Someone stop the insanity. This really is the blank check white house.

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Unbelievable. The Cheney family is one sick group. Fauci should be in prison

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Seeing the Bush family supporting Biden was the eye opener for me. In my opinion, Bush/ Chaney klan are not Republican Americans. I will not shed a tear for either klan when karma calls on them.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Interesting that it was Dick Cheney who ignored the structural incentive misalignments of putting one man like Fauci—who is nothing but a turf building bureaucrat—in charge both of US bioweapons defense and bioweapons research. The two objectives are at odds. You need separate divisional advocacy when you have conflicting agendas. These then can only be resolved by decisions made at the top, by the President. Instead, Cheney made the bat virus outbreak (and defense security breach) well nigh inevitable, by lumping it all together under one corrupt, power-mad, and unaccountable jerk. So Liz's Jan. 6 theatrics, attacking Trump, who is the ultimate critic of all this governmental incompetence, mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuse, has really just been protecting her Daddy.

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Another outrage in a long line of outrages each more outrageous than the last😡

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“But when a long train of abuses....”

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When in the course of human events....

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They aren’t even pretending. It’s like the election fraud. They told us how they were going to do it. Just shows how they have no fear of repercussions because they know the entire deck is stacked. But vengeance is coming.

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F is filth

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EXCLUSIVE: FDA Withholding Autopsy Results on People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines

By Zachary Stieber September 29, 2022 Updated: September 30, 2022

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Emerald, thank you for an informative post. There are other good people around the world fighting for truth. Maybe your readers might like to hear a great interview with Dr. Reiner Füllmich and Stop World Control: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/fuellmich-update The one thing that global evildoers count on is the IGNORANCE of a population. An informed, awakened population will stand strong. Dr. Füllmich not only fights for humanity, but he also offers HOPE. You have always encouraged your readers to do their own research, Emerald. For that, I am grateful. It is encouraging to read and discover other like-minded individuals who are not intimidated and who stand strong and resist. Kudos!

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Maybe they should investigate spiral fractures with Dr Mengele lite as a test subject. We could anchor his leg with beagles or lock him in the monkey's cages he tortured. Karma can be a bitch

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