Imagine what trump might have been able to accomplish if he didn't have most of his own administration working against him. Ultimately trump was responsible for the people in his administration so he must share some of the blame. But in practical terms how can anyone effectively operate when the vast majority of people on "your side" are working against you?

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

I have said for years that Trump's major Covid mistake was in not convening an experts panel of government outsiders immediately. Drs. Ioannidis, Bhattacharya, Kulldorff come to mind. Those three have the intellectual firepower and would have obliterated intellectual pipsqueaks like Fauci, Birx, Redfield, et al. Covid policy was far too impactful to leave to a bunch of ass-covering second-rate bureaucrats. FATAL ERROR.

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Those luminaries did speak out, and obliterated the stooges. No one listened. Zuck and Jack were in charge. Bringing them into the white house wouldn't have worked. Even declaring martial law wouldn't have worked -- no one would have complied. The fix was in. Still is. We might be able to correct it without violence. Probably not.

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Trump didn't have much choice in hiring. The whole world was united against a populist outsider, and most administrative competence is centered in the establishment-- the "swamp." Few competent people wanted to openly oppose that system. That tribe of experienced bureaucrats is the real power in the world, not organized by some mysterious despot, as some like to imagine, but a sub species only intent on its own survival, like a virus. Until people awaken to their need to evaluate their surroundings to best support their own survival, they will be increasingly dependent on the bureaucrats. The bureaucrat virus must be eradicated if we want to thrive, or even to survive.

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Preach, brother. The virus must be eradicated.

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Imagine if Trump had swallowed his ego, the moment Birx was allowed to resign, (rather than being publicly denounced as a fraud) and said "While we wait for the Warp-Speed vax, by Executive Order, I order every therapeutic known to science be used in treating the people who show symptoms of Corona virus"....

"Oh, by the way - *doctor* Fauci? Go sit down, I'm putting Doctor Atlas in charge"

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Read the Atlas book if you haven't. You will want to pull your hair out. Atlas didn't arrive on the scene until after the damage was mostly done.

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I said "Dr Fauci" sit down...

I didn't suggest Dr Atlas could have reversed damage done. I understand there were many more (*ahem* Jared) undermining him.

But apparently Trump was looking at Brix squinty-eyed by April 2020. She didn't "resign" until Dec 2020. Trump could have ordered "therapeutics" be used when he successfully used them Aug 2020.

There must have been someone asking why on earth two prominent AIDS/HIV researchers were in charge of a respiratory virus?? Idk

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First, no one would have complied. Then, he would have been impeached and convicted by the senate. It was a time of panic. Rational thought did not prevail. Still doesn't.

Presidents are not dictators, just spokesmen for the bureaucracy. Powerful presidents install supporters in key bureaucracies. Trump was alone from the start. Another term and he might have been able to start draining the swamp. The swamp won.

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Jim Jordan said it best, "Why Should Americans Believe Anything The Government Says?"

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Amen. Thank you. Jim Jordan is a great Patriot.

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Yes he is! 🇺🇸

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So what's he done about it catchy tweets ?

Dam nothing. Uni-Party.

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More than you. There are not enough Jim Jordan’s in DC. That’s the problem. Too many RINO’s. Maybe you should throw your hat in the ring.

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Everyone with a functioning brain cell knew Birx and Fauci were radical Leftists Ghouls.

but We need the truth about Jared Kushner.

He is not a dumb man.

His hands are all over many things that went awry in the Trump Administration.

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They convinced Trump that he had to 'do something' or he was going to lose in Nov.

He wanted to be the hero. He got played. To this day he won't admit it.

The emergency, warp-speed and the $600B to the government for the PsyOp...all done by Trump.

He may have undone this in his 2nd term, but he didn't know about the election theft and the deals with Pence.

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Kushner seems to be the snake in the grass. I have heard certain trusted people hint at his duplicity.

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This was Trump (and Pence) biggest mistake IMHO. They simply needed to take the world's BEST dissenting opinions and had a public debate on the entire topic so the criminals could not hide behind fraudulent data! Taking the crap science manipulations from Fauci and Birx took us all down this horrible path of death and destruction!

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I agree. But it wasn't just the swamp-sewer rats in the U.S. - Trump was also up against the WHO, the UN and the swamp creatures from the European Union. Oh, yeah - and the phony corrupt worthless mainstream media. Pretty easy to see why Trump got thrown off track.

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Birx is another snake in the grass along with Pence and Fauci. How many gullible Americans went along with the madness? I choose not to purchase her book to support such an evil person. The SWAMP runs deep and wide in DC. Emerald, you have outdone yourself again! Keep digging!

