Emerald. No . I had no idea I was being played for a fool. How would I ?

I was living my life honestly, working honestly, interacting with my friends and family honestly, and dealing with strangers honestly. I am not set up or equipped to read every single dishonest smoke and mirrors game being marched in front of my eyes 2 and 3 at a time . I am a citizen and taxpayer that hired politicians to do the business of "we the people". I did not hire the mob. And yet what we got Is the mob. So now who else should we add to this list? What politician or media person am I being set up by as I type ? Who will be the next con, where will the next false flag come from ? The entire game needs to be pulled down and seen for what it is. We are at, the turning.

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You're a citizen of the republic so it was your responsibility to pay serious attention to politics and hold the government to account. Do you think your children -- who will become slaves in the post-democratic tyranny that is coming -- will be content to hear that you were too busy living your life honestly to save the country? They will not be satisfied. Their freedom was lost on your watch.

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Emerald, I gave you an Excellent on the article but I have to agree with Doug. I did all the same things never liking or trusting Durham or Barr and have no way to "hold the government accountable" until election time and you know how that goes. I even volunteered as a poll watcher to help kill that crap. As for my kids and grand kids I talk to them and receive blank, uninterested stares so they too have a responsibility to protect their future and they are not.

If you have a secret way of "holding the government responsible" please print it.

I am more pissed than you because I am an old veteran watching my country go to hell so I encourage you to direct your vent specifically to those reading this who are embedded enemy and not loyal followers.

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Larry. Again, I do not believe Emerald read my comment as intended, however you certainly did and thank you.

When I see the rule of law gone, Hunters laptop , along w Anthony Weiner's, covered up by the the very agency that is supposed to uncover it. Ghesline Maxwells case not public but Johnny Depp's is ? When every concerned school mom is now a domestic terrorist, when Men now by declaration can be women and ruin women's sports . When our Border is WIDE OPEN for the cartel, drugs, child trafficking, Pharma mandating a jab but not to mandated for their own??, when 2000Mules is released yet no one in power is concerned or cares. Jack Maxey holding Hunter laptop files that are highly incriminating but now, no Jack Maxey to be found.

When writing senators and congressmen no longer matters, the only thing left I can think of is living my life as a good and honest person, or burning myself at the stake to get attention for this cause. What are our choices? I have a son as well. He and his friends answer is, when its at my door Ill deal with it. At this point I don't blame him. Answers and solutions please ?

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Doug, I'm getting more and more concerned that it's going to come down to burning them at the stake. Conservatives must get their head right that they may be called upon to do more than bang their keyboard in frustration on Twitter or the other useless "online" garbage websites. The one thing I give Democrats/Commies for is they are focused in their goal and will do anything to accomplish it. That is necessary in war and Republicans/Conservatives can only take the high road. That road does not lead to victory.

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I read ya right and agree. Keep being a pollwatcher, etc. as it is really all we can do until the shooting starts.

Which, since many of us have been to war for the same shams like Barr, means we pray that it will NOT happen.

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I hear ya, that's why I fear it. No one hates war more than a warrior!

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Thank you . i would like to hear from those with the "answer", whats actionable?

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Very well said Larry, I see the same lack of interest in a lot of younger people as to the urgency to fight against what’s happening to our country .. I’m a paid subscriber to Emerald’s journalism because I’ve respected her courage and honesty but this article is condescending and critical to the very people that are supportive to her and that are trying to do their part in the battle..

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I respectfully disagree. Emerald is just trying to shake us out of our chronic fantasy that "someone in the government" is going to inflict a deadly wound on themselves. She's sounding the alarm to get real - 'cuz that ain't gonna happen.

I'm not a veteran, but my dad was; 23 years USAF), and I'm more and more convinced that the Democrats only understand violence and threats to their life...after all, that's what they've been using since the George Floyd "opportunity" to change the narrative and destroy the "Make America Great Again" moment that Trump was creating.

Trump was proving that the government isn't necessary to our happiness or success...and the Left can't have us believing that (neither can the RINOS, BTW). So they started burning it all down. It will take the same kind of force to STOP THEM. Now - who will stand up and lead us?

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Thank you Barb

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Emerald you are lecturing the wrong person. 1- I am a monthly supporter of you. Only active and awake people are doing so.

2. I am constantly involved, constantly reading, and constantly spreading the word to all , supporting you, Matt T, Glen G, Jerm and others independent journalists while loosing 3 long time friends , one of over 20 years,

I am the last person who will feel bad about my role here.

What should I have done? Driven to Durhams house?

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I agree Doug. I think Emeralds "you" is meant for others. I never believed Durham was for real but was dumbfounded about how to change it. As for Bill Barr I don't think multiple four letter words will be printed here.

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larry t y. I also think Emerald might not of picked up on my sarcasm upon first reading.

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I think she is the only one who is!

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What was Franklin's line about our new country when asked what the founders created?

"A republic if you can keep it."

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We need to see, early and often, those republicans who claim to be part of any 'conservative' caucus, loudly, publicly, on TV call BS on this stuff.

