I don't care about this very much. They were lying. We knew they were lying because like the election they refuse to discuss it. I am sorry for people's suffering but their willingness to go along made it tough for those that didn't. Maybe survivors will see the value of critical thinking.

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I have a friend who knew how bad the shot was. Her husband begged her not to get it. But she wanted to see a Broadway play. I have a couple of other friends whose children wouldn’t let them see the grandkids unless they got jabbed. My father was unjabbed and was left to die in the hospital because of it. No treatment, just comfort. As the only unjabbed in my group of friends, I was treated like a leper, no one wanted to sit by me at dinner. I was screamed at by a doctor that I needed that shot. There were choices. Sometimes they were hard choices, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy.

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Reminds my of a "functional doctor" (not my regular brilliant one) who said: I'm ok. I had the vaccine!! I didn't go back. My regular functional doctor told me 2 years ago: It's all a scam.

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I understand and am sorely tempted to echo the sentiment. Indeed, it would be true poetic justice if every single one of those who #diedsuddenly was a Karen or a Kyle. But that will not be the case.

Most of those injured or dying needlessly are guilty only of thinking, understandably, that governments worldwide had no reason to lie to their citizens. As for those of us who think we are superior because we did not believe the lies our governments told us, well, we may know that our governments lied but our explanations for why that happened - all over the world - are, likewise, all over the map.

In other words, we may be superior, but we as yet have shown no signs of being so superior as to get to the bottom of this and stop it from happening again. And, if we do not get to the bottom of this, the next worldwide psyop[1] could be above OUR threshold of gullibility leaving US to be the ones on the list of dead or dying. When that happens, we will take no comfort in the thought that, as we and our loved ones lay dying, someone else will be patting themselves on the back for being superior to US.

[1] See https://open.substack.com/pub/farm/p/anatomy-of-a-psychological-operation

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No one here has claimed superiority.

But governments have been lying since eternity, including about “medicine.” ex. Agent Orange, Gulf War Illness, etc. Nothing new.

Sheep are simply cowards who are afraid of being called a “conspiracy theorist”, or an “anti-vaxxer”, or an “election denier.”

The problem comes when scared, ignorant sheep driven by Marxist ideology tried to coerce - or gladly accepted the coercion of - my child into being injected with an unsafe, untested, experimental drug. Ex. Teacher’s union NEA, AFT.

The sheep are as guilty as the “good Germans” during WWII, or the majority (70%) white population in the South who did not own slaves, but tolerated slavery.

Zero sympathy.

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A friend, while 68 yo, and Jewish, 4x jab. Had covid last month and cried to me about how hard she had tried to not get it. Her accuse for not wanting to know any details about this ongoing genocide: said she had been too busy surviving. Hmmm. She is financially secure. I explained this has been like a holocaust which she understood, being Jewish, but only very slightly, the overall picture and just doesn’t want to know anymore. I’ve have attempted numerous times to tell her more in the past two years but to no avail. We parted ways for a while bc she treated me like a leper back a year to two ago bc I am unjabbed. But apologized earlier this year (with almost tears and just a few words, but still didn’t want to hear any more details). Too many People just appear to not want to know more, believe or care about what is the BIGGEST HISTORICAL TOTALITARIAN HOAX EVER!!! Her attitude stinks. I now am not wanting to be around Her!!!

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I know...I'm afraid to be around vaxxed...ignorant and dangerous also.

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I have been disinvited from "friends" because I did not submit to the jab.

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First and foremost, tomorrow you may find me saying many of the same things you are saying. Frankly, I am as frustrated and angered by the aggressive idiocy as anyone and, even more frankly, can be an awful jackass. But I always keep coming back to these two questions: Who? and Why? None of the explanations I have heard so far can account for what, to me, seems to be a worldwide collusion involving nearly every avenue (government, social media, news, business, medicine, education, ad nauseam). We need to get to find the answers to Who? and Why? before they do it again.

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The corrupt COVID policy is the hub of a wagon wheel. Each spoke is a different constituency seeking power, money, or both.


