-2 virus was a live attenuated vaccine...against what? Or was it experimental and escaped from...some organization...and was then used as an opportunity to create a fake pandemic to get people to accept a vaccine made of the spike protein of the virus, test the ability of some organization to get everyone to act like fascists, transfer lots of money from the poor and middle class to the rich, eliminate a problematic presidential candidate...???...wheels within wheels!!!

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Proud to be an unvaxed pureblood. Did I call it or what?

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Most excellent, Emerald! They also illegally approved and licensed the vaccines with fraud filled studies and without following proper steps procedures in the law that are required to license vaccines. And they did this so they could mandate that people inject themselves with this poison! And many did and died or were sickened.

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Very astute of you to end with HEAVEN HELP US, Emerald! What next? Massive arrests, and prosecutions for the evildoers? Thank you, Emerald. Thank you, James O’Keefe. Thank you, Major Murphy.

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DARPA report shows: the U.S. government has lied to the American people about everything related to COVID GREAT REPORTING!

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Americans need to wake up and make those responsible pay a price for their deception.

Unbelievable how callous the people are that we've intrusted to lead, this kind of event can never be allowed to happen again.

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You tell it like it is, dear Emerald.

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This substack and others like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald and Seymour Hersh are the reason why the MSM is dying but real journalism lives on. The New Yorker’s Clare Malone completely missed the point even as she buried the lede “polls show that about two-thirds of the country now has little to no trust in the media”.

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