He certainly does. Amazing who God chooses and uses. Thank God for Trump and this day. Abortion is far worse then slavery. Ask anyone, would you rather be enslaved or murdered? I hope this is the beginning of a turn back to God and traditional Judeo-Christian values. I hope it’s not a last gasp

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And the resultant harvesting/ selling of baby parts. It's against the law to do that, but they do it anyway. Horrible. Wrath of God stuff, for sure.

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I just subscribed to Emerald today because I will likely cancel BW after that irresponsible article she had today! I just learned about Emerald yesterday and believe her Substack will be an excellent substitution! So I was surprised to see your post on this Substack as well! Yes - God chooses the most unlikely so much of the time. After all, He chose me too!!

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SO thankful we had Trump in office. His lasting legacy I believe for conservatives will be his three Supreme Court picks. Today is a day of rejoicing!

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Emerald I love you, but abortion was not “struck down.” Federalism (for once) was defended, and the issue properly sent back to the states. I share your joy that bad law was finally ended, and I too recognize that life begins at conception, and that the abortion industry is evil. But the practice has not been ended, it has been remanded back to the proper level.

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Roe was “struck down” at the federal level. It is now in the hands of the states and the voters in those states to decide how to proceed. As it always should have been.

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I am 66 years old and never thought I would live to see this day. God does his perfect will through imperfect people and I thank him every day for President Trump. What a great time to be alive in a country where our liberties come from God. We will win this culture war.

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When I first saw what he said about RBG I thought “Grace under Fire”. He was and is still demonized by the Left and still continues to be upbeat, positive and a true Graceful Patriot. God Bless him! 🙏🙏🙏. As compared to the “Catholic” Pelosi and Biden. Evil “won” in 2020 but I believe good will prevail 🙏

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This was beautifully designed by God using Donald J Trump to carry out his plan. I won’t forget this significant day. We waited a long time.

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Praise God for this glorious day! Thank you President Trump, Supreme Court six judges, Emerald Robinson and all the regular folks across the world praying for the unborn. Joyful, grateful tears are flowing from my heart.

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I would argue Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Abington School District v. Schemp (1963) & Engle v. Vitale (1962) set the stage for Molach.

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Why the moral decay of America during the past 50 years? Why has the rule of law crumbled before our eyes? Why are pedophiles in lofty positions of power? How can it be that drag queens have access to our children? In my view, it is because God removed His hand from America as Roe v Wade was put in place. Now, 50 years later, with abortion law lowered to State jurisdiction, God may well bless America again, especially in States with God-honoring abortion laws. Do it, Lord! -- Emerald, I really like your work, and this article especially. Your insight and writing skills are exceptional.

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Powerful opening title with scripture!! Immediately brought tears to my eyes.

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OK, so SCOTUS has ruled that abortion is not protected by the Constitution and states must make the decision whether abortion should be legal and if when. They have protected the lives of fetuses in the womb. When will they step up to the plate and protect the right to life of fully formed infants from often fatal experimentation via EUAs?

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Interesting Em.

Love the Hermit of Loreto piece.

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I would love to see the “House”.

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Ahh yes! Tom Zimmer and the magnificent miracle of the Translation of the Holy House! Those of us old enough to remember the days before the masonic and satanic-influenced council of the Catholic Church known as Vatican II, look fondly on that miracle. And why not? That house is where Almighty God the Son took on flesh within the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and began His work in the salvation of mankind. Such an important event and such an important location, that God sent angels to transport and protect that house. A fascinating miracle, indeed, which was sadly suppressed by Vatican II.

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True and I couldn't help notice the look on Justice Thomas' face as in "up yours Joe, Nancy, Chucky, Hillary, etc. etc. etc.!

I wish I had the concession on selling Pussie Hats right now!

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Well said.

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Thanks Emerald

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This an excellent move, let’s hope God will bless this effort by helping us reclaim this country.

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