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Oh my holy God. The corruption is bottomless. Another 'scarf lady' dingbat with an evil agenda.

Good work here, Emerald.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

My view of Trump was that he was caught between a rock and a hard place and they put him there.. There was not a move Trump could have done that would or could be the right one considering everyone around him conspiring against him as we now today all know.

Im not some blind D J Trump cheerleader. I try to look at the facts and results best I can. But what could he have done?

1 No action , no magic vaccine, and he's crucified by the press, Pharma which = the normie public.

2 Vaccine and all the trimmings, and he has no idea what the ingredients in that soup are, and what it is for ?and will it actually work.

Emerald already gave us the very informative Lucifearse article and La Quinta Columna team has exposed all the poisons .

For me, the key actionable crimes are the MANDATES!

Mandating, threatening, firing cancelling peoples lives and careers are unforgivable!!

I pray that Reiner Fuellmach and his legal team along with many others, bring these people to justice.


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Amen to praying that Reiner Füllmich and legal team bring the evil ones to justice. Emerald is great!

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Stay on it, Emerald. Anyone with common sense could see the direction was wrong starting with the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship data in Feb 2020. I wish Trump would've told these fools "You're Fired", but I understand the bureaucracy has been empowered by... the bureaucracy.

That is why they have a non-stop campaign against him; he will assume power and fire everyone starting with his "Schedule F" classification of federal employees.

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Seems as though sociopathy and mendacity are requirements for any federally appointed agency position.

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Pence fooled me

Wolf in sheep’s clothes.

I’m born again. I want to trust people who put up a Christian appearance. I pray for more (needed) wisdom.

Yes, there will be a falling away. It’s going on now.

The bureaucRats are now bragging about their arrogant criminality.

Thanks again Emerald.

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As another Christian, I agree with you about Pence. He fooled a bunch of us. I'll never trust him again...or the Bushes or McConnell or the other RINOS who are ingrown like a bad toenail in D.C. Need to cut the pus out!

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So on Friday Xavier Becerra extended the 'emergency'.

You know, the one that allows masking and experimental gene therapies to be mandated?

Becerra is not a doctor. He is a lifelong politician and was Pelosi's right-hand man.

Aside from Fauci, he is most culpable for the disaster we are enduring. You cannot underestimate the power that an 'emergency' has.

There is NOTHING in our Constitution that allows for an emergency. There is no end date, there is no metric...it just is. It has been allowed because of the Federal money that flows and money is power for politicians. It is catnip.

Americans love it cause they can wallow in self-pity. Yes, they do.

Politicians can claim they are helping!

Most of all HHS can shovel millions into the media to keep the craziness going.

None of this ends until the emergency ends. I don't know where to go from there, but we won't snap out of it till Roz over in HR can no longer put a mask mandate in place.

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Go back and read how the captured Redfield became CDC director by disqualifying Trump's much better nominee, Barbara Fitzgerald. That was the opening salvo in the war on our bodies. They needed dirty Redfield to control messaging.

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I read that Redfield made the rounds on conservative outlets to make the case for lockdowns etc

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I would totally recommend Michael Senger's substack review of the Birx book. What's amazing is she thinks she's some kind of hero where it's the absolute opposite.

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There’s been so much damage done by these people it’s just staggering.

Where is the outcry? This is absolutely catastrophic where are the hangmen, why aren’t any gallows being built even now?

Even after all of this information coming to light people are still going back to wearing mask and most likely will submit to lockdowns again.

It’s so disheartening to see the majority of Americans have become so dull and diminished.

Have we lost ourselves?

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Rational thought has been indoctrinated out of several generations of Americans. Failure of the education system. Save the schools tobsave our nation.

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Lazy Boomers.

The rest education indoctrinated.

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Scott atlas wrote an excellent book exposing this low IQ wench last year.

A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America

by Amazon.com

Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/163758220X/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_Z2RB0AQF6S0JXSST0KJW

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Great read and excellent linked articles! Looking forward to Senger's expose about Matthew Pottinger...

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5:17 p.m. Peter Navarro (in for Bannon) on War Room ~ has been talking about Pottinger and he'll be talking about Birx next.

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Me too! I subscribed to his Substack and am eagerly awaiting that.

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Can't afford to subscribe to another stack, but am hopeful the article will get shared.

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They do add up. I just paused a bunch for the summer. I am hoping a few really good writers team up and create one Substack with more content.

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