A rock 'n' roll junkie called it out in '68:

"Raise your glass to the hard working people

Let's drink to the uncounted heads

Let's think of the wavering millions

Who needs leading, but get gamblers instead"

But we all joke about Keith Richards.

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Needs to be razed. Need another party

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You are the female version of Tucker Carlson. You have been prescient about so many things it's almost scary. I'm looking forward to the day when you'll have a bigger platform to share with the masses your great insight. I love your chutzpah and keep fighting these wretched liars.

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Your sentiment is well placed however, I think Emerald blows Tucker out of the water!

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Lol. I concur. If she were a male her balls would definitely be much larger.

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I think she's also the female version of Kurt Schlincter : )

Love her.

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It's not a competition.

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So true Emerald! Conservatives need to wake up and realize most Republicans are trying to retain power and make money off the government. They’re no different than Democrats.

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Justin Riemer, the chief counsel for the RNC, told Trumps team "We make more money when our guys lose" after being asked to provide some of the $200M to prove voter fraud in Dec 2020.

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You are correct as always, Emerald. However those of us who read Sundance at The Last Refuge knew 2 years ago that Bill Barr and John Durham were respectively the Bondo and cover-up paint to distract from and conceal the real individual and institutional-level crimes committed by myriad high officials in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept., the Congress (especially the SSCI and Gang of Eight), and multiple contractors who had violated security rules with the NSA database. Not to mention complicit members of legacy media who dutifully spread fabricated narratives as being "facts".

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And this is why I no longer celebrate July 4th. I’m sick of faux patriotism and graveyard whistling while the U.S. accelerates into tyranny. July 4th should be observed with reading the Declaration of Independence, and sorrowful reflection on the inheritance we surrendered.

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Hows that surrender working for you? It's only false patriotism if patriots refuse to defend their inheritance. Reading about it is like complaining about it -- useless. No one cares about your reflection or your sorrow, only your actions.

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Like I said, faux patriotism. Go wave your little flags and join in the herd congratulating each other on their “freedom”, after we surrendered our Bill of Rights to a virus panic, and then accepted a stolen election. My stomach isn’t strong enough for that kind of hypocrisy.

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Seriously, half of the country thinks the 2020 election was fair; they or their ancestors fought in our wars, and feel just as patriotic as the other half of the country. The gov't makes another hard push, the fighting patriots will awaken. Light a sparkler.

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Respectfully, then their view of “patriotism” differs completely from mine. I have no love for the state, only for the principles in our founding documents that the other side has rejected. Why would their ancestors have fought in wars, to secure affordable child care and defend bureaucrats who violate our Bill of Rights? Not a “patriotism” I want anything to do with. The millions who died in the Soviet’s Great Patriotic War were defending their homes, but also their own oppressors.

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That's why you lose.

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You nailed it, Emerald. 🎯

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Bravo! This is an excellent and important essay. It should be read by all americans, not just those who think Durham and Barr are heroes.

We are being lied to on a daily basis by the intelligence agencies and their "partners" in the media. Yet the main topics in the news are the Depp vs Heard trial and drag shows in elementary schools. I do not believe this is a coincidence.

Disband the FBI and CIA. Zero out their budgets. Demolish their headquarters and bury the rubble. Then pass a law that prohibits any of their employees from working in any law enforcement capacity up to and including dog catcher.

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At a point in time over 20 years ago, I heard a smart guy say that when the news media started giving the news only talking about celebrities, the weather, sports and the local police blotter, then you knew that the country was going down the shithole, and they were using MKUltra mind control to control the masses. I think President Trump awakened everyone to this madness by accusing the MSM of being "fake news" and the gov't bureaucrats and long-term Deep Staters of being just that--Deep Staters who want total control, power and all of your money.

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Wow. There are so many of us who believe what you just said. The question is beside running for local government or making a change at our local level, how do we win? I believe the answer is convention of the states. Time to fight back. As DC Draino said, the time to scare us about socialism is at the door is no longer here. It is HERE! This is a huge ploy to make us bow down to socialism regime! We no longer have a free country to leave for our children and their children. The answer is our STATES. Teach your children the truth about freedom! Keep fighting!!!

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Who do you say: "besides running for local government" since that is certainly the answer? There's no professional class of GOP politicians coming to save us. We must do it ourselves.

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That’s true.

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While a substantial part of the answer to your question IS peaceful, meaningful involvement by patriotic citizens at the state and local levels, I would strongly caution against the trap of a COS. For so many reasons, that movement is a setup for the structural collapse of the nation in a manner that serves the interests of global centralizers. Please see here: https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-american-suicide-proposals-for-constitutional-amendments-convention-with-dr-edwin-vieira-jr/

and listen to the excellent interview conducted by Catherine Austin Fitts here: https://audio.solari.com/sr2018/SpecialVieira.mp3

Regarding state/local work by citizens in a manner that avoids the traps set to confuse, divide and conquer, may I recommend following the work and info available here: https://rumble.com/user/ToreSays :)

Despite the extremely complex nature of the information landscape (and likelihood of substantial additional incoming attempts to confuse/disorient) there truly are ways through the mess that bring restoration and not destruction to our country. If you're a Christian, you already know the rock of His word that we have been given to stand on. Therefore stand on that word, even amidst an increase in challenging to interpret circumstances (as astounding as that sounds.)


