Why no word about the necessity to name, charge, arrest, prosecute, sentence, imprison or dangle each and every 2020 election criminal? We cannot give them a pass if we expect to pass our representative republic on to the next generation of American citizens. Better yet let's have an entire article reporting on progress toward the goals of jail or dangle. There is no worse crime against self-governing people than to deny them their sovereignty via election corruption.

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Arrogance knows no bounds however I don't believe that these people are prepared for the payback that is most certainly coming their way.

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For every illegal vote a legitimate vote was stolen. Legitimacy of elections must be restored or we no longer have elections. We have oligarchy.

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Fine article. Trump won "bigly". But his supporters need to face facts: In 2017 he strangled his own Commission on Election Integrity in the crib before it could report instead of standing by it in the face of Democrat & swing states that made a stink & refused to cooperate (now even he knows why). Then he did & said nothing about the hundreds of stolen state & federal elections in 2018, including Arizona RINO McSally's US senate run & theft of the congressional majority. Only when he finally saw that HIS reelection was threatened did he start babbling & casting around & eventually hired the B-team, Giuliani & "The Kraken", too little, too incompetent, too late. In large part, he paved the way for the coup d'etat. One of many reasons I'd prefer DeSantis 2024.

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They have forgotten God.

Believing they are as Lucifer they raise up on to their hind legs worshipping themselves. The torment when Hell claims them will be greater than all they ever desired.

Praying that time grows closer, mercy for the innocent.

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That's fine, and we need justice in THIS world.

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We need a Supreme Court that upholds the constitution. Instead the spineless justices surrender to mob rule by BLM and ANTIFA.

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The real dirty secret of the election was how many GOPe Republicans helped Democrats to cheat.

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We the people are not going to just sit and stoically watch this country go down the drain while the Democrats and Rhinos conspire to steal more elections. The truth is just going to keep pouring out. The light will pierce their darkness. 2020 WILL be fixed. The diamonds will be returned. They ignore us at their own peril.

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The 2020 election scheme has the full endorsement of the DOJ, the FBI and Corporate Media.

I no longer trust any of these institutions and discount anything they have to say and actions they take.

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They indeed must cheat because Biden couldn't win a Presidential election even in years past when he still had most of his marbles. The Democrats had to cheat this time because Biden had less than nothing to offer and that means that the Democrats had NOBODY. In many ways, we have already become the Banana Republic that we feared with multi-billionaires corrupting our political process at practically every level of government. We need to find a way to make corrupting our government so painful that it becomes off limits. Otherwise, same old same old.

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