Paxton was also investigating election fraud in BOTH parties.

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Republicans are a bunch of limp wrists; that’s why I left.

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Good article. The GOP is imploding. Thank you for the great job that you do for us. Great reporting.

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It's nearly impossible for the average voter to keep track of all the ways we're losing our country. For instance, by the time I help my daughters pack and unpack in their new college housing last week, I barely had time to argue with my friends over Nancy Pelosi's reasons for saying no to National Guard troops on Jan 4 and 5 and why VP Harris isn't visiting the border or why Obama has a waterfront home in Martha's Vineyard if climate change is a dire threat but just 50 of the millions of illegals invading the US got kicked out of Martha's Vineyard in 48 hours so what makes those Democrats so special, and what's the deal with Maui? And why does the CDC still push Covid shots for kids and when do we indict Fauci over his FOIA emails and how do we unlock Pharma's gov regulatory capture and when will the plandemic have legal consequences, you know, cuz All Cause mortality is skyrocketing, and how can they indict an ex-president on multiple counts but a sitting president with furious Dementia can still be allowed to read crazy bullshit lies off a teleprompter and... and... there is so much more than all this and on top of it I had no knowledge of the news in Emerald's substack today, and I like to think I'm aware of the pressing issues... what the hell are we gonna do??

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Nailed it. If there was ever a time whereby a third party could be successful, this is it

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The Republican Party, GOP, RNC, is DEAD, FINISHED, KAPUT! They’re just too dam ignorant to realize that all of the Trump Voters who were and have been screwed over far too many times are SO DONE with their CommieCrat BS! They’re too dam stupid to figure out that WE THE PEOPLE are going to VOTE OUT every single TRAITOR who betrayed President Trump and his supporters! WE don’t care if there is an R or a D or an I behind a candidates name! If they’ve betrayed their OATHS they’ve all taken to Defend the Constitution and the United States of America then THEY will ALL be VOTED OUT! PERIOD. We The People DO NOT CARE what happens, because the UNIPARTY DESTROYING AMERICA will find out the CONSEQUENCES for their BETRAYALS and BACKSTABBING and THEFT from AMERICAN TAXPAYERS who have had enough of the POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN D.C.!

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We're not voting out anyone. That's the point of the article.

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The point of this great article is that the GOP doesn’t exist because they left the Republican Party and joined the Uniparty of CommieCrats which is made up of Traitors from the Republican, Democrat, and Independent Parties! WE THE PEOPLE are going to Vote OUT the Treasonous POLITICIANS that are DESTROYING AMERICA in the 2024 election! IF, there is one!

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The Republicans are useless, spineless, toothless, and blatantly disrespectful of their constituents. They work for somebody, just not for the voters. We need a new party. The GOP is the New Jersey Generals of politics. No more money, time, or votes from me.

Trump 2024

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The GOP was controlled opposition. Now it’s just a branch of the DNC/DS. Gaetz and Co. are the only members of Congress fighting for Americans.

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It's time to Vacate the Rino party!

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Good point!

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3 days after the 2020 “”election”” I saw on ZH that CISA said it was the most secure election ever. It was also indicated that CISA is a consortium of businesses including but not limited to Dominion, Smartmatic and Solar Winds; any of these names sound familiar?

Thank you Emerald for this and all your work as well. You are a true gem.

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Rampant corruption; there's nothing we can do to stop it. Clearly, it's no longer possible to vote ourselves out of tyranny. Worse, with rampant voter fraud (committed now by both wings of the Uniparty), it doesn't matter if we vote at all. At least give the GOP credit for no longer pretending to offer an alternative choice; they now are siding with the opposition openly and enthusiastically. We are on our own, now; no one is coming to save us.

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There is no opposition party. This is not a recent development. So what is the plan to either create a genuine opposition party from scratch or turn the GOP into one? Maybe President Trump needs to make this his primary goal. If so he needs to start putting state by state organizations in place. Those organizations should have as their only goal establishment in their states a true opposition party. Here is a motto: "Win This Time."

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Does the Uniparty know that they, the Fellow Travelers, are the "useful idiots" that shall be vanquished before all others?

Will they beg when the fools who fooled them, and the fools they fooled, breathe their last?

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"A strong person stands up for himself/herself. A stronger person stands up for everyone else." This daily calendar quote so aptly applies to you, Emerald. And to all the Patriots who stand for TRUTH. Ken Paxton is another stronger person seeking truth and justice. We the People must RESIST and remain STRONG as we seek TRUTH.

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I no longer donate to Republican candidates using online WINRED for fear a percentage of the donation is syphoned to the Republican party. I wish every Republican candidate or Congressperson who wants my money would also provide a mailing address so donators can send their money through a check.

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