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Convention requires 2/3 of states or both houses of congress. About half the country supports the emerging fascism. Well need other methods to get anything changed. If everyone convinces all their friends, we can start making progress. Until then, we can only try to adapt to fascism and try to prepare for much harder times.

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Seems that moderate Democrats, Hispanics and Blacks have heard the word also. They're starting to make waves at the new Communism rising.

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Yes there’s 19 and we need 15 more to make it. It will happen when everyone realizes that GOP does not have our back! We can’t sit idly by and allow fascism to happen.

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Ouch! I agree with what you wrote, and it needed to be said. I stopped trusting Durham only a short while back, after reading another of your pieces that made too much sense to ignore. Even so, it is a brutal conclusion to reach and most people do have trust in our institutions, unless and until they are persuaded to opt out of legacy media and start tuning in to alternative media, where the truth is told without manipulation. Thank you for giving those of us still trusting in Durham the slap in the face that we all needed, even though it stung a bit!

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I suspect most people realized Durhan wouldn't do anything when we saw the President was unable to get his own subordinates to prosecute anyone but himself. Neither the laws nor American traditions apply any longer. We have installed an autocracy and half the country is participating. The other half is tolerating it. The only changes we can expect are an increasing level of oppression, unless we remove the current government, root and branch, and replace it with rational managers who will take aggressive action to remove the seditious bureaucracies, discipline the corrupt media, and reform the failed education system which enables the accelerating collapse of civil society. Maybe it's not too late.

Trump took the presidency with a promise to drain the swamp. The swamp drained him. Nothing changed. Virginians flipped decades of dem rule to install rep reformers. Nothing has changed. The congress is predicted to flip to rep control in November. If so, nothing will change, just the faces in the televised committees. The words will sound the same.

Until we the people take control of our government, nothing will change. Government designed to be for the people must be managed by the people. Otherwise it is not government of the people, just rule by the tyrants who seek to control us. It's up to us. We will get exactly the government we deserve. We only deserve what we work for. Get to work.

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This is so true. I saw Josh Hawley on Tucker last night - talking (I believe) about gun violence. At one point Hawley said, "We need to pass stronger laws...blah, blah, blah..."

At that point I yelled at the TV and said, "NO, dammit!!! You need to ENFORCE THE LAWS THAT ARE ALREADY ON THE BOOKS!"

I realized then that he's now been in Washington too long; he's just another voice in the monotone echo chamber.

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As Reagan said, 80% enemy is still 20% friend. Everybody has value, nobody is perfect. Success comes from making best use of all resources, and limiting damage when they fail.

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Is there no one in leadership who gives a damn? I knew 95% of politicians and those leading were out for themselves and purposely pulling down the USA. Is it 100%? Sure seems like it. I will never go down without a fight but I am realizing now, more than ever, that it will be a very lonely place when the battle comes to a head. God help us!

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I thought we might get somewhere...until the bonehead with the bagpipes reappeared. He laid low until they needed to have him reappear as a distraction. It might have been a good act earlier in the show. But, they have tried to play us too many times. Time to move the FBI out to Fargo, North Dakota and demolish the DC building.

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Why would you want to corrupt Fargo?

The FBI (& etc.) is unsalvageable - our Founders NEVER, EVER would have created such an organization, for it empowers the very government they were trying to keep from having such power.

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You miss the point. None of the stars of Pennsylvania Avenue would humble themselves for 10 minutes by even showing up in Fargo.

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I say this with a wry smile and sarcasm…

Damn your prediction. I think we all knew deep down but you can’t blame us for having some measly dying hope that maybe, just maybe.

If a Republican wins in 2024, they need to have plans to shock & awe the crooks, politician and even career bureaucrats of the fbi and DOJ and clean their f’n house.

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Only if We The People hold a knife to the throats of the newly elected...

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quoting Sundance from a couple of years ago re: damage control - "Barr is the bondo, Durham is the paint"

I accepted long ago there are two sets of rules. I also do all I can to push back. I raked John McCornyn over the coals Monday a week ago on a Houston radio show and it was the topic of that guys show right up until Cornyn got booed at the GOP convention.

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Clarity, lucidity and insight! That's why I subscribe Emerald. We share the same frustration over being told to sit down and let the round up of Democrat criminals begin. The D.C. Swamp is bigger and deeper than any of us imagined.

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So sad that's all so true. There was never any plan.

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Don't get sad, get even.

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In a sense, but with wisdom and discernment an extreme requirement.

Rom. 12:19 ...never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

I wouldn't underestimate the extent to which the corrupt structures of leadership will soon try to go to force Americans into the types of responses that will serve them and not us. It should be discernable how the stage is being set. Never give an enemy what he's trying to maneuver you into giving.

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