Surprised, but not really. I said from the beginning that the scamdemic would ultimately be exposed as the greatest hoax ever foisted upon mankind. Turns out that I wasn't using a strong enough description; this is no hoax. This is a very dangerous moment in history and I can only pray the good guys are strong enough to win.
You hit the nail on the head with this report, Emerald! It is frightening how ferocious the evildoers have become in order to gain complete control of humanity. Some still stand strong and resist. Thank you for the TRUTH!
"Now here’s the key part: Peter Daszak was one of the people who organized corporate media around the world to deny the link between the virus and the Wuhan Lab. In other words, there was a global disinformation campaign to hide the origins of COVID-19 that was led by the exact same people who had created it."
The above should not be surprising, Emerald, the MO of the left is to create a "crisis," deny their complicity and then blame the whole creation on the right. This process is derived from Marx and it is most insidious and dangerous to truth.
Well done! Now go after the NO virus isolate / PCR fraud. There was no pandemic. The PCR test only proved that there was a lot of biological homology (not infections) and then the hospital protocols, general
lack of and discouragement of interacting with physicians created all the harm.
It's so f'ing weird how one substack article can make so many pieces fall into place, and just like that comes a very sound hypothesis. Back in the day the Enola Gay rolled out with Fat Man and Little Boy and shocked the world, which was never the same again. There are only a few countries I'd list as capable of shepherding advances in science that will create seismic shifts in power, and the US heads that list; the only positive I see in this otherwise bleak picture is that America is the devil we know. I love this country so very much but I hate some of the people in this country so very much.
This explains why so many CDC personnel were not getting vaccinated.
It also creates a problem for pure bloods that know to avoid participating in this mess. My hunch is willing doctors will be compensated for eliminating that status any way they can.
Thank you for a very important update. The information that the DHS patented Luciferase is mind blowing. I didn't even know that they were even capable of patenting anything and I think it is very important for the American people to know this, to understand this and to disseminate this to their loved ones, immediately. This needs to be on front page news. The fact that it isn't shows that the media is possibly in on this and that fact is, if that is so, then we likely have already been taken over far more than appearances would give credit for. The fact is, that we must all stand up and become active against this tyranny. The DHS is evil to ever do such a thing. The media is evil for being complicit in this and the leaders, even many Republican leaders, sad to say are also complicit. This news is deafening. I will be sharing and, of course, Emerald, I tell everyone to get your stacks! You are our family's favorite investigative reporter. You are the best I have ever seen! Let us stand together!
Dr. David Martin said, "Trump's morality was for sale for 30 pieces of silver and he has sold American lives to the drug dealers." -
Again, “we’re a day late and a dollar short” and hindsight is 20/20.”
I had no idea at the time that the media was so thoroughly and utterly corrupt, I mean there’s isn’t anything of value from the entire MSM that can be salvaged, maybe the equipment can be reused but probably best just to discard and replace.
Everyday I read more and more evidence being revealed and that is good.
But at the same the Obama Biden juggernaut slowly and steadily grinds forward eliminating one freedom after another. Ever so slowly and surely closing the net around the resistance. First, it will be all the outspoken leaders representing the common man and then after that it will be the common everyday patriot who refuses to submit.
It ain’t hard to see this, they are simply following the text book and effectively using Alinskys “12 rules for radicals”.
But, that’s not enough, enslavement is not enough they will not be satisfied until the world population has been reduced to a number that suits them. The world was becoming to crowded for world’s wealthiest 1%.
You can not have a civilization without cheap and affordable energy. Removing that cheap and affordable energy is exactly what they have accomplished. Without it you and I will be completely at the mercy of those who rule over us.
And be sure to know this we sat right here in all of our comfort and allowed ourselves to be trap and enslaved.
So this winter and with the beginning of next year. When people start crying about the prices of food and energy and the fact they can’t even find fresh potatoes anywhere.
You can just tell them to shut up and suck it up cause your silence told me this what you wanted.
What a bleak future is in store for all here on earth. Especially freedom loving/freedom demanding Americans. The Lord said “in this world you will have (trouble)” John 16:33 , which is same as trials, testing, temptation or tribulation. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I want to take comfort in that. I need to find strength in that. I pray we all can because it looks like very tough times ahead.
When we reach the point where getting kicked off twitter is, at best, a non-event, certainly not worth writing or complaining about, we will be in a better place.
Surprised, but not really. I said from the beginning that the scamdemic would ultimately be exposed as the greatest hoax ever foisted upon mankind. Turns out that I wasn't using a strong enough description; this is no hoax. This is a very dangerous moment in history and I can only pray the good guys are strong enough to win.
You hit the nail on the head with this report, Emerald! It is frightening how ferocious the evildoers have become in order to gain complete control of humanity. Some still stand strong and resist. Thank you for the TRUTH!
