The narrative to counter this should be that countries in Europe USING PAPER BALLOTS can count it and declare a winner in 1 night! If machines can't work, then get rid of them.

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The machines work just as intended: to switch votes, to subtract votes from one "undesirable "candidate to the "selected" candidate, etc.

This is why the Dominion machines are still operating in our elections.

There is no excuse for these machines to be used. It has been proven time and again these machines were easily hacked, were unsecured, and helped get elected one jackass from the jackass party...

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Canada as well I believe.

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It will be a red wave or Im afraid to say, a civil war.

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Scary stuff. I hope its overwhelming and we don’t see this happen. I fear for our country if they pull this shit again.

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I was a card carrying Democrat in 2008. I attended monthly meetings. I was always astounded that new narratives were introduced at the meetings and I would go home and that narrative was on the evening news or the next morning. I always wondered how that worked and who started those new narratives.

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These criminals -- the Demoncrats -- will cheat. Marxist, Communist, loon jobs that would otherwise not have a snow cones chance in HELLL -- may win or 'too close to call.' But I don't believe it will repeat as 2020. If it do -- it will DEFINITELY be a SHTF moment. 1776!

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GOP dominant counties should refuse to upload their results until the democrat cheating counties are counted. Even if it takes days. We need to call their bluff. Then they won’t know how many ballots to “find.”

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They are excellent at coordinating their message. There were no consequences for cheating last time so why not repeat the steal?

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If the elite assholes really want an upset American society they just might get one if they fuck with the vote again.

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No consequences last time. The Republicans acquiesced in the steal.

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And they'll win, again, in the districts that matter, and eyebrows will be raised, and, maybe, investigations will be started, and maybe be completed in time for the 2024 election, and nothing will change, and they know nothing will change, and they know they will never be held accountable (except a few low-level minions who are wholly expendable), and life will go on as before for us rubes who believe, wrongly, that we really do have a choice, when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

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I’ll vote ... can’t consider not doing so. No belief that my vote will even be counted ... especially since I live in a city & county run by Democrats. Ballot harvesting recently discovered here (Orlando, Florida). This city is run by evil and corrupt politicians and their mindless myrmidons. Unable to participate in political activity, but I donate money as I can.

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Thank you for not giving up. God save us if Orlando’s Val Demmings beats Rubio. I live in Commie Sunny St. Petersburg…wishing you the best up there. With a Desantis win, we will have 4 productive years of cleaning out the commie cesspools in Florida. We know how they operate now, thanks to their plandemic.

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Why wouldn't they use the same, wildly successful strategies again? The only people who have experienced painful consequences are those who have highlighted breaches of election integrity. Tuesday can be a Red Wave all over the country with even some Republican wins, making it look like a reasonably fair election, but all the Democrats have to do is work their magic in a handful of key regions to get the majority in the House and Senate.

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Brazil election was rigged. Biden regime warned Brizil's Balsanaro not to contest results weeks before election. - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/_j0_iP-3ORM/m/EysYtIdDAgAJ

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I'm really curious about how long it will take fox to call Arizona this time, I suppose it helps frank putz won't be there to help, I pray results are quick and correct, Conservative!

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Stinks to high heaven. Unfortunately both parties are in on it. GOP Leaders have NO intention of implementing grassroots conservative legislation even if they win Bigly. The GOP was built to come in second in a two man race. Those are the rules of the Uniparty.

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Stop the steal!

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Hi, Emerald.

Have you heard of the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act? Here is the info from one of the co-sponsors of the 2016 bill that was signed into law, by President Obama in December of that year. https://www.portman.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-signs-portman-murphy-counter-propaganda-bill-law

"The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns."

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The law improves the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation by establishing the GEC, housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government in support of friends and allies overseas. The law provided funding and authorities to the State Department that authorizes the GEC to help counter the foreign propaganda and disinformation being waged against our allies by state and non-state adversaries. The Interagency center housed at the State Department is called the GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT CENTER. Here is what Senator Portman said to then nominee for Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“Today, Mr. Chairman and to Ranking Member Menendez, there are five hearings going on. I’ve been in three of them, chairing one of them and I think that’s great. I think it’s good that we’re moving quickly with some of the key appointments including Secretary of State but also Secretary of Defense, Homeland Security, the Director of DNI, Treasury, those are all important roles and I hope we can get these nominations to the floor for a vote. And then we’ll let the chips fall where they may but I’m actually supportive of us moving quickly and Mr. Chairman, I know this happened because you were willing to do it in this interim period. As we discussed last week, Mr. Blinken, I’ve got lots of interest in this issue of disinformation and propaganda and how we push back against it. I think it’s kind of the new warfare of the 21st Century. Not that we don’t have kinetic battles still but a lot of this is happening online and through disinformation. The Global Engagement Center was established at the State Department to deal with this. Senator Murphy spoke earlier and he and I have worked closely over four years now to try and strengthen the Global Engagement Center and give it the ability to push back. Disinformation operations by our adversaries are inexpensive, there’s a lot of deniability associated with it, it’s easy to do. And when you combine it with economic and political subversion, it can be devastating to some of the nescient democracies we’re trying to help. So thanks to the work of the Global Engagement Center, I think we now have the beginnings of an effective organization to deal with that and again, I hope that would be something that you would be willing to build on. Could you speak to that briefly and also talk about your commitment to the funding level? We were able to get $60 million in this year, that’s less than half of what we wanted but compare that to China, which according to a hearing that Senator Booker and I had on combatting disinformation recently, China spend over $10 billion a year in state-sponsored disinformation services. I wonder if you could comment on the Global Disinformation Center and the challenges that we face?”

Antony Blinken, nominee to be Secretary of the U.S. State Department: “Yes, thank you Senator. I could not agree more with your comments and with the work that you’ve done on this. This is perhaps a primary battlefield that we have to fight on and even as we manage to deter aggression and kinetic action by adversaries, every single day we are experiencing aggression from one kind or another in the misinformation and disinformation realm. And we need to engage that and we need to engage that effectively and indeed, you are right, that is why the GEC was formed. I’ll tell you, I had the experience in the early days of the Ukraine conflict and Russia’s aggression there in dealing with Russia weaponizing information in increasingly effective ways and of course, little did we know what would come after that. But you’ll recall, the downing of the Malaysian airliner and Russia was extraordinarily effective in mixing up and muddying the waters using misinformation and disinformation as to their culpability and responsibility.

“And out of some of these experiences, there’s been an effort at the State Department to give ourselves the tools and the resources to engage in this fight. And the Global Engagement Center is exactly, exactly that. So I’m determined to make sure that if I’m confirmed that it is resourced, adequately and appropriately. As well, I think we need to make sure that we’re bringing in the talent, the expertise to be able to use it effectively, because these are specialized skills that, in some cases, many of us don’t have. And to make sure that we have continuity because this is an ongoing battle every single day. We have conveyed the message that we would welcome the current leader of the GEC to stay on to make sure that we don’t have any dropped balls in the weeks and months ahead.”


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