Democrats have been cheating in elections for years. I'm glad that some of it is being exposed.

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It can't be too soon that the 2020 election is corrected. The corruption is a disgraceful stain on our country. So happy to see you continuing to do good work in your new position. You are a superstar!

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2020 is over. Outcomes won't change. The winners will always have asterisks indicating they cheated. Only thing that matters is whether we continue to allow them to cheat. That probably won't change either. Modern outrage is limited to whining on the internet.

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I hold more hope than what you describe. Pray, get involved if you aren't already. It matters.

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Right. And Mark McGwire will always be known as the purest hitter in baseball.

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It will never be “corrected”, don’t kid yourself, but IT MUST BE FULLY EXPOSED

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

When Biden let slip “We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization ever” he wasn’t kidding. But the icing on the cake was the plandemic, ensuring massive, manufactured mail-in ballots to throw the election. 81M votes for a decrepit mannequin?!? Who actually believes that?

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Exactly. Anybody with a pulse knows some guy in a basement couldn't garner 81 million votes when he couldn't even get 81 people to his "rallies!"

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This is HUGE, Emerald. So the inklings uncovered in Arizona are coming home to roost in a Green Bay hotel room occupied by some Brooklyn shyster? Let's make this go viral! Then frog-walk the perpetrators to stocks on the National Mall!

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I’d prefer gallows

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I don't want to be charged with hate speech. The democrats probably don't understand what it means to be frogwalked.

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022

I'm with David on this. Do I believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen? Absolutely. And the people running the cheating operation were smart - making sure that no elected GOP incumbent in Congress lost, for example, so they wouldn't be pushing for audits to save their jobs.

And I'm sure that they targeted more than one state, ensuring that if one state caught the fraud, they'd still have enough electoral votes counted.

But, like David said, we can't fix 2020 at this juncture. Decertification is a dream that's not going to happen. The best thing to do now is to get laws and procedures in place to stop fraudulent elections from occurring in 2022 and beyond.

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There were laws and procedures in place, they were ignored or overruled. You seem to be ok with the same 2020 election criminals being in charge of the 2022 election since you don't mention it's men not procedures that perpetrated the fraud, men. They must be removed from the election apparatus one way or another.

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Curious if anyone knows the relevant statutes / punishments around racketeering, election fraud, mail fraud, etc. that could be invoked in this case / others...?

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I knew in my bones that voting was performative only. That was circa early 90s when I came to that conclusion. The circus of 2020 finally revealed how the sausage is made- at least some sausage. There’s more technique to be found. How convenient that there’s a war on so the msm can shield the public from inconvenient truths. I can’t wait for the truth to flood over the public at large. Damn! You know, I never thought we’d even see something as granular and damning as this Michael operative getting busted. Prison for him?? How can he avoid accountability for election fraud? Who’s direction was he under? So much more to learn! Yes- every swamp rat has been getting away with re-election despite failing in their job description thanks to this crap. RINOS beware!

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The worst “swamp rats” are the entrenched bureaucrats that have lifetime sinecures

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That and the pension system for I the “electeds” who receive compensation for LIFE gotta go!

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This crime strikes at the very heart of what makes us a country of free men. It is as serious as giving aid and comfort to our mortal foreign enemies.

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That one is done. The question is whether Wisconsin and other states will continue to allow their elections to be compromised. Many will because it's an article of faith for some that honesty is unfair to dishonest people.

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Great job, Emerald! The truth is finally getting some light! Now we need judges who are not compromised to finally declare what we all know: 2020 was a fraudulent election. It needs to be decertified. We the People can do this! Keep your articles coming!

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The mentality and ethos of anyone connected with this fraud is very curious. How can you grow up and go to school in America and rationalize this specific behavior? How do you justify your deception and anti-Americanism?

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022

You put in your ear buds and the world no longer affects you. Or is it effects you?

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They are nothing but corrupt lying cheaters. There is NO OTHER ISSUE(including the current distraction operation in Ukraine) that matters without election integrity. Keep digging, lots more to find!!

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There is so much evidence proving that the 2020 election was stolen. You can bet, it just wasn't the presidential seat. Rest assured it also rolled downhill to congressional seats, and state houses. I am disgusted that nothing has been done to put anyone in prison, and to decertify the election. This was wide-spread fraud by democrats and some heads need to roll.

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In Houston area, this year, a postal worker got caught throwing voter registration applications in the trash.


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Loath these situations... if "Gunpowder & Lead" are two words that always flow together why is there no indication of indictment... as in "fraud & indictment"

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Great Article. Drain the Swamp!

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Doesn’t matter. Nothing will change.

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