Don't worry. Biden imported a ton of unvaccinated replacements for your dead and dying sons and daughters. Those subjects will be much easier for them to control than you deplorable citizens.

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From what I've read over the last couple of years, do the Covid "vaccine" change one's blood structure. We've read about the white fibrious blood clots etc. I still maintain that there is one sure way of getting to the bottom of this and that is to draw blood from Fauci, Gates, Boursa etc and have it tested. Those vaccine salesmen did NOT get the real deal. They are pure bloods. Of that I'm sure.

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03/07/24: And not a SINGLE member of Congress nor any cabinet members --- ZERO % --- have keeled over. "Funny" how this has turned out, eh?

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Dr. Stella Immanuel said in 2021 already that there are different " strength" batches of the vacc. "Strong" goes to the military and weak sauce for everybody with a high profile or platform like the MSM and politicians . Of course the MSM and others dogpiled her into oblivion.

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Naomi Wolf and Ed Dowd are both treasures. Lovely to see friendships among such committed truth tellers!

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Your praise of the courageous patriot Dr. Naomi Wolf is very timely! Josh Yoder of US Freedom Flyers is viciously smearing her as a plant by the bad guys- because she was consultant to Clinton/Gore OVER 20 years ago. (Interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup.) IS HE A PLANT? Thank you for your ongoing very valuable coverage of these dangerous times, Emerald!

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Thank you, Emerald.

Very familiar with Senator Johnson's efforts to reveal the duplicity of the federal government. Have seen some of the testimony previously but reaffirming is always a positive step forward.

Dowd knows numbers. The truth revealed in statistical analysis.

We must trust the science, correct? The real science not the government version.

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Keep going…it’s all coming out now.

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Naomi is controlled opposition. She is not a scientist and is always off on her writings.

Why is she always trying to interject herself into something she knows nothing about. She is a Clintonite. And then the distractions with the bear in the back yard! Lunacy.

I am pretty sure Emerald was referring to the papers submitted to the US Regulatory body from the big Pharma Giant bully stating they used the enzyme Luciferase in their lethal injections. She got her information from their written paper submissions. Makes perfect sense to me.

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Bah humbug! Dr. Naomi Wolf is a treasure and a fearless patriot. You obviously don't know or more likely don't care, that she and Steve Bannon worked together to bring thousands of volunteer science and medical experts together to analyze the Pfizer documents and reveal the truth about the vaxx . . . We need more former Dems to wake up- like I did. NOW you need to wake up!

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I suggest that you read her latest book, “Facing the Beast.” Dr Wolf has made a searingly painful transition and has changed her mind about many things. God has gifted humans with that ability to change our minds. In the book she even tenders a heartfelt apology to conservatives. Not buying your controlled opposition assertion.

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03/06/24" Accusations (unsubstantiated) of "controlled opposition" is usually voiced by the henchmen of the controlled opposition. Now, go have coffee with Katie Tur, who finds Russians underneath her bed every single morning (this morning, she swears, everyone of them is wearing a red Trump wig). This site is for the adults.

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Thank you.

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Good show!

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THX Emi.

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