Well said!! I’m a physician, and my profession which betrayed its mission, patients, and the nation, disgraced itself in acquiescence to government and media pressure. Doctors gave into the herd panic we helped create, and now wonder why patients don’t trust us, even as Pfizer pushes to COVID-vax healthy toddlers, and prepares to roll out a new vax against RSV.

No forgiveness without accountability.

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You are correct that your profession betrayed us. Until the plandemic, I had faith in our medical system; I have zero now. It's worse than Government! We had maybe a handful of whistle blowers who stood up and told the truth about Remdesivir, big pharma, etc.? DISGUSTING.

I wonder if Dr. Peter McCullough is ready to forgive and forget since they have now stripped him of his medical credentials?

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I see a commercial or an ad that says " according to the CDC, " and it causes a visceral reaction. I look at the doctors in their offices and I feel so much disrespect, I look down on them. I wear my stars and stripes cloth over my mouth in the hospital and square them right in the eye and just dare'em to say a word. They dont.....cowards. I dont how the medical profession makes a comeback from it.

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ACCOUNTABILITY!! We desperately need this. These corrupt evil lunatics must be held accountable!!

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If not, they'll do it again.

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the Sad part is the Kevin McCarthy, Elise (Rainbow Flag in Every Pot) Stefanik , Steve Scalise, Mitch McConnell, John Thune, John Cornyn and many other GOP Caucus Leaders have NO INTENTION of holding anyone accountable for the last several years except for ONE person ..... Donald J Trump.

Expect nothing from the GOP and you will get it every time.

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One of the convicts at Jesus' crucifixion said he believes and repents, and asked to be forgiven and released. Jesus said it doesn't work that way -- you're forgiven and will go to heaven, but you still have to take your punishment here on Earth.

Nuremberg time.

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Amen! Nuremberg, here we come!

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This is so much worse than Nuremberg. Nuremberg was a precursor, to something bigger. Nuremberg let too many people off the hook.


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That’s great!

I agree 100%! When I was in Catholic school (12 years)...

(10)Our Fathers’, (5)Hail Marys, and...you’re out the door! NOPE!

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You are playing awfully fast and loose with scripture. That imaginary conversation does not appear in the Bible. Anywhere.

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And there's no reliable witnesses. Good story anyway.

I'm not a Bible scholar, but I've been told by people who are that there are records of such a conversation. Not everything that was written in those times made it into the Bible.

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It is astonishing that you would refer to the Apostles and their disciples as unreliable witnesses. The most elaborate account of the conversation between the crucified criminals and Jesus is in Luke, who would have interviewed eyewitnesses. The penitent one understood they both deserved punishment but the unrepentant thief demanded of Jesus he supernaturally save them from crucifixion. The first was promised paradise for his profession of faith in the Messiah. The other just wanted a miraculous escape from justice. So the gist of your story may pass the smell test but I caution you against putting words in the Lord’s mouth. The Bible itself carries such warnings.

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Not my words, just reporting on Luke and others. But their accounts are all vague and entirely unsupported, so they don't constitute evidence in any literal sense.

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Bro half the Bible is imaginary.

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Why would anyone forgive these people? I think prison is to kind. From Fauci to Birks to that Baylor Professor death sentence would be kind. How many peoples live were ruined how many young people have died from complications by a vaccine that was never tested satisfactorily instead it was forced on people FORCED in the United States that's not how we do things until the power only Democrats and weak rinos allowed it to happen. My feeling the French Revolution style justice is due never let them forget they overstepped and death is the ultimate punishment for treason against the constitution

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Because sometimes...amnesty doesn’t work.

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They can all kiss my ass !

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Emerald. You are an amazing writer. God bless you! Not only that, you hit the nail on the head. I want to see Dr. Foochii on a dog collar paraded around the White house lawn. Along with Dr Brixit. They helped tarnish Trumps street cred. I still have medical offices demanding I wear a mask. What for? we need to pursue the truth and punish these tyrannical A'holes.

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I NEED to see the doctor. I have a Fake Mask. This is utter insanity.

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NO!! I will never forget or forgive the evil and useful idiots who pressured us to get Vaxxed and punished the people who tried to publicize the medicines that could heal the Covid victims! I recognized the lie early, given my innate distrust of “authority”. Saved me but killed my precious only sibling, my brother. I am deprived of his presence forever more and you liars think I will forgive? Don’t hold your breath. Petition God - sorry, but you won’t get anywhere with Him without atonement.

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They will absolutely DO IT AGAIN unless they are held ACCOUNTABLE.

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I have long thought punishment should be partially based on the total harm done. Fauci and the other covidian nazis did far more harm than all the serial killers of the last century put together.

Justice first.

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The cynic in me says that it doesn't matter how we, the great unwashed, feel about "amnesty". The scoundrels that have somehow been put into elected and unelected positions will continue to control and ignore any and all transgressions. Should we expect NewsMax to ask Emerald back? Not likely; none of these entities have the integrity to admit error or fault. Nevertheless: Emerald, you rock!

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Whine, cry, lie and now amnesty??? Methinks not. Arrest them all and hold them accountable. Stand together, Patriots. We are not fools!

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Exactly. FOLLOW THE MONEY. They'll snitch on each other as the trail gets hotter.

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No forgiveness, no mercy. They need to serve time for their crimes.

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Hang everyone of them, the only way to set an example to future demorats.

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They need to be sent to a COVID concentration camp in the Australian Outback for the rest of their lives.

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Forgiveness is reserved for human beings, not monsters.

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