My 38-yr old sister-in-law got her 2nd Pfizer dose and #diedsuddenly, alone in her apartment, later the same day. She died of a pulmonary embolism. Her 8-yr old son was with us and we had to break the news to him.

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So terrible. I am sorry for your loss, and for the boy's loss.

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I can’t like this. My heart goes out to you & her family.

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Thank you for your excellent reporting. I wanted to share with you, and your readers what I have seen over the past couple of years. I am a small group leader in a Bible study. Every week, I take prayer requests for my group and one day a week, I meet with the other leaders and we pray for our women (keeping names anonymous). There have been so many heart problems, I can’t even count them all. Also, lymphomas, brain cancers and other rare cancers along with some sudden deaths that were probably aneurysms or strokes. Just last week, I got prayer requests from two ladies in my small group of 15- both have kids that have to go see a cardiologist - one is 15 and his pediatrician heard something on the stethoscope that didn’t sound normal, the other is an 8 year old girl who has passed out twice and they are trying to figure out why and think it may be her heart. Anyway, I am making a list for my own records because we hear about the more famous people who died suddenly, but nobody seems to be taking note of all the regular people affected by this.

Oh, and the blood clots- my own mother passed away in 2021- she had a blood clot in her leg which broke off and she ended up with pulmonary embolisms and was gasping for air when she died. I didn’t get to see her because the hospital wouldn’t let me in.

I also have a few to add to my list who were killed by hospital protocols, such as remdesivir.

Thank you again for your reporting, it is very important that we not brush this under the rug.

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Unbelievable, just in your circle, so many.

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A new film just premiered, "Died Suddenly" at https://rumble.com/embed/v1to6s2/?pub=ztma8 will open eyes...

Also "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion" https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective

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That's probably why goog is trying to kill the hashtag. They're among the most culpable for this disaster. Nuremberg time.

Everyone should encourage everyone they know, and others they don't know, to watch this powerful film. It will change a lot of minds.

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For Glenn Shaw and the like minded: you might care if your beloved brother had died of a sudden massive heart attack - a man with a healthy heart prior to jab & boosters. Indeed, he drank the Kool-Ade but he was murdered by our corrupt government scaring people witless.

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I have never felt the same since taking the vaccines. Get severely short of breath going up one flight of stairs. There must be accountability.

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Can you get scanned or something to see what is wrong and to see if you have clots etc? I’m asking as I have loved ones who got the jab.

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No. Diagnostics are prohibited. But you can take steps to improve your odds of survival. FLCCC describes a protocol that might help.

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Thank you. I’m worried about family members who got it.

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Very good advice. I am a surgeon but hate doctors and medical care for myself(strange, I know) so I have not done that. I am taking a baby ASA

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Watch the "Died Suddenly" movie. Doesn't seem to be a clotting issue, but accumulations of fibrous deposits in veins and arteries. Clogs the circulation like clots, but worse. Blood thinners don't seem to help. I've heard they're amyloid, which is also a factor in alzheimers, and the vax does penetrate the blood brain barrier. We have much to learn.

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Ask for a cardiac CT

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Outstanding work. Thanks for all you are doing to spread the word and awaken the sheep. Keep praying. God always wins.

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But not necessarily in our lifetime. It's up to us to make things better.

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I agree with you but you are somewhat missing my point. Yes we absolutely need to resist and stand up for truth now.

We also have hope from knowing that there is more to it than our existence on this temporal plane. The DS players don’t believe in God and so they have no hope. God will win in the end no matter what they do.

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I hope to resolve it before the end. But the way things are going, the end might come sooner than we expect.

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I know if I gloat I'll be hit by a car, but there's one person I'm gonna risk it for. He made life a little bit harder for the unjabbed, and as I write this I can picture his smug punchable face. Oops I just gave my plan away.

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The woefully blind will simply blame C19 and not the jab. Frankly at this point, let them have their way because I am done trying to talk these fools off a cliff.