- China and the Deep State both wanted to eliminate Trump because he threatened their profits and power

- WEF and their globalist billionaires and their politicians want a global Marxist autocracy that requires suppressing democracy via a global biological surveillance and control technology

- unelected “public health” bureaucrats seek power via manufactured crises which require them to save the world (hero complex)

- Big Pharma seeks gigantic profits with zero accountability

- the national security state, from the CIA to a street cop at a protest, needs needs an enemy to justify their existence

- marginalized groups - from racial/ethnic minorities, to feminists, to LGBT - live the vaccine as a means to enforce their will on the majority who don’t submit to their demands

There is no single Man from U.N.C.L.E.....

but 007s adversary SMERSH was a consortium of like minded sociopaths - a perfect analogue for COVID vax enforcers.

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We think very much alike. Each of the Spokes you mentioned are on my list as well. I would add only that spokes of wagon wheels must have a hub. For me, if no other, the hub of that wheel is the Chinese Communist party. Thanks to our living beyond our means, the Chinese have more money than God and they use it well. If need be, they could bribe billionaire George Soros and that would take some doing. I believe this because I viewed some videos from Hunter's laptop. One of those videos had at the beginning a Chinese man talking to American audience and earnestly warning them that the Chinese communist party had a plan intended to undermine us and destroy us without firing a shot. If that is indeed the case, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

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John Richardson, you summarized it well. Thank you.

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Do it again? They are still doing it!

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I agree that we aren’t superior. I thought from the beginning that none of what was happening made sense, but I’m a contrarian by nature, fortified by experience. And I’m old and remember a lot from the past. None of that is anything to pat myself on the back for. I just wish I hadn’t been so shouted down for resisting the insanity.

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When companies are offering you deals, when the government is paying you and offering you special perks and cutting off others, your antenna should go up!

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Well said.

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Cruel...but true.

Wolves get fat, sheep in denial get slaughtered.

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Also very frustrated by those who did not fight or recognize all the lies were not matching up, I read something this morning that made me think about the disconnect a different light:


Check out the "4 Experiments" section of those thinking points...and remember that social media and the traditional media were being bombarded with the outright propaganda that "taking the shot protected others." Meanwhile, OUR points-of-view were being deleted, shadow banned or we were removed from a platform all together. Millions fell for the idea they were being selfless and willing to get the shots because it might help save others--as those of us who were following the lack of science and the official lies were being called selfish, simply for looking out for our own health. Classic "survival of the fittest" at work.

Fast forward to today. I have little patience when I see people still walking around outside, waiting for a bus or driving alone and wearing a useless mask. I can forgive and try to move past the insults from 2 years ago (for those who still speak to me). Today, however, wearing a mask IS nothing but a choice and mostly virtue signaling--only it's interpreted as a proud badge of both gullibility and stupidity.

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The media has succeeded in "programming" too many of us to be morally judgmental about human behavior. I prefer to view Mass formation, for example, as a media-induced state of hypnosis, where susceptible victims follow through to comply with the program. Ranking victims as either good or bad based on the disability will continue to divide the nation against one another. Compassion for the victims is the best moral high ground for me.

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I have compassion for them. But too many still refuse to even attempt to understand WHY???

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Lisa Liberty had an excellent take on that. Not to puts words in her, er, keyboard(?), but some people, it seems, resist knowing in order to avoid the pain and the loneliness of a reality their friends and family do not share. I suppose it is somewhat like not wanting to know that there is no Santa Claus at an early age while all of your friends and siblings still believe. What exactly do you gain by realizing that there is no Santa Claus? Not only are you deprived of the comforts of the illusion, you are all alone with a reality that no one wants to share. But that is the child's view. As so many are learning the hard way, carrying that attitude into your later years can get you maimed or killed.

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It looks like you're expressing a moral judgment. The opposite of cognitive dissonance is doublethink, a word that first appeared in George Orwell’s 1984. -- Doublethink is the ability to accept two contradictory beliefs at the same time, while being totally unaware of the contradiction.

In Orwell’s own words:

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.https://tinyurl.com/yc352wtj

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

For several ppl I know I think it had to do with them believing whatever MSM has said. For others it was they were too busy wanting to enjoy life and looked at most things unpleasant as “conspiracy theory” or too negative or they an attitude of “I can’t do anything about anyhow” and Scrugg their shoulders. Or they felt “other people” would work it out. To me I recognized this was a different matter!