"Now here’s the key part: Peter Daszak was one of the people who organized corporate media around the world to deny the link between the virus and the Wuhan Lab. In other words, there was a global disinformation campaign to hide the origins of COVID-19 that was led by the exact same people who had created it."
The above should not be surprising, Emerald, the MO of the left is to create a "crisis," deny their complicity and then blame the whole creation on the right. This process is derived from Marx and it is most insidious and dangerous to truth.
Well done! Now go after the NO virus isolate / PCR fraud. There was no pandemic. The PCR test only proved that there was a lot of biological homology (not infections) and then the hospital protocols, general
lack of and discouragement of interacting with physicians created all the harm.
It's so f'ing weird how one substack article can make so many pieces fall into place, and just like that comes a very sound hypothesis. Back in the day the Enola Gay rolled out with Fat Man and Little Boy and shocked the world, which was never the same again. There are only a few countries I'd list as capable of shepherding advances in science that will create seismic shifts in power, and the US heads that list; the only positive I see in this otherwise bleak picture is that America is the devil we know. I love this country so very much but I hate some of the people in this country so very much.
This explains why so many CDC personnel were not getting vaccinated.
It also creates a problem for pure bloods that know to avoid participating in this mess. My hunch is willing doctors will be compensated for eliminating that status any way they can.
Thank you for a very important update. The information that the DHS patented Luciferase is mind blowing. I didn't even know that they were even capable of patenting anything and I think it is very important for the American people to know this, to understand this and to disseminate this to their loved ones, immediately. This needs to be on front page news. The fact that it isn't shows that the media is possibly in on this and that fact is, if that is so, then we likely have already been taken over far more than appearances would give credit for. The fact is, that we must all stand up and become active against this tyranny. The DHS is evil to ever do such a thing. The media is evil for being complicit in this and the leaders, even many Republican leaders, sad to say are also complicit. This news is deafening. I will be sharing and, of course, Emerald, I tell everyone to get your stacks! You are our family's favorite investigative reporter. You are the best I have ever seen! Let us stand together!
They are trying to cover their tracks
Amazing story. American funded and made.
Guess who was president.
Does it trouble you when people ignore you? Asking for a friend....
Paul, It won't let me hit like but I like your comment
Dr. David Martin said, "Trump's morality was for sale for 30 pieces of silver and he has sold American lives to the drug dealers." -
Again, “we’re a day late and a dollar short” and hindsight is 20/20.”
I had no idea at the time that the media was so thoroughly and utterly corrupt, I mean there’s isn’t anything of value from the entire MSM that can be salvaged, maybe the equipment can be reused but probably best just to discard and replace.
Everyday I read more and more evidence being revealed and that is good.
But at the same the Obama Biden juggernaut slowly and steadily grinds forward eliminating one freedom after another. Ever so slowly and surely closing the net around the resistance. First, it will be all the outspoken leaders representing the common man and then after that it will be the common everyday patriot who refuses to submit.
It ain’t hard to see this, they are simply following the text book and effectively using Alinskys “12 rules for radicals”.
But, that’s not enough, enslavement is not enough they will not be satisfied until the world population has been reduced to a number that suits them. The world was becoming to crowded for world’s wealthiest 1%.
You can not have a civilization without cheap and affordable energy. Removing that cheap and affordable energy is exactly what they have accomplished. Without it you and I will be completely at the mercy of those who rule over us.
And be sure to know this we sat right here in all of our comfort and allowed ourselves to be trap and enslaved.
So this winter and with the beginning of next year. When people start crying about the prices of food and energy and the fact they can’t even find fresh potatoes anywhere.
You can just tell them to shut up and suck it up cause your silence told me this what you wanted.
Where’s public the outcry??
I couldn’t agree more!! Where’s the Baby Boomers??
Great work...
We live in a Ruling Intelligence State Matrix...
...and frankly these people are not that smart
Considering how long this had/has been planned . . . I would say they outsmarted us.
This interview explains a lot of what you’re writing about:
I'll repeat it here; NewsMax founder and CEO Chris Ruddy has over the years, donated million$ of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
WTF .... surprised Ms Emerald gave them a shot... (though painful I'd
Imagine) almost glad it didn't work .... we have better unfiltered work here
What a bleak future is in store for all here on earth. Especially freedom loving/freedom demanding Americans. The Lord said “in this world you will have (trouble)” John 16:33 , which is same as trials, testing, temptation or tribulation. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I want to take comfort in that. I need to find strength in that. I pray we all can because it looks like very tough times ahead.
Got your 6.
Because Emerald, without doubt, the history of this era will reveal your reporting was the most accurate first draft.
I had no idea Emerald was fired from NEWSMAX for reporting items of interest to conservative patriots.
Items of interest is putting it mildly.
When we reach the point where getting kicked off twitter is, at best, a non-event, certainly not worth writing or complaining about, we will be in a better place.