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You cannot blame C19 and not the jab. Any problems caused by C19 are sure to be caused by the jab as well as the jab contains the same spike protein that C19 does. Except with the illness, eventually you clear the spike but with the jab and subsequent jabs, you continue to make more spike proteins in your body.......hence more of the same problems.

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Unlike some who posted, I do NOT say "to hell with those who were vaxxed." It is my belief that we must give support where we can. I, too, have faced rejection and ridicule, insult and lost friends. So what? Sticks and stones. According to some frontline docs, ivermectin can help undo the shots by wrapping around the spike proteins. I am hopeful there will be an actual antidote. And if this pisses you off, then think about the babies, the children, etc., if that's what it takes to have some empathy for those who suffer and die. Haven't you ever done something STUPID or trusted someone who stabbed you in the back? . . .

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I hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen some of the folks that can't see election fraud or cheating in our elections are some of the same people that would take another jab if their government told them to. Some call them sheep but I think sheep are smarter than those people As long as we have a corrupt government we'll have people willing to be test dummies.

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True to some extent. But older people were terrified and sick of being further alienated. They and we were held hostage. While I did not get the jab, and I lost several job opportunities for that decision, I have family members who refused to listen to me. I was a federal law enforcement agent for over 16 years and I saw how much we were/are lied to. But if you put yourself in some shoes of patriots who are older and sick of not going to church or shamed by their social circle if they don’t get it, you can sort of see what that population was up against. It’s the sickest form of war crime propaganda not seen since Nazi Germany branching out of their own country. And this is probably going to get worse. So scary and criminal!

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You're right Robyn, I'm in the same position I have family and friends who just would not listen to me,now they are really scared and have every right to be. It is a shame that we have government leaders trying to kill us and are still in power.I don't think Biden or any of his cult members took the real jab, either sugar water or saline. I pisses me off that parents are making their small children take the shots, just reassures me how stupid the people are.

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Agree 100%

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Could have to do with ppl who only listen to MSM.

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I was pretty sure of all this almost from the start. Shi+ you gotta pay for a damn aspirin but the vax is free!?!

See howbadismybatch.com.

Love ya Emmy but are you pushing Twatter? Just askin...

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Showing Ethical Skeptic's derailed work is not pushing twtr. He's one of the few that have the statistics and numbers of data to show every that msm SHOULD'VE shouted to the world.

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Encouraging news: I read yesterday that the Ethical Skeptic has presented his data to and answered questions from PhDs representing several members of Congress. Sorry, but I can't find the source article.

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Absolutely horrifying! Shared on GETTR and Truth Social.

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You could say they're dying at "warp speed".

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I do believe that many concerned people are missing the point. The medical industrial establishment is corrupt to the core and that includes Dr. Malone and the other medical "specialists" who for years played the games of BigPharma and the cutthroat "professionals" that have been killing tens of millions with their deadly concoctions and costly "medical processes". Suddenly these "experts" want us to believe that they have seen the light and now want to "help" the poor downtrodden masses! No, i believe they have now found a way to increase their fortune and fame through their fake "resistance" to the "system" that they profited handsomely for so many years!!

The solution is actually quite simple. Stop supporting BigPharma! Don't buy or use any of their toxic products. Stop going to their "factories of death"--overpriced criminal syndicates called "hospitals." Stop putting toxic food products in your bodies and your families' bodies--further enriching mega-corporations plundering the planet.

Help create safe alternative methods for healing and for producing non-toxic necessities of life! Work with your friends and neighbors to support grassroots programs in your communities!

And, stop fighting a fight you cannot win--senseless fights with the corporate forces of criminality, darknesss and death and their hand-picked and financed "politicians." Their systems are corrupt to the core! By focusing on them, you only give them more power!!

For real healing: Stop abusing your bodies with tobacco, alcohol and other dangerous legal and illegal substances. Get more exercise and fresh air. Drink more unadulterated water. Study the teachings of the spiritual masters to find peace in body, mind and spirit. Share benevolent love with those around you. Exercise your creative spirit. And teach your friends and families to do the same!!

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Thank you Emerald for another eye opening article.

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Fear overrides wisdom. Wisdom was already in short supply.

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