I not sure I look at it as a moral issue as much as a “why are you not interested in hearing info that may very well be detrimental to your future and your offspring”? Or to your financial future when they might be confiscating your assets or severaly limiting your freedoms that are considered HUMAN freedoms! I have trouble with people being so closed minded when it seems to me its a matter of extreme importance perhaps more important than anything that has ever occurred in the WORLD!! Or that people are dying and being maimed in huge numbers. Or that this is probably a BIOWEAPON that OUR OWN GOVTS HAVE MANDATED TO MANY and trying to KILL US!!!!


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That is exactly what was happening. Judging themselves and others who took the jabs as superior in mind and selfless. Judging those that did not as stupid, ignorant and selfish.

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I believe the bible mentions that men will be of two minds in the end days. You just described it perfectly.

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Problem could be that those jabbed have damaged brains rendering it even less plausible they are capable of “critical thinking”. What a plan those evil .... had. To maim many and render them unable to think critically. Was this part of their plan and the phrase “you will own nothing and be happy” could actualize?

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Funny to think but anyone who allowed an injection into their bodies that they couldn't ask questions about had no critical thinking skills to begin with. They are the type you can sell magic beans to 🤣

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The ppl I know it was FEAR based, wanting to go on a trip to Europe, or thinking they were doing something to protect others...

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Media lies about "safe and effective"

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Came to conclusion with "the constant repetition of official narratives as unquestionable axiomatic facts" most of us allowed fear to rule against reason. Trust having been ruined perhaps moral behaviors will still prevail here after all that has happened, and more pressing outcomes develop.

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It sounds like you think these victims deserved to die.

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No, sir, didn't think that.

On CitizensFreePress website look for link currently titled "Watch Full Film | Died Suddenly…"

This film prefaces my mood and thoughts.

Peace be with you all.

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I postedthat on truth social!!!

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Critical thinking, and personal freedom.

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Exactly...I traveled 2000 to see a friend only to be asked not to come over when I was 10 miles away. Likewise I've lost friends as you did. It only goes on because people let it

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My 38-yr old sister-in-law got her 2nd Pfizer dose and #diedsuddenly, alone in her apartment, later the same day. She died of a pulmonary embolism. Her 8-yr old son was with us and we had to break the news to him.

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So terrible. I am sorry for your loss, and for the boy's loss.

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I can’t like this. My heart goes out to you & her family.

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Thank you for your excellent reporting. I wanted to share with you, and your readers what I have seen over the past couple of years. I am a small group leader in a Bible study. Every week, I take prayer requests for my group and one day a week, I meet with the other leaders and we pray for our women (keeping names anonymous). There have been so many heart problems, I can’t even count them all. Also, lymphomas, brain cancers and other rare cancers along with some sudden deaths that were probably aneurysms or strokes. Just last week, I got prayer requests from two ladies in my small group of 15- both have kids that have to go see a cardiologist - one is 15 and his pediatrician heard something on the stethoscope that didn’t sound normal, the other is an 8 year old girl who has passed out twice and they are trying to figure out why and think it may be her heart. Anyway, I am making a list for my own records because we hear about the more famous people who died suddenly, but nobody seems to be taking note of all the regular people affected by this.

Oh, and the blood clots- my own mother passed away in 2021- she had a blood clot in her leg which broke off and she ended up with pulmonary embolisms and was gasping for air when she died. I didn’t get to see her because the hospital wouldn’t let me in.

I also have a few to add to my list who were killed by hospital protocols, such as remdesivir.

Thank you again for your reporting, it is very important that we not brush this under the rug.

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Unbelievable, just in your circle, so many.

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A new film just premiered, "Died Suddenly" at https://rumble.com/embed/v1to6s2/?pub=ztma8 will open eyes...

Also "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion" https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective

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That's probably why goog is trying to kill the hashtag. They're among the most culpable for this disaster. Nuremberg time.

Everyone should encourage everyone they know, and others they don't know, to watch this powerful film. It will change a lot of minds.

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For Glenn Shaw and the like minded: you might care if your beloved brother had died of a sudden massive heart attack - a man with a healthy heart prior to jab & boosters. Indeed, he drank the Kool-Ade but he was murdered by our corrupt government scaring people witless.

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I have never felt the same since taking the vaccines. Get severely short of breath going up one flight of stairs. There must be accountability.

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Can you get scanned or something to see what is wrong and to see if you have clots etc? I’m asking as I have loved ones who got the jab.

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No. Diagnostics are prohibited. But you can take steps to improve your odds of survival. FLCCC describes a protocol that might help.

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Thank you. I’m worried about family members who got it.

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Very good advice. I am a surgeon but hate doctors and medical care for myself(strange, I know) so I have not done that. I am taking a baby ASA

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Watch the "Died Suddenly" movie. Doesn't seem to be a clotting issue, but accumulations of fibrous deposits in veins and arteries. Clogs the circulation like clots, but worse. Blood thinners don't seem to help. I've heard they're amyloid, which is also a factor in alzheimers, and the vax does penetrate the blood brain barrier. We have much to learn.

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Ask for a cardiac CT

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Outstanding work. Thanks for all you are doing to spread the word and awaken the sheep. Keep praying. God always wins.

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But not necessarily in our lifetime. It's up to us to make things better.

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I agree with you but you are somewhat missing my point. Yes we absolutely need to resist and stand up for truth now.

We also have hope from knowing that there is more to it than our existence on this temporal plane. The DS players don’t believe in God and so they have no hope. God will win in the end no matter what they do.

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I hope to resolve it before the end. But the way things are going, the end might come sooner than we expect.

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Anyone that doesn't think their government would lie to them is truly foolish.

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I know if I gloat I'll be hit by a car, but there's one person I'm gonna risk it for. He made life a little bit harder for the unjabbed, and as I write this I can picture his smug punchable face. Oops I just gave my plan away.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

The woefully blind will simply blame C19 and not the jab. Frankly at this point, let them have their way because I am done trying to talk these fools off a cliff.

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You cannot blame C19 and not the jab. Any problems caused by C19 are sure to be caused by the jab as well as the jab contains the same spike protein that C19 does. Except with the illness, eventually you clear the spike but with the jab and subsequent jabs, you continue to make more spike proteins in your body.......hence more of the same problems.

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Unlike some who posted, I do NOT say "to hell with those who were vaxxed." It is my belief that we must give support where we can. I, too, have faced rejection and ridicule, insult and lost friends. So what? Sticks and stones. According to some frontline docs, ivermectin can help undo the shots by wrapping around the spike proteins. I am hopeful there will be an actual antidote. And if this pisses you off, then think about the babies, the children, etc., if that's what it takes to have some empathy for those who suffer and die. Haven't you ever done something STUPID or trusted someone who stabbed you in the back? . . .

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I hope I'm wrong, but from what I've seen some of the folks that can't see election fraud or cheating in our elections are some of the same people that would take another jab if their government told them to. Some call them sheep but I think sheep are smarter than those people As long as we have a corrupt government we'll have people willing to be test dummies.

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True to some extent. But older people were terrified and sick of being further alienated. They and we were held hostage. While I did not get the jab, and I lost several job opportunities for that decision, I have family members who refused to listen to me. I was a federal law enforcement agent for over 16 years and I saw how much we were/are lied to. But if you put yourself in some shoes of patriots who are older and sick of not going to church or shamed by their social circle if they don’t get it, you can sort of see what that population was up against. It’s the sickest form of war crime propaganda not seen since Nazi Germany branching out of their own country. And this is probably going to get worse. So scary and criminal!

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You're right Robyn, I'm in the same position I have family and friends who just would not listen to me,now they are really scared and have every right to be. It is a shame that we have government leaders trying to kill us and are still in power.I don't think Biden or any of his cult members took the real jab, either sugar water or saline. I pisses me off that parents are making their small children take the shots, just reassures me how stupid the people are.

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Could have to do with ppl who only listen to MSM.

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I was pretty sure of all this almost from the start. Shi+ you gotta pay for a damn aspirin but the vax is free!?!

See howbadismybatch.com.

Love ya Emmy but are you pushing Twatter? Just askin...

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Showing Ethical Skeptic's derailed work is not pushing twtr. He's one of the few that have the statistics and numbers of data to show every that msm SHOULD'VE shouted to the world.

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Encouraging news: I read yesterday that the Ethical Skeptic has presented his data to and answered questions from PhDs representing several members of Congress. Sorry, but I can't find the source article.

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Absolutely horrifying! Shared on GETTR and Truth Social.

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You could say they're dying at "warp